i've seen these go on a really good special a few times over the years. Does such a bargain still exist?
Sennheiser HD598 - Any Deal?

Yeah ive seen them for this price before, none of those deals seem available now!
Do you recommend them for usage with a mobile phone?
Using some cheap wireless bluetooth headphones right now TaoTronics BH22's for under $60 AUD delivered.. they do the job but I can tell that I can get much more sound quality easily if I increase my budget and maybe sell my current ones.
They have no bass at all and at best average sound quality but they are wireless.
I have some Ultrasone DJ1's I forgot the model but they have the huge cable and huge plug that doesn't fit into my android phone with the case on so I cannot use them and the Sennheiser 471's I got have a very flimsy cable so I am trying to resell them.
Wouldn't recommend it, no. I have a pair, they are incredible (literally been brought to tears when listening to some certain EITS tracks in FLAC through a Tube Amp), but they have a huge headphone jack meant to plug into audio equipment, literally twice the size of a normal one, they're also open ear not noise cancelling, and while they do have enough bass for my kinds of music, certainly not bass-heavy enough for people who are into electronic or hip hop etc.
Damn I thought so ah well back to the drawing board.
https://www.massdrop.com/buy/massdrop-x-sennheiser-hd-58x-ju… are a jump in value and performance if you can handle paying around $200. The next batch should be shipping soon.
I have a surplus pair if you're interested in second hand. There's a few scuff marks, wear and tear as you'd expect but they still sound great. They've had a few mods to improve the sound. I almost regret spending more on a better pair of headphones. For me, the HD598's represent the biggest leap in audio quality for the price.
I managed to snag one for about $150 a year or two back, one of the best decisions of my life. Absolutely amazing headphones. If you do find a good price, pair them with a solid DAC (I use Fiio E10k) for a bit more bass.