Half price Milo. Lowest it's ever been according to price hipster.
Milo 450g $3.15 @ Woolworths
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I like my Milo with Otis
That's what I said.
I like my Milo with Milo
I eat this stuff “neat“, and for that reason I don't buy it.
I eat this stuff “neat“
Do you use a bib?
As Aussie as a mug of Milo is, people should be aware that the powder is 46 per cent sugar.
The hero we don't need
4.5 stars holy shit
someone got treated to a lobster dinner and a red panty nightThe health stars/ticks scam is a marketing exercise where businesses pay to have their product proclaimed as healthy for idiots to see even though it literally consists of half sugar.
The rating should be like an average score between like a board of hundreds of independent nutritionists or scientists in universities or something. I see diet lemonade have 2 stars out of 5 and I'm thinking, that's 40/100, near a passing grade for something that's basically water and a shitload of chemicals and bubbles which break down the enamel of your teeth which still messes with your blood-sugar in the long run and puts your insulin levels out of whack
.Milo marketing is for morons. I spent half my life thinking it was a health food after being educated by marketing like a moron.
Thanx, I should buy then because it's sweet.
Great value . Almost as cheap as the amazon deal for 1.5kg tin, but this is much better IMO, as with smaller tin I tend to always use more sparingly, compared to scooping out of the big tins.
I think this works similarly with many things, if have large supply in package, you tend to go through it faster, compared to smaller packet with smaller amount. Eg. If I buy the big 500gram pack of lollies, I will munch threw the 200grams of the large pack, much faster than if I am eating from a 200gram small pack.
I will probably buy about 10 tins of 450gram, but put the other 9 away in cupboards I rarely open. Out of site out of mind.By the time I get to “and one scoop for good luck”, my glass is half filled with raw milo.
white sugars cheaper
Punctuation is free.
P.u.n.c.t.u.a.t.i.o.n! i/s f,r,e,e?
are cheaper*
I used to put Milo on my oats. I now use blueberries instead.
Thanx for the information, you are so healthy.
Do you also sleep at 9pm and wake up at 5am to 'hit the gym'?
what a sarcastic health-shamer!
Don't drink/eat this garbage.
What is an alternative to milo?? cheers
I like my Milo with Oats…