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[Switch] Mario Tennis Aces $55.19, Octopath Traveler $55.19, Pokken Tournament $55.19, Captain Toad $39.20 @ Amazon AU

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So I noticed a few price drops I thought would be nice to share, best deal here I reckon is Captain Toad. But some other lower prices than usual for Nintendo.

Captain Toad $39.20(amazon.com.au)
Mario Tennis Aces $55.19(amazon.com.au)
Octopath Traveler $55.19(amazon.com.au)
Pokken Tournament $55.99(amazon.com.au)
Switch Sushi Striker: Way of the Sushido $26.59(amazon.com.au)
DOOM $49.60(amazon.com.au)
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus $49.60(amazon.com.au)

Hopefully these help someone out! Especially those who got shafted on The Good Guys Xbox One deal and need some happy Nintendo related fun in their lives.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Don't forget 6% Shopback too.

  • +3

    octopath traveller is pretty tempting! thanks for posting OP

    • Yeah it is a shame it isn't the $30 it was at Target, but that one turned out to be a wild goose chase for me! I actually grabbed Octopath and Captain Toad for myself from this list :)

      • Is toad the exact same as on wii u?

        • +2

          It has I think 4 new stages and some tacked on co-op mode but it's 95% the same.

        • +4

          + 4 new levels
          + removed amiibo locked mode
          + improved camera zoom options
          + no more blowing into a microphone to raise platforms

          - 3D World levels removed to include the 4 new levels lol (wtf?)
          - Hidden Cat Mario and Peach in each level have been completely removed

          If you have the Wii U version, $20 is probably a better asking price, for everyone else, this is good.

  • +2

    Thanks OP I'm tempted by Octopath Traveler, despite knowing I'd be forever bothered by the knowledge it was $30 at Target a few weeks ago.

    • Haha yeah I know them feels. It was such a goose chase though. The staff in CBD Target were so frustrated when I went in and asked if they had stock as if 1000 OZBargainers had already done the same thing.

      • Maybe they should print a notice "To all OZB asking for Octopath, No STOCK !"

    • lucky me got a price match from EB, otherwise it wouldve bug me forever too…

    • Luckily, I got it after found out there is no stock at all in the target, and tried several eb, they had price matched for me.

  • Cool thanks OP, got Octo and Tennis =)

  • Whats the cheapest mario tennis aces has been?

    • Think this is it. It was $56 in November last year at Amazon

      • Seems like a good price but holding out for a digital sale.

        • You're going to be waiting a while.

    • Anyone have tennis? Is it any good? I’ve read average reviews so far.

      • It's worth buying if you have others to play with. It's in rotation at games nights.

  • Wish Pokken Tournament would go down in price, the demo is quite fun!

    • Those are good prices for Nintendo 1st party (notorious for staying RRP forever), wouldn't expect to see them at much more of a bargain outside of a major clearance.

    • I didn't even realise it held it's value… I never got into it after I got it with my Switch but it's on my todo list to learn.

    • -1

      Had pollen tournament for two days. Sold it. Worst game ever :(

      • +14

        Yeah Hayfever Tournament sucked.

  • Anyone know how to search so only the games on sale come up?

    • +3

      I went through like 20 pages, and know the prices of the games pretty well, these are the sale items as far as I am concerned.

  • +1

    Thanks! Got an Octopath Traveler.

    • +1

      It is good game, worthy of 50bucks

  • +5

    Captain toad is a cracking good game. Give it a shot.

    • +1

      Looked up a review and Captain Toad certainly looks like a nice casual puzzler. Picked up a copy myself!

  • +1

    Can anyone recommend Wolfenstein?

    • +4

      wolf and doom are not titles that are must have for the switch, if you have other platforms get them there first.

    • Watched a few youtube videos, and i decided to grab one for myself. It’s great to have a first person and one player only shooting game for my collection, definitely worth to try.

    • Wolfenstein 2 is a good shooter, however not great. The gameplay is fluid and it has some cool moments. The downside is that it does not have many weapons, there are some and you can upgrade them. The cut scenes are also quite long with many of them, and they are mainly focused around the characters. You also spend some time going around a hub with npc characters in between action missions searching on where the next destination is around a submarine.

      Doom on switch for $50 seems high though. This is $12 on pc at cdkeys and $25 (non sale) on steam. I guess switch gamers must be very loyal.

      With these sort of fast paced shooters, you would really want to be on a keyboard and mouse. It's totally different playing on a little controller given how precise and quick the shooting aspect is.

  • Nice! Picked up Toad. Octopath is excellent, actually was worth picking up the collectors edition for.

  • I bothered to finish it, but didnt like toad at all on wii u. It was never good or bad, just sits on average the whole time. If you like the demo (I think there is one?) then you'll like the full game

    Octopath beware also comes up average in reviews. I have no personal experience with it

  • +1

    Octopath definitely is a great game to play with and you must have one for your Switch. Overall, this game presenting perfectly from the beginning to the end, specially I Love the BGM. I got it a few weeks ago with the $30 sale.

    Also, I’ve just ordered Captain Toad, Mario Tennis and Wolfenstein 2. Tried to price match at JB but seems they r refused to price match for me, and told me that the Wolfenstein 2 they stock them for $56 (lol, not believing them)

  • EB games did not price match. Went to JB HiFi. Asked me if I was a prime member in amazon. Showed them Iam and instant price match. JB HiFi price matches Amazon AU if you are a prime member :)

  • Mario Tennis is great.

  • +2

    Dammit I bought Captain Toad not remembering I already bought it!!! Now what!? Hahahaha

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