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Free eBook: Kali Linux Cookbook - Second Edition @ packtpub


Enjoy :)

Corey P. Schultz, Bob Perciaccante
Sep 2017
438 pages

What will you learn

  • Learn how to scan networks to find vulnerable computers and servers
  • Hack into devices to control them, steal their data, and make them yours
  • Target wireless networks, databases, and web servers, and password cracking to make the most of Kali Linux

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Packt Publishing
Packt Publishing

closed Comments

  • +3

    Free eBook: Kali Linux Cookbook

    Thanks… Might grep a byte

  • +1

    Learn how to scan networks to find vulnerable computers and servers
    Hack into devices to control them, steal their data, and make them yours


  • "In exchange for downloading this eBook you'll sign up to occasionally be sent offers relevant to you, exclusive discounts on our hottest titles, and leading edge free content."

    No I will not…

  • +2

    "Your password must have at least 6 characters, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number."

    After typing 6 digits, this pops up:

    "Your password must have at least 8 characters, one uppercase, one lowercase and one number."

  • +2

    Someone got a direct link to the PDF?

  • +5
  • +1

    I started having issues downloading these free ebooks back in December. I contacted PacktPub in December to report it. They told me it was a problem on my side. I reported the bug again a couple of days ago, same answer. It's an issue with the new version of their webiste which was recently redone with Angular.

    So please report the issues you are having to PacktPub with screenshots since apparently I am the only reporting issues.


    • On PC, Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge work with the new web site. Mozilla Firefox (latest version) and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (is it still being updated?) don't work.

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