My Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook (NP900X) was working fine last, put it in charger and this morning a dozen keys are not working :
all number keys except 3
keys on the left ( esc, ~ , Tab , Caps , Ctr) (shift works fine)
letter 'q' and 'a'
Google was no help - I have no IT/tech knowledge, my guess is that maybe it got overheated and a section of the keys stopped working? but then the keyboard lighting works on all keys.
trying to avoid changing they entire keyboard as its a pain in this laptop and looks expensive
gladly try any suggestions. Thanks
link to picture of affected keys: https://imgur.com/a/efLfOl4
Is it under warranty?
Sounds like potential water damage.
Something I found on Google (for a Toshiba laptop) says to remove the battery,
press and hold the power button for 60 seconds with the battery removed.
Then put it back and turn it on.
I haven't tried this but it's worth an attempt.