I thought this was pretty cheap considering they are selling 160GB one for $448, I didnt think 250GB PS3 was available this cheap elsewhere
PS3 console 250GB, EB Games $399

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The reason is simple, the 250GB are older stock, they are from the same time as the 120GB Slim models (first generation Slim) second generation Slim models are 160GB and 320GB models which have different GPU/CPU that use less power and create less heat. Nothing wrong with 1st gen Slim models though, I have one myself and it runs 24/7 (quite literally)
actually there were two versions of the 120/250gb. the 2nd gen 120/250gb from what i remember are basically the exact same as the 160/320.
why the negs, i thought this was true
lol yea weird, just stating some facts.
stated here under configurations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3_hardware
just make sure its the newer CECH 21xx models when you're purchasing
on the website:
The difference it said in the description is an extra line at the HDMI:
BRAVIA Sync is now supported in the new 120GB and 250GB PS3.http://www.ebgames.com.au/ps3-148732-250GB-PlayStation-3-Pla…
http://www.ebgames.com.au/ps3-151648-160GB-PlayStation-3-Pla…That doesn't make sense, the newer models doesn't support BRAVIA sync?
im pretty sure that sort of stuff would be software based, in which case all ps3 with latest firmware would support bravia sync (i could be wrong here). The main difference however, could be that these are older model ps3's with different hardware (gpu/cpu) this doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, but it could be quite old stock.
Bravia sync came out when the slims were released. I'd find it unusual that the new slims wouldn't support it.
They do support it, EB are morons.
Yes EB are morons, but that being said Sony are the only modern console manufactures that consistently remove features from their console each time they release a new version of hardware or OS.
So it wouldn't surprise me that the later models didn't support it :)
Sooner or later they will release a PS3 firmware that removes the ability to play games.
Maybe later they'll kill blu-ray too and you'll just have a black box that does nothing. Think of how thin they could make a new revision if it didn't need internals. Super-slim PS3 ftw.
What is bravia sync? I have a sony bravia XBR 40" and a ps3 40gb both about 2 or 3 years old but never heard of bravia sync before?
I won a ps3 slim from channel 7 as well but im thinking I will sell that unless there is a big difference to my phat one?
The Bigger one is much better in terms of spec, The Fat PS3 can play PS1 PS2 and of course PS3 Games but the slims cant. Its also a harder to get a 40Gb or 60GB ps3 model as they dont make them anymore making it a nice collectors item.
Only the 60GB Fat PS3 can play PS2 games (and even then not all of them). Slims can still play PS1 games as well, all PS3s can play PS1 games.
As for collector item status, I can see the 60GB one become a collector's item because it's the only one that can play PS2 games or else not really.
I know the 40GB was more expensive to make and apparently made out of better parts. I even prefer the look of it to the slim. Im just thinking that the slim will take up less space and also it would have a dualshock controller rather than the sixaxis in my 40gb.
And yeah only the 60gb can play PS2 games.. thats why they still sell and fetch good money.
40GB was more expensive to make because it used more expensive, older outdated techonology for it's processor (90nm in 60GB and 65nm in 40GB). PS3s now days use 45nm tech hence cheaper to make.
As for better parts that is debateable as Sony don't release that sort of info.
From my experience and looking about PS3 models for a while, my advice is to sell the 40gb model (or the fat ones) before they get YLOD (Yellow light of Death)
With the fatter models, the cooling system is not as efficient as the slimmer models, and tends to overheat with extended use.
Overtime, this can can cause something like a burn out after a couple of years.
Its called Yellow light of death cos when you switch on the console, the light flashes red, then yellow and then turns off.
You won't be able to play anymore, and if your unlucky like me, the last disc that you were playing gets stuck in thereA lot of people are selling their fat models due the YLOD, and using the money to buy the slimmer models with a better cooling system and less chance of YLOD
If you take it to Sony to get it fixed, they charge $250 to repair it with only 3mth warranty (Another chance to get YLOD)For anyone wanting to buy a used 40,60 or 80gb model, on ebay be wary, as some people fix the YLOD, but its only temporary before the system overheats and you get YLOD again. (Check to see if the seal on the back of the model has been broken to fix YLOD before purchasing)
Best thing I can advise if go to EB, buy their pre owned models (includes 12mth warranty) and an extended 2 more years warranty is only $60.(bringing it to a total of 3 years warranty)
Covers you incase you get YLODIve managed to haggle a 160gb pre owned to 350.00 but just waiting for prices to drop more..
PS3 repair options are so narrow when its only really paying sony $250 flat and postage. Its reason enough to consider switching to gaming on the PC platform.
You'll need it to. EB stores around here dont bother to test trade-in systems at all. So the chance of getting a flaky unit is high.
Am I the only one who thinks PS3 are overpriced even at $399? I mean look at the Xbox 360+ Kinect $299 deal and the current Aussie dollar exchange rate. Sony should really drop the price to $299.
$299 and I won't touch it
$199 and I will consider it(pfft…Broden)
$150 and i will take it ;)The $299 xbox kinect bundle is just the arcard version with no hard drives, no bluray player and no free online. To buy a 250GB hard drive it would cost you an extra $150-200, bluray player $150 and online play cost around $100 per year. It could potentially cost around $950 for three years which is way more costly then the PS3 which makes the PS3 much better value for money. It is also one of the best multimedia player. Alot of people don't realise this though. hope this helps.
Not arguing with your logic, but just FYI, the Xbox 360 250Gb hard drives were actually less than $100 at BigW in the same week as Kmart had the $299 Xbox/Kinect package.
I know it's got BluRay and 250GB hdd but you also forgot about the Kinect Sensor with a game which is worth at least $150. That makes the Xbox360 4GB console $149 only. As to the most important features of a video game system (graphics, audio, networking ability, and number of game titles on each platform) they are almost the same. That's why I think $299 should be fair price for a PS3 ($150 extra cost goes to bluray drive and hard disc is more than enough).
I think Kinect is quite overpriced. You can pick up the Move starter pack which includes controller, camera and bluray disk for around $60.
The move starter pack doesnt include the nav controller (which you will need for FPS games).
Also, it doesnt include the equipment for a second player (looking at $80 per person, for both the move+nav controllers, using the best online prices).The cost of kinect equates to the cost of move for two people.
Or, if you got kinect for $113 when big W had it on special, BARGAIN.
when i was in america, i bought a 320gb usa slim console with champion sports game, grabbed a navigation move controller, a copy of ea sports active, a copy of nba2k11 and the gt4 complete edition for around $520 US with sales tax, which is a way better bundle than the local sellers, so its definately overpriced but what can we do if we can only buy local?
All you have to do is change the powercord, all I did was borrow the powercord from my ps2 and its all good
@ Tal_Shiar
Arn't PS3 Games region locked, or is it just the Blue-ray Movies? thanks!
Just some movies, not even all of them to be honest.
Good Deal, Bluray player as well as a Playstation works for me at that price
Went to EB today…these are the CECH 21xx models..so they are just like the current 160/320gb models, but with a different sized HDD.
Gave in and got one, model cech2102b
How… strange.
My guess is that it's for Easter-time only? Or perhaps it's just a mistake? I mean, it's EB after all.
Still, good for those who don't have a PS3 yet. Get on it!