Has Anyone Ever Succeeded in Getting through to Belong NBN Customer Support?

I've been trying to get through their 1300 235 664 number and all I got is the bureaucratic run around by the automated voice menu.

I've been going around through "Techincal Support", "Check On Your NBN Order" and many other menu options but they all end with "Could we help you with anything else? To return to the Main Menu press "1" or to end the call just hang up."

They could just have saved my time and just started the call with "Hello! Welcome to Belong! Just hang up now!"

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  • +4

    Switch to AussieBB if you can. Better line speeds, better support, no contract. Occasional deals posted here too.

    • That's not what I asked.

      • +14

        It's better advice than someone answering "Yes, I have ever succeeded in getting through to Belong NBN customer support".

        Ok, so I called their number and pressed 2 for help, don't have an account number so just pressed # then options 1, 1, 1. They carried out a 'line healthcheck' which took 1 second because no number, then had a choice of issues with setting up or ongoing issues so pressed 2. About 6 mins of annoying techno boom boom music and lady answered.

        There's your answer.

        • -8

          Thank you.

  • +3

    No I've never tried.

    • +6

      No one calls customer support these days. They just post the question on ozbargain.

  • Yes. And they suck.

  • +6

    Why did you choose Belong over Aussie Broadband? As per what the other guy said - switch providers ASAP - switch today, don't delay.

    • +1

      Thank you for being the nth repeated promotional marketing for ABB that I've heard in the past month.

      I have not chosen any service provider yet and would like to do my research of available NBN providers out there rather than flock straight for one raved service provider at the drop of a hat… And let's be frank: ABB isn't cheap.

      • +7

        There's a reason everyone raves about them and it's not because we're associated or corporate shills. They're just damn good with no throttling speeds and good phone service when you need it. Also they don't have long term contracts so go with them and if you're not satisfied, cancel after the month is up.

        They're not the cheapest, sure, but rather pay little more to get the maximum of what I signed up for, rather than save $5-10 a month and get a crappy throttled line slow broadband service that'll frustrate you for choosing cheap option.

        • +3

          Yes, and I understand their pricing for better services. But again, I'm not going to head straight for one service provider until I have convinced myself after my own research of alternatives.

          That's how you work a free market. This isn't an iPhone market.

          • @Game R: What research exactly are you going to do? clearly you are ignoring the MANY people telling you to go with ABB.

            Not once has speaking to customer support been a way to research if they are anygood.

          • +1

            @Game R: I'm looking to churn from ABB to Superloop - better pricing (similar to Belongs) and a better network (than ABB, in theory).

            Would definitely recommend checking them out.

        • I'm with ABB. Have been with Internode, Teleron, Telstra and I have to say, ABB has been outstanding.

          Internode was a close second (haven't used Internode for a few years)

  • Yes. I talked to them to try to sort out my belong mobile. Only to be told by the NBN team that they can't help.

    Belong sucks

  • +3

    Their support is Australian based, but under staffed and of mixed usefulness.
    I had to call them four times to get an issue fixed. Fastest answer was 20mins+. I gave up at the 30min mark a couple of times. 45mins happened.
    Took me almost a week to get it sorted as there were some days I didn't have a spare hour to wait on hold.

    I TIO complained and got a quick call from that team (answer, you can leave without penalty) but they have performed the service adequately since.
    I will churn to another provider in preference to ever calling them again.

    Price and throughput is good. Latency is mixed/poor. Numerous minor outages.
    I'm on NBN VDSL, very close to the pillar.

  • +2

    I am sure that at some stage they would have said "your call is important to us"…….JOKE

  • Had to get the TIO involved to get a hold of someone.

  • I like Belong.

    • My experience with Belong NBN has been good. However, I have fibre to the home and I have never had to call for support in the 4 years I have been a customer. I get very close to the 50 / 20 megabits line speeds promised. There has been occasional downtime after midnight but it came back within an hour and before I can get my act together to contact them.

      They seem to identify you by your mobile number so it may be best to use that number to call them. If your are not on a mobile operator that allows you effectively unlimited calls then it may be time to do it now because long support times seem to be the normal. I use Aldi for mobile because I don't like more than one egg in any basket. It gets too hard to change services.

  • +2

    Switch to AussieBB if you can. Better line speeds, better support, no contract. Occasional deals posted here too.

    • OP doing research.OP might be good to be googling and reading reviews. Alot of people have more good experiences with Aussie BB. Hence why they are independently promoted so much by customers. If you've never had a frustrating experience with another telco or provider you'll know. Try my republic. Not. Hopeless IMO.

  • Would you people stop spruiking ABB - if you keep it up, we'll have the socialists in and spilling lager on the carpet!!!

    • It is funny isn't it. We spruik a non bargain provider on OZB. At the end of the day you can go onto whatever provider you can afford. Just don't post a thread complaining about how bad the service is with that provider. You get what you pay for in this field just at the moment. I'm sure there are happy customers as well with Belong or other very price compeditive providers. Its all good when it goes well. When you need to complain and cant get through that is time wasting which I don't have time to spend or want do waste time on sitting on the phone.

      • True - but bargains aren't always about price. I don't think an S9 is 80 times better than a Telstra/Optus badges $100 burner, but a $800 S9 would go pretty quick:-)

  • OK here is my bit of Spruiking (Not ABB)

    Cheapest ADSL2+ and NBN providers are Spintel and Exetel.

    Im with Spintel ADSL2+ and they have fairly good customer service.

  • At the risk of receiving a well deserved beating for appearing to ignore their BS exit fee and non-refundable deposit, I'm actually finding TPG NBN to be quick, low ping for gaming, and pretty cheap at $70pm for the 50 tier.

    • Shh.. - You'll give away the secret plan to persuade people to leave nd/or not sign up with your own provider, giving you the whole pipe to yourself…

      ABB have three things going for them, Local support [ not a racist thing for me, more an understanding of local dialect and idiom when describing problems, even if Indian English can fairly claim to be the world standard by numbers…], a restriction on sign-ups to match capacity and redundancy on most POIs.

      Other providers can provide equivalent service in some areas, and TPG help is fine [ unless you are trying to leave (snarkle)]. Where Belong seem to fall down is their provision of support.

      • You're right, why I am so dumb will never be clear to me, as an inescapable consequence of said stupidity.

        Don't use TPG. They are shifty AF, and Chinese, which if you haven't noticed is the greatest threat to our safety. They are blocking torrent sites and it's really hard to get around this using the built-in VPN in opera browser (just repeating what the internet says I don't really understand the meaning of these words).

  • +1

    so… for anyone reading this that may be interested. I have just swapped from ABB to belong (price)
    and here is how my speeds compare.

    Sydney: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085844496 95.4/36.48
    LA: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085869138 67.41/14.91
    London: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085871627 12.37/2.77

    Sydney: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085852736 95.72/36.16
    LA: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085860882 95.3/14.05
    London: https://www.speedtest.net/result/8085875220 71.39/3.51

    • ABB to LA and London is so much better than Belong.
      Do you any have problems with Belong so far?
      I am looking at a good ISP for streaming videos from oversea sites.

  • OMG!
    This is exactly what I'm feeling after trying to call Belong a million times. It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to speak to someone!!!!!

    Can anyone advise a method of actual VERBAL communication with this company?!?


    • I suspect the problem is that their system links your number to your account and this results in all the dead ends call options.

      Try calling using an unregistered number that isn't linked to any Belong account and they'll treat you like a potential new customer and will bend over backwards to get you to a call staff.

      • I wish that were the case. I've only called them from my non-belong mobile number

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