How to Become a Conveyancer?

Hi all,
Can someone please help to understand the process of becoming a conveyancer?

  1. Which course do I need to do, to get the license?
  2. How long is the course?
  3. Is there a short cut to get the license?

I've completed a Bachelor in IT but I want to change my career.

Please guide me through this.



  • Which state?

  • +12

    Here's a good link to get you started.

  • +13

    This is just laziness.

    • +3

      His time as an OZB member checks out.

  • +3

    You yell out "I declare I'm now a conveyancer". Wait, that's for bankruptcy, nvm.

    • +1


  • +15

    Bachelor in IT but can't use google, I don't think you'd do much better as a conveyancer.

  • +3

    Is there a short cut to get the license?

    Wait, you don't even know the answer to question 1 & 2 and you want to know if there is a shortcut?

  • -1


    You failed already.

  • OP could also try searching this very site for threads such as this.

    I thought this was a repeat thread.

    Or this might be a troll thread…..

  • +3

    No idea why you would want to get into the industry.

    Thinking of working for yourself?

    Enjoy earning $10/hr serving needy, unorganised clients
    Enjoy dealing with other stressed out conveyancers who only care that a problem is not their problem
    Enjoy looking for all the hidden nasties that will lead to an angry client or claim against your insurance and effectively close your business.

    Thinking of working for an established conveyancing firm?

    Enjoy practically all the perks of a desk job, with all the cons of a retail job.

    • +1

      I agree 100%, I've worked closely with conveyancers for about 20 years. They have a ridiculously hard job relative to their income for exactly all of the reasons mentioned. Plus the abuse they get for issues and matters completely outside of their control.

      Hands up if you like dealing with: Clients who have no idea, banks AND real estate agents - in EVERY transaction EVERY day of your life. (( Room Goes Silent - even the conveyancers in the room feel awkward ))

      • +1

        Hands up if you like dealing with: Clients who have no idea, banks AND real estate agents - in EVERY transaction EVERY day of your life.

        Don't forget dealing with solicitors/other conveyancers as well.

      • Nobody knows pain until they've dealt with an unorganized bank, and a client that's tardy and doesn't have their funds in order, in a commercial property transaction. Once the words "penalty interest" are uttered then surprisingly everyone starts caring :D

        Real estate agents can be shockers. I know some who are genuinely good people. Problem is they have pressure on them from their principals to sell, sell, sell and close the deal. Once the contract is signed and the deposit in their trust account they do not give a flying **** for a further minute. Of course once settlement occurs (60 days of pain later) they'll give the new purchaser a nice (cheap) bouquet of flowers and claim all the credit!

  • You should really do more research if you've already got a bachelors in IT, don't like it and want to waste another 3-4 years minimum studying, with at least an additional 30K of HECS with no idea about conveyancing or if it might even suit you. You're better off calling a university or even sending them an email and getting help there.

    • What a stupid idea. How dare you suggest such a common sense approach. Who do you think you are?

  • +1

    In NSW the quickest way to get the educational qualification is the 2 year Associate Degree in Law at Southern Cross University. But then you have to work under a licenced conveyancer for a year or two- look it up- before you are fully qualified.ā€¦

    • -5

      Thank you Shaybisc. That was really helpful.
      Appreciate your help.
      Finally some useful information.
      This was the first time I used a forum.
      Thank you, everyone, for all your comments and guidance.


      • I was wrong. You came back.

        I did a little conveyancing while I was doing my legal training for my law degree.

        You get to deal with shitty, middle-aged women all day who are often stressed out by a million different clients asking for random things that they assume you will respond to on the spot.

        Conveyancing is pretty low value work. The end result is always pretty much the same - accounts are settled, everyone gets their documents and the client gets the keys.

        • Thanks, mate.

      • This was the first time I used a forum.


        FFS are they just handing those out like candy?

  • OP is never coming back to bother reading everyone's responses.

  • Are you sure you work in IT? Because it seems you've never heard of Google…

    • She did not work. She studied/

  • +2

    Stay in IT

  • Would not reccomend you go down this path.

    Property law and in general conveyancing is a terrible, soul sucking area of law.

    Do some research about PEXA, it is a new platform which essentially aims to replace conveyancers.

    If you are willing to use your IT degree try to secure a job at PEXA.

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