$1.24 cheaper than last deal. 23.43c per tab if you have Prime or spend >$50. Credit to intra.
Finish Powerball Quantum Tablets (80 Tabs, Lemon) $18.75 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Yeah I use those too, dishes come out clean, no need to change
It depends on whether you have expensive glassware being used regularly or not. If you have stock standard dishes then the normal powerball seems to work fine - but it doesn't seem to work as well with glasses for us.
Not sure. I don’t have anything fancy in terms of glassware yet they come out so much better (dryer as well) than with the old school Finish tablets. No more tea stains in cups either. Also does a much better job on pans etc.
I grabbed one pack last deal and am finding them significantly better than the ALDI premium ones I'd been using for months. Grabbed a few more, thanks
Tried Aldi ones ended up having to put 2 of them per wash… Switched back to these
I did the opposite. Used to use Quantum tablets, recently switched to Aldi one (15c/tablet), didn't notice any difference. Probably also depends on the dishwasher?
I'm with you on this one.
Yeh definitely dishwasher related… Most have no issues with Aldi tabs.
I had no "issue" with the Aldi's, but I definitely noticed the Finish Quantum worked better and gave me a more premium outcome
@isthisreallife22: Unfortunately my dishes ended up smelly and not totally washed with the Aldi ones. So had to switch back. :)
Quantum are the best, pots and dishes sparkling clean got 3 packs for free Prime delivery Thanks and Cheers.
Bought Some THANKS!
23.4c/tablet without postage.
I think I'll stick to the Aldi tablets.
Also which are those exactly and how much r they?
I used to use those for years before I switched to the Aldi ones and I never looked back. My dishes and pots are always sparkling clean.
Thanks OP - grabbed a few packets + 15L of Northfork rinse aid for $66 ($4.40/L, which is much cheaper than the $8/L for the 500mL bottles)
Thanks OP.. Ordered one.. I had $10 credit from Amazon for cancelling my previous order of Finish Dishwashing tabs
That's great news. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Had a $15 credit (for the $7 Goodfellas 4k blu-ray that went out of stock) so total was only $3.75 for me (prime member).
Thanks OP. Also don't forget to add 5% cashrewards for Amazon.
or 6% at Shopback
Ordered one. Thanks.
"Usually dispatched within 2 to 5 weeks". Where are these being sourced from? What's the point of Prime on this?
Interesting - my order says it’s arriving on Wednesday! I ordered some Johnson’s baby wash with this fulfilment schedule - some of the order came within a week, others I’ve been waiting 3 weeks.
When the deal was posted they were in stock for 1-2 day delivery, they would have now ran out of stock in their warehouse (It’s been posted on OzBargain after all). They know more are comming so are still selling them (instead of them being OOS), often you’ll get things quicker than the estimate.
Choice rates Coles tablets higher than Finish Qantum
I saw that the earth's choice tabs also rated higher and it periodically goes on special at a pretty good price.
There are too many variables though. It depends on how well you rinse your dishes, your dishwashers, what program you run it on, how long it runs for, what termperature etc. It’s pretty easy to try out a few different brands and see for yourself what works best for you - I’ve settled on these ones.
Choice can't really be trusted tho.
Is there much of a difference between Quantum and Quantum Ultimate?
It depends on your dishwasher, i notice a big difference in our Bosch SMU50E65AU/20 and now only get ultimate. I find quantum on par with coles ultra, which are ok but not great. Standard/max, for that matter any stanrd versions of any brand tablet, i find completely subpar. The lowest of the low ive tried for my dishwasher is actually the highly rated earth choice tablets, which suck for our machine more than most
Why does it suck in your machine ? I've been using the earth's choice in ours for a while (about 3 months) - a Blanco - and it seems to work about as well as the finish tabs..
i wish i knew. they are bad even on very low soiled loads, glassware still comes out with tiny flecks of detritus and water mark, even tried using a rinse aid but didn't help much. as opposed to finish qu, which simply works whether low or heavy soiled load. based on the fact that EC works really well for most people (which is why i bought it to try), i'm starting to develop the idea that tablet performance is often quite dependent on which machine you have
Finally have a use for the $20 monopoly voucher from MacDonald. Had to buy 5x to qualify for the voucher but it brings its down to 5-6 cents per tablet
Thanks, bought 2, got a Siemens machine and trying these for first time
Ever since using Aldi Logix I haven't gone back to Fairy or Finish
If you have a Bargain city near you check them, mine sells 68 packs for $10 (14.7c ea)
You might want to be careful with these(Lemon) if you are at all sensitive to chemicals. I am not, and usually have no issue with bleach etc. But with these, just having one loaded in the machine is enough to get my eyes watering and nose and throat extremely irritated, from a room away.
How is this a "deal" having to spend $49 for "free" delivery???
Available any day of the week for REJECT SHOP for $19
I don’t like those blue tabs (or the green ones for that matter). I also much rather buy this sort of stuff online than having to visit a store I normally don’t go to. Great if you prefer to support your local Reject Shop though.
dumb question, its the first time i'm buying from amazon… I usually buy from ebay.
I'm seeing the message
"Not yet shipped"It's literally been 2 weeks and they haven't shipped it. Is this normal?
Seems a bit strange given I received mine ages ago. I'd jump onto their live chat to ask what's going on
looks like they are out of stock
choice is to cancel the order and buy from somewhere else, or wait and get a $20 promotional certificate added to my account.
I have opted to wait…
Good deal. Personally I use the standard powerball 110 packs (usually around $17) and they work fine in my dishwasher at a cheaper price.