This was posted 6 years 1 month 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Games with Gold February 2019 - Bloodstained, Super Bomberman, Assassin’s Creed Rogue & Star Wars Jedi Knight


Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon: Available February 1 to 28 on Xbox One
Super Bomberman R: Available February 16 to March 15 on Xbox One
Assassin’s Creed Rogue: Available February 1 to 15 on Xbox One and Xbox 360
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy: Available February 16 to 28 on Xbox One and Xbox 360

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  • What a month!

  • +11

    Another Assassins Creed game to add to the pile of shame!

    • +1

      This one was actually good. Great story, not overly long or grindy.. sadly not a template for the last few games.

    • These one is also the only one I don’t own except for the latest two

    • +1

      Hiya Rat-a-tat-tat.

  • +4

    Super bomberman!

    • +5

      Jedi knight is amongst the best star wars games….granted though, it is a cheapie.

      • +1

        And ita an original Xbox title by thr looka of things? Making it 2 generations down the line?

        • +1

          Enhanced for Xbox One X apparently. Keen to see what the graphics are like.

          • +2

            @ashanrath: flat polygons in 4k :-)

            • @Jackson: More importantly, judging from those screenshots, widescreen flat polygons! From memory the original version didn't support 16:9 resolutions.

  • +3

    YES! I was so hoping for a Star Wars OG game, I already have BF1+2, and KOTOR on disc, so getting some Kyle Katarn action is (profanity) fine with me, sweet!

    scrolls up

    Oh cool, that (not) Castlevania mini-game thing too, bought it on Switch day one, got like 3 hours out of it, but it was a solid little side game, I'll gladly replay it too.

    scrolls up

    Oh cool, Super Bomberman R, that thing I half wanted on Switch but refused to pay a ridiculous price for, is now coming to me at no extra cost? Sweet.

    scrolls up one last time

    And I guess Rogue is cool too, not like I've played an AC game (outside of the side scrollers) since the Vita one though.

    • +2

      Kyle Katarn? You are thinking of Jedi Outcast. You make your own character in Jedi Academy.

      • +1

        (profanity), I am too.

        The naming convention on that series always threw me off.

        I played Dark Forces 1 on PS1. Then Dark Forces 2 was PC only but called Jedi Knight and then that had a sequel that dropped the DF banner and I think it was on GameCube and Xbox (?) so I missed out being a PS2 kid (gotta download that shit to my Wii U), and then Academy, which is this one, isn't it a sequel too? Can see why I thought my boy KK was in it. Such silly naming though holy shit.

        • +3

          I think it went something like this. Jedi Academy was the last game but it was not Jedi Knight 3, more of a spin off.

          Dark Forces (PC, PS1)
          Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 (PC only)
          Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith (PC only, technically an expansion for Dark Forces 2 but separate game)
          Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast (PC, Xbox, Gamecube)
          Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (PC, Xbox)

          • @Daniel6092: Yep - man Jedi Knight games were awesome… What I wouldn't do for a proper Jedi Knight 3 with Dark vs Light choices & force powers -_-
            Hopefully EA lose the Disney StarWars IP soon :(

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: EA, the company so greedy and shortsighted that it (profanity) up Star Wars which is usually a license to print money.

  • +1

    Think I'm going to eventually regret buying Assassin's Creed Unity from CDKeys if they continue to give away the older games in the series! 😕

    • +2

      Was cleaning up emails yesterday and saw my purchase history at cdkeys. Say my purchase of unity for 69c and thought there's 70c I'm never getting back.

      • Exactly. Though I'm sure I payed a little more then that. It wouldn't be so bad if the pile of shame didn't have so many unplayed Assassin's Creed games.

  • +4

    Jedi Academy.. what a time. The golden age of Star Wars games. Now only one publisher is allowed to make SW games and loves canceling them. All we have after 6 years of exclusivity is two controversy filled multiplayer shooters.

    • +1

      Lego Force Awakens and Disney Infinity 3 are honest to god, more fun to me than the 2 EA Star Wars games. And I wrapped up ALL the SW playsets in DI3 just a couple days ago so that shit is fresh in my mind when I say it.

  • Well, the games I want aren't actually available in 2 days….

    • Yeah, my $1 Xbox Live Gold expires tomorrow, and I wish the games were the other way around (and put up a few hours early) so I could have a chance at grabbing Bomberman and Jedi Academy! Oh well, I'm hoping at least Bloodstained goes up early so I can grab it before I'm booted!

      I really want Bomberman R on Switch, though! (for the portable multiplayer)

      • You can still buy 3 months for $29.95, get 3 months free from JB Hi-Fi:…

        • Nah, I'm waiting for Microsoft Rewards to have their hot deal on 12 month memberships again. I have enough points for 2 years worth, but the bloody pricks pulled / "sold out" of 12 month memberships way before the end date for the latest deal! (Was waiting til the end of the month to claim it, but no dice!)

          Hopefully they bring the 12 month deal back soon.

          • +1

            @caprimulgus: Apparently, the MS Rewards are administered by a third party, and they only get batches of codes from MS at certain intervals.

            It looks like it'd be June/July before the next Gold deal.

            • @Xenocaust:

              Apparently, the MS Rewards are administered by a third party, and they only get batches of codes from MS at certain intervals.

              Lol, I spoke to 4 different Microsoft CS reps (different one replied each time), and they kept giving me different answers…and NONE of them said that!


          • +1

            @caprimulgus: I am thinking about using my last 3 day free trial XB Live Gold voucher. I bought a couple of pre-owned games relatively cheap, they came with 3 day free trial voucher each. I used one just to collect a free games for a particular month. However, I did find the voucher a bit weird. I was able to collect the XB1X free games, but not the XB360 free game - it wasn't an issue for me at the time because I only wanted the XB1X ones.

            • @netsurfer: Oh interesting, I didn't even realise they had 3-day vouchers!

              Even if it was limited to the XB1 titles, I would have been happy with just Celeste in January, for example. (But lucky there was the $1 offer running!)

              Maybe I should look into picking up some of those 3-day vouchers too, just as an emergency for any big game that I'm after!

      • +1

        you can get Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon and Assassin’s Creed Rogue on the 31st (today) be quick, here is a working link to rogue…
        see top link for the US bloodstained link as you can't get it on Australia site or your Xbox, also get cobalt, race the sun and more info on how there is over 24hrs of overlap with games being available for more than a month (available early 31st or 15th expire late 1st or 16th)

  • KOTOR next month please?

    • Republic Commando first, pretty please, can't buy that one anywhere else or get it through Game Pass like you can with KOTOR.

      • Downvoted for wanting a game… Wow :)

        • I mean, the votes mean nothing anyway tbh.

          But I called out multiple shitty months of Plus (and Gold, less Gold though) on here and there's always Sony Ponies (or Xbots) coming in to downvote you to Hell and insult you. My comment above actually says every game this month is great (AC is a bit of a "whatever" kind of game, but still, didn't knock it) and he got downvoted too.

          Say a month is shit, you get negged.
          Say a month is good, you get negged.

          People just love to neg sometimes. I feel that though, tbh.

  • +1

    Bomberman! What a blast from the past. I was just saying the other day I wished PC had a bomberman online multiplayer arcade game and not just those really bad clone games that pop up.

    • Last played on the Sega dreamcast

  • I would be happy with this offering if I was gold.

    Maybe I'll use a 2 week trial.

  • I played the first AC game in 4k last year with the enhanced patch. I actually really enjoyed the game. It looks absolutely fantastic in 4k. There's no way I can play all the other AC games we've been given though, otherwise I'll just burn myself out.

  • How much gold is included with each game?

    • I don't think that the discs have any gold in them

      • Misleading title.

  • Anybody else having issues finding/downloading Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon on the Australian store?

    • +4

      Turns out Australia doesn’t get Bloodstained, we get a re-run of Race The Sun instead.

      Grab Bloodstained from the US store.…

      • Thank you. For anybody else having the same issue, you do also need to log to see the game for free and obviously need to be on the US store as suggested.

  • How to grab bloodstained from US store? Change from au to US region and the store will be on US?

    • Yeah. Or just click the link I posted above, and get it through the website.

      • +1

        I did that but it never downloads on my Xbox.

        • Same for me. Doesn't work.

          • @J6: I had to change my location in my Xbox settings to US. That worked.

            • @TLZ: Thanks will try

  • Can I ask if anyone knows how the games work once your subscription expires?

    I have the wrc6 from the January download but my subscription will expire soon - it’s downloaded but can I continue to play once my gold subscription ends?

  • My understanding is you will need a valid live subscription to continue to play xbox one games.

    Xbox 360 games are different in that you won't need a valid subscription to play if you have registered during the free period

    • That makes sense - I wonder - do the games remain under your ownership though? So that if you renew / resubscribe to gold live you can play it again.

      Or if your subscription lapses then the game is wiped / lost from your ownership, rather than just not playable

      • +1

        Pretty sure if you renew you get access again, although I have never tested this myself.

        Similar to Game Pass, you can sub and go as you like.

      • +1

        Yes you keep them even if your sub expires. You just resub to access them again.

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