Cheapest I can find is $82.45, looking for like $75 or less.
Cheapest I can find is $82.45, looking for like $75 or less.
$6 postage, I guess free click and collect but its not cheap enough to justify that imo
edit: its $2.40 for click and collect anyway, so at least $80 so nah
I don't think a retailer is going to fit the product to your budget. Maybe you need to think about upping your budget to reach the product 😉
Considering they've gone to $55 before and my budget is $75, no.
That's the thing. You either wait for it to possibly to go to $55 again or just go the $84. Maybe try facebook marketplace or gumtree for unwanted gift. Sealed and un opened one. You might get it there for $50 if you are quick enough to find it and its in your area.
Check ebay.
Ebay is full of fake ones, theres even some "Chromecast Ultra"'s for $26. Yet they say they only do 1080p lmao
And there's genuine ones.
Your attitude doesn't entice me to link it for you. Do your own research
@deadboom: Don't mind him he can be the Logan Paul of ozbargain sometimes.…
Sorry eBay and static ice are not looking good maybe keep an eye out on hot uk deals and slick deals just in case…
@AlienC: Well considering I found one for $76.50 delivered, brand new.
I was going to post it but again, op is being a dik so why should I?
@spackbace: How is OP being a d head his just giving information and facts? Seriously please explain.
If we can get rid of triggered sentences and on online miscommunication on the internet man we could move so much faster, easier and better honestly.
I didn't see any triggers in this post tbh but I might be going fast missing trigger words tonight.
@tranter: I hope Spackbace can tell us what is on his mind. We are here for him always and forever until the end of time. Ozbargain I hope for most is meant to be a helpful community with just input of effort of what you can give with no remorse no regrets and no contempt or hardships.
Basically help if you can regardless of the momentary emotional dispute or whiplash that commonly occurs.
I know it is hard I am victim to it many times as well but I need to keep trying and telling myself the good of the community and website surpasses my own needs.
@AlienC: Yeah idk why he's getting so angry, he just asks me to raise my budget, I decline saying it's gone way cheaper then my budget then tells me to check ebay, i tell him my problem with checking ebay for some and then he gets angry and says "my attitude doesn't entice him" lmao.
Logan Paul of ozbargain is a great analogy.
@deadboom: He is a great contributor but yes he has a way with words. Hopefully you also see past it and understand he is a great asset to the community but yeah I have not figured out his preferred method of communication yet in my travels here on ozbargain.
@AlienC: I think he is a little like me - sick to death of those who ask for help, state the conditions under which they will accept it, and appear to take anything offered ancillary to their request in a public forum as personal offence.
@terrys: That is fair. Personally I like the confrontation and resistance as it is the highlight of my sad and lonely days. Yeah. Thread drama properly done one's give me energy somewhat somehow I feel like I need to perk up to fight it. Stupid I know but this is the truth.
Feel free to post a deal if you find one that meets your requirements!
Can it Cast 4k?
Don't have a 4k TV so don't know. Check here I can't remember.
Can't see any replies to the other people asking if it can :/