Free 500 ml ice cream tub from the 7-Eleven Fuel app.
Thanks to the moderators and power users who clean up deals written with one hand whilst eating ice cream.
Free 500 ml ice cream tub from the 7-Eleven Fuel app.
Thanks to the moderators and power users who clean up deals written with one hand whilst eating ice cream.
They won't need to. The scanners in many stores have stopped working.
Whole family got one. 3 different stores. No issues here. We have $24 worth of ice cream for dessert tonight.
I literally just got back from the 7 eleven after getting the eltham fuel lock.
Nothing on my app
Yeh nothing in mine either. Close n opened etc. Still no deal
It's there now for me because it just ticked past midnight in qld :)
Wow, I don't expect there to be any stock.
These are worth $8.
Cost $8, worth…?
Coles sells similar tubs for $6 normally.
but we only buy them when they are half price, right? :-)
Cheers OP, on my way now
After the last freebies being sold out I figured to go early since I'm awake anyway.
Here's a picture so you can see the varieties and stock levels.
I'm guessing it's similar for all 7 Elevens.
Holy smokes. They are awesome for $8, but $6??? Beyond worth it!!! But free? @_@
I will be stocking the freezer during this promotion period don’t you worry.
Best one yet. Thanks OP!
Ah shit I was only there an hour ago.
Got one! Nice one Scrooge. Will be thinking about you tonight while eating it all and again tomorrow morning : )
2 scoops and a banana would make a yummy sundae. Enjoy!
Any flavour recommendations?
Mehhh too cold
No account needed.
Plenty at the 7 Eleven near Eureka Tower Melbourne
Cookies and Creme, Strawberry Cheesecake, Lamington, Double Chocolate, (Choc?) Mint were the flavours I saw
Still quite a few left at that store: picked up a tub of strawberry cheesecake about 20 minutes ago.
Success at Southern Cross Melbourne (Collins St) - notorious for finding ways to circumvent the daily freebies last month.
And they have heaps, all flavours in stock!
Now to hide it in the work freezer and pray someone doesn't find and steal :)
put it in a bag marked Medical Waste
Southern cross has no Chocolate or Cookies and Creme left and claims the code doesn’t work for the other flavours (mint lamination and caramel).
EDIT: they’re (profanity) liars; went to another store and code works fine on Mint so buy all of them and give the old dude there the finger for me. We really should report these guys
I reported the North Melbourne store due to scanning issues.
Contact the head office on Facebook and the form on their site.
Work doesn't have a termination due to lunch thief policy?
Can't wait to get my free tub. My spoon is very excited!
which stores actually stock these? None at the one outside Blacktown station
Got mine from 7-Eleven Croydon Park. Only 6 or 7 left, and the staff took one herself after scanning my offer.
Cheap 98, free ice cream….sounds like a clever trap.
Can you get any flavor or only the one in the app?
Can you get multiple via screenshot at multiple 711?
All flavors. One per 7-11 account
Can you get multiple via screenshot at multiple 711?
Each barcode is single use and reqires factory reset to get another barcode. So one option, if you have a spare phone (or I guess NOX android emulator on PC worls also) is to take;
screen shot,
Email screen shot to self,
Factory reset, install app
Screen shot again,
Email to self….
Then you will have several screen shotted valid codes, ready for your use. Just by opening emails.
Also, always best practice (due to app, phone Internet instability) to screen shot barcode before, even if it is just outside store before you go in. You don't want to have code fail to load at register, then have to go outside to get better reception, then go back and line up again etc.
Got 🍓 cheesecake….. He thought would not work but no issues…$8 eaten!
No way! I grab cheese cake tub, the cashier say its only for fudge, I insist he scan it to try but didn't go through wtf.. My dodgy local 7eleven,you've done it again.
I got multiple at SAME 7/11 with screenshots. She went behind the store to double check screenshots were ok. I told her I can log in too if required - they are accounts of my family members who won’t drive just to redeem. Getting multiple at same store is store-specific. Some will let you and some won’t.
Not sure why you are getting negged for this? Thanks for the info and have a plus from me. Cheers.
About 8 left of the Lamington and a couple of the Mint Choc left at Elizabeth St store as of about 20 mins ago.
None at the Bathurst St and George St (opposite QVB) stores (don't think they stocked them).
Only Lamington left. Still about 8 more in stock.
Got yhe mint one.
A lot left on pitt street nearcentral station.
Just grabbed one at Caulfield station 7-11 and still some more in the stock. Thanks for the post guys 😍
got one at 7-eleven southencross station, at least 20 tubs left.
I always get that dirty cheap skate look when I come in and redeem free stuff at 7/11
Me too. I get rounded shoulders and my clothes quickly become disheveled. My voice croaky.
Lunch sorted for today. Thanks OP.
Sorry for the amateur question.
But do 7-Eleven still provide free spoons?
I looked a bit strange walking to Coles for the post-Christmas ice cream deals, so I'm trying to avoid any knifey-spooney jokes this time around.
Can confirm:
Individually wrapped spoons
I had lamington ice cream so didn't need the sauce.
Where were the spoons? As I took my own!
It was a horizontal wooden shelf in Kensington NSW. I think under donuts and stuff.
When I walk down the street eating supermarket ice cream with my metal spoon I try to make the spoon look light, as if it's one of those deluxe faux-metal plastic spoons. People didn't look at me like "there goes Mr Fancyspoon with his fancy spoon" so I'm probably not doing it right.
P.S. lucky they weren't handing out free steaks or we could end up in all sorts of trouble.
Picked one up before heading to work, one of the three tubs in stock, got the strawberry cheesecake. Thanks OP.
Annnnnnd it'll be gone.
There's still a few near the 7/11 near central station (the one near mad mex)
Which state :)
Nsw bud :)
My offer is valid tomorrow 2/feb
You’re reading the date wrong. It’s in American style 2/1/19 means 1st of Feb. also if you look closer it says valid today only
There goes my plan for diet… late for work so planned to get a banana and free dollar coffee, now im munching away on 500ml of cookies n cream while questioning my life choices
Don't forget the pancake parlour when it gets over 30 ;)
Just ate half a litre of ice cream for breakfast. I feel the opposite of shame
Bloated with sugary pride
Living the dream.
Heaps at 7-11 Johnson St Collingwood, each flavour has about 5-10 tubs each at least.
Thanks OP :) Local store had heaps of stock of about 6 different flavours. Looking forward to trying the What The Fudge!
‘Error. Please try again’ is what I’m getting. Other promotions work fine on the app.
Same here, but weirdly it works if I'm signed out of my profile? But then the other offers error out.
I spoke to their customer service and was told, if the offer was clicked prior to signing in, then the offer will only show up when you are not signed in. So that’s the reason for the error coming up when signed in.
They also said if you use a different account on the app to claim a freebie, it will give an error, as the same offer was claimed on that device with another account.
I managed to get the offer up, and scored a lamination flavour. There were still about 5 left at noble park 7-Eleven.
Stock in North Melbourne and Southern Cross. None at King/Bourke and William St.
Awesome. Grabbed one at George St & Herschel St Bris
edit 9:33 bris time - my co-worker just returned and it's out of stock.
Plenty left at Success 7/11 in WA.
I imagine nothing ever goes wrong in Success, WA.
Last month would have been quite a treat.
"Sorry there, sonny boy, we just gave away the last sausage roll to Davy just then."
Pffssssshhhhhh. Beep, beep, beep.
"Well, whadayano, the 7-Eleven sausage roll truck just pulled in. They're all cooked and ready to go!"
use by date?
About 1 h after purchase.
You are slow. Does it really take 1 hour?
Sometimes it takes all night!
None at Melbourne Central and Flagstaff…
None in Brisbane CBD at Aurora, Creek Street, Adelaide Street or Mimi Corner (Queen St Mall).
George St has a few Lamington flavoured ones only.
All the 7-11 stores i visited were clean out of them, I reckon staff hid them. No way they were all out by 9am.
Small amount of stock left at Nunawading South, VIC. Only Choc, Caramel and Lamington flavours left.
Two lamingtons left at South Brisbane, U took the mint one
Heaps at Karingal, a few left at Carrum Downs, Victoria
Heaps left at strathfield…
Plenty left Jamisontown NSW.
When I went up to the counter with my caremal flavour the lady said it was fudge only for free. I said I thought it said variety’s.
She said I will scan and see which allowed any flavour for free.
I had the same thing happen to me. Scanned and what do you know it worked.
Woohoo actually got one!!!
I went in early and I swear the old owner guy nearly shed a tear handing it over.
My local 711s are super shifty and the only free I got last month was one iced coffee.
So this tastes even better!!
Did you stand there eating it in front of him
ask him if he wants a spoon if he stares back
Hahaha our local just covered the doors with 6 big boxes so no one could open the freezer doors. Makes me laugh.
My local 7.11 said the one in the picture only (on app), which conveniently was out of stock. All other flavours were in stock. I told him it says varieties to which he said no only pictured one.
There was a queue behind me so I didn't bother.
Might try again tonight.
The dude at my 7/11 said the same thing. i mentioned it said "variety" and to try scanning it.
Worked … got my free deluxe chocolate.
Got the Fudge and the Lamington one
my local one got sold out! :(
I walked into the Hoppers Crossing store and went to the ice cream fridge and the lady at the counter yelled across that the store that the ice cream is free if you download the App. Its funny how different stores react to the freebies. She said they usually get a box of the free stuff that day. She even offered to go out the back to see if there were more flavours.
OMG the Salted Caramel was amazing.
I just ate my tub for lunch.
awesome - except for the sugar jitters.
I shared mine with 4 others at work. Kind of regret sharing it out after tasting it. I was very tempted to sign up for a second account and getting a second tub or just going a scoping out the icecream from my work mates bowl, like a 2 year old. I resisted doing both.
Still some left at cnr Elizabeth and Franklin Streets in Melb CBD. I've found the staff there are quite friendly and don't hide any of the freebies.
41 minutes past midnight.
7-eleven staff have probably hid all of the stock 42 minutes ago…