Hi guys so I bought a ps4 pro from eb games in December 2016. Now the console has stopped reading disks all together. While it’s out of warranty, I’m wondering if under Australian consumer law I’d have a case for a free repair? 2 years doesn’t seem reasonable for such a major issue to occur. Thanks
PS4 Pro Won't Read Disks. out of Warranty
That one was new and this one was potentially a refurb
that one was 20 months and this one is 26 months so outside of 2 years
What gave you the idea that OPs console might be a refurb?
PS4 Pro came out in November 2016, so about a month before the OP got theirs. More likely to be a new unit.
The console was bought brand new like 2 months after the console came out. Not sure what gave the impression it was used or a refurbished unit.
I agree that 2 years is reasonable for that issue. Might be a simple fix if it's just a lot of dust buildup.
You have the same rights for refurbished as you do for new items under ACL.
If EB won't do the right thing then you want to contact Consumer Affairs (which may be called something different depending on which state you're in).
It might just be the laser lense needs a clean.
I'd try to discover whether the laser is completely gone/dead, or if it works sometimes and not other times, I would consider that it might just be dust/dirt/smoke residue on lense. I did a quick google, 1 person used to clean their laser lense often, due to being a smoker and nicotine residue build up on lense.I would try maybe CD, Dvd, bluray film, Try a brand new game disc. Try different game discs . I doubt that dust/dirt/smoke-residue buildup would be covered by warranty anyway. If the laser is functional at all, even if it just reads enough to know what game disc you have insterted, then it could likely just be the laser lense needs a clean.
There are youtube tutorials. Also you can get lense cleaning discs (not ideal, and somewhat riskier for damage) .DVDs work fine. I can also get ps4 games to work if I tap on the top near the disk drive while it’s reading the disk.
Most likely just dirt/dust/grime buildup on the laser lense itself then, since clearly the optical laser drive is still functional.
I'm pretty sure no warranty would cover such an issue (even if consumer law and fair trading extended warranty).So IMO your only option is to clean laser lense.
1)Pay shop/company to do it (maybe costs too much, ask at eb games what they charge).
2) Use laser lense cleaning disc (do your own research online which ones work best for ps4, and decide how much you are willing to spend on the cleaning disc, some will probably be couple of dollars). Cleaning disc uses brushes, on the disc itself, to clean laser lense. I would try a cheapish one of these first, then if it doesn't work. Try method (3).
3) Take apart ps4 to get to the laser lense, clean it directly, using cotton tip and cleaning fluid of some sort. Check online with tutorials etc, and see if you think you could do what is required. If you wouldn't be comfortable dismantling ps4 somewhat and cleaning laser lense, then I would make sure to buy a very good cleaning disc first off
4) Someone mentioned you can jailbreak your ps4 and play the games you own that way. I'm assuming the games are already installed, so just need some sort of jailbreak to make ps4 think you have the correct disc inverted (even if it can't read discs) . Note: I haven't jailbroken my ps4, did it on ps3 though, jailbreaking device usually means you cannot play online anymore
5) Could purchase all your required games as digital versions on ps4 account, then sell off all the physical disc copies you have.
My ps4 and xbox1 optical drives are working fine, but I prefer digital copy as saves me having to change discs every time I change games, I wait for a deal on games though, then discard/sell physical copy to pay for digital copy, plus I often come out ahead;)
Hi guys so I bought a ps4 pro from eb games in December 2016.
So 2nd hand?
I’m wondering if under Australian consumer law I’d have a case for a free repair?
Yeah nah, that ship has sailed….
Do EB Games not sell new consoles any more?
What gave you the idea that it's a used unit?
PS4 Pro came out in November 2016, so about a month before the OP got theirs. More likely to be a new unit.
Trade it in at EB and they will fix it up for the next person
You can jailbreak it and legally play the games you have the disks for.
Personally I'd argue the point under ACL. I'd expect something that costs $500+ to last more than 2 years.
I'd recommend calling or emailing Sony Support, I did regarding my console which was over-heating and even though it's out of warranty, they honored a free repair/replacement.
ACL is not just a 2 year warranty. There is no time limit on it. Goods are expected to last a reasonable amount of time and to me a PS4 Pro should still be running after 2 years. I’d be claiming ACL with EB and if they won’t budge then lodge a case with the ACCC and let them handle it.
I agree with this,
OP I suggest you do this. The rep in-store will obviously tell you, you're out of warranty blah blah blah. But hit them with the ACL reasonable amount of time spill and they might give in.
I did this with Apple when Dicksmith closed down when I purchased Beats Studios with 1 year warranty. I updated the software online and the headset just crashed with flashing red LEDs. Though……. Apple was nice enough to send me a new pair and I had to return the old ones even though my 1 year warranty was up. But if apple said no, damn right i'll go to ACL.
EB Games warranty covers consumers purchases to an expected life-cycle of time.
Depending on the amount you spent you may definitely be entitled to a clean swap for a brand new unit.
I think two years would be reasonable use, particularly for a serious gamer its standard mileage I reckon. Shouldn’t be an expensive fix, likely the laser on the drive just needs to be replaced. EB games won’t help, best you give Sony a call and see what they recommend.