I have really thick wavy hair - but whenever I go to a hair dresser, they always cut too little, or too much and its always uneven. I can't really afford to spend $100 (struggling uni student) on a hair cut, so does anyone have any recommendations for good hair dressers in melbourne north eastern suburbs? If you can include how much they charge, that would be awesome. Thank you :))
Good and Affordable Hair Dressers - Melbourne

Surely with a $100 hair cut OP is a female.
Year, that really annoys me. I feel like wandering into a barber and saying “have at it”.
haha I'm female
We go to Klass Kutters in Smith St Fitzroy and the guys are very good. Not sure if they still do, but they used to do a discount for the first couple of cuts. From memory they are less than $80 a cut, but probably best to drop in and talk to them. If you want to go really cheap then there are places like Biba that have teaching places that do cheap haircuts but it is done by supervised students.
I drive past Smith St all the time, so will definitely check out Klass Kutters. Are places like BIBA any good? I know that the students are supervised, but still, never tried them so would be nervous.
We tried the "Heading Out" student thing and they were very cheap but you do need to give them leeway. The supervisors tend to step in if the students seem to be having issues.
Have you tried a hairdressing Groupon deal?
I haven't, but again, wouldn't know which hairdresser would be a good one to go to…
Google them for reviews?
KIS hair in the Paramount Centre on Bourke Street in the CBD. My last cut was $20. It was cut dry, but done well. An extra $10 I think they’ll do it wet.
If it is in the East then Anthony Nitson is a great salon but, it can be a bit pricey. But if you after a place in the North East there is a good place called Blush,Cut & Style http://www.bcstyle.com.au/ that only charge a cut and blow wave for $41.
are you a male or a female?