tl;dr Clean your portable air conditioners everyone! I just did and I was surprised how dirty it has gotten over the years!
I know PACs are inefficient etc, but we've had one for 4 years and it has helped a lot on extremely hot days in that time. I noticed that the air from it smelled a bit musty, and whilst I clean the rear removable filter on the back regularly, there is an intake on the side that doesn't have a filter on it to clean. So I took it apart and man, SO. MUCH. DUST. I didn't realise that it could trap so much. They really should make them more dust proof/easier to clean than having to take off all the housing…
This video of a guy cleaning one for the first time in 11 years gives a good idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Vqz93uNYZY
But if you want to see pics of mine they are here:
Side intake
Rear Intake
Inside exhaust mould 1
Inside exhaust mould 2
Tt… thanks?