On clearance, not sure of regular price if nationwide.
About 20 left on the trolley
On clearance, not sure of regular price if nationwide.
About 20 left on the trolley
Yeap remember 'Texas Angle Grinder Massacre'.
I always assume this is relevant to the 'kick back' potential.
A bit like when learning to use a hand saw, you quickly realise/remember to keep the blade dead straight…
otherwise it will bind like… heck. Can any who regularly uses one confirm/elaborate?
Perhaps more the danger is hitting a nail or the like?
I've seen really large versions of these things and imagine you'd have to be quite strong to control the thing.
It's more about spinning something at '000s of RPM at arm's length; if something goes wrong it can escalate quickly.
If you tilt a disc in the slot and stress it, the potential for a Bad Time increases.
And yeah, even a 10" grinder (not a full size demo saw) weighs about 10kg and when up to speed the gyroscopic forces from the blade add to that.
I've used a diamond blade on clay pavers and 3"-thick soakwells - cuts like butter but always PPE to the max, and glad when the job is done and digit count is same as before.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Just to get a perspective on these things, 230mm angle grinders are pretty much banned at most construction sites Australia wide.
The petrol ones are ok. They have throttle control.
The cutting disc are super thin and are prone to snapping/ shattering (if miss treated) and they can go flying.
Sounds like a good feature.
whoa… harsh but relative.
The link gave me a much greater appreciation for the earlier warning.
This. It was a common safety topic on site because we'd often be sent reports of either someone use the cutting disc as a grinder and it shattering/breaking and the bits going into someone or someone using the grinder as a cutting disc and it shattering/breaking and going into someone.
So that leaves us with, hacksaws?
I know someone who used the right foot to hold the wooden board on the ground and tried to cut it with an angle grinder. Less than the 1st cut later he was in the hospital.
True, I just cut my thumb today, lucky only 1.5 cm deep…I set the the guard wrong…
1.5cm is to the bone on most thumbs. Ouch
To the right side of thumb missing the bone I guess, or it maybe just 1cm, still doctor gave me antibiotic for infection prevention ( got my tetanus)
Zero left? Did you walk out with the trolley? lol
I was there 1/2 an hour ago and there were 17 left. The trolley is in the power tools section with the separate checkout :)
Remember that he money you save with Ozito you should invest into very good safety equipment.
20 bucks for a 1200W 125mm Ozito, and it's a rat tail. And a 3 year warranty. At that price I would pick one up just so I can have a rat tail.
$20, dead set! I don't think there is a part on mine that I could get for $20….
I guess it pays to visit Bunnings now and then.
Got one of these a year ago for $15, still unopened in the box lol
Keep in mind that Aldi regularly sell a 5" rat tail grinder with variable speed for only $30. At the time I bought mine this was about $170 less than the next cheapest variable speed grinder I could find.
Anyone else building a ghetto e-bike?
Why do they price these so cheap? I lost my tinny chained to a tree last weekend.
Blame the bolt cutter sale.
my favourite size of grinder.
Angle Grinder is one of the most dangerous DIY tools. Handle with care.