Today I went to apple store to get my battery fixed since the battery is reducing faster than before.
They said they are going to do some “diagnostic” test and said my battery is perfectly fine and said it still have 99% of capacity. My device is still under warranty, I believe that they are bullshiting since they either don’t want to replace my battery or my iPad (since the person who served me claim apple don’t replace battery but give you a new iPad which is also bullshiting to me since it says on apple website they offer replacement battery for free under warranty or 139 if warranty is finished).
I highly believe that 99% capacity is absolute bullshit since I use my iPad from day to night streaming watching and facebooking 14h/7 days for the past 1 anda half years, that’s 548 days= 548 + charges and they tell me my iPad battery degrade by 1%. Like come on my MacBook Air battery reduces from like 5148 to like 4200 at least in that time frame.
What’s your view and your experience with apple in regards to asking for apple to replace your iPhone or iPad battery.
P.S. has anyone have their ipad battery replaced by apple
apple lazy employees just swap new IP6 instead of replacing batteries