Dji spark flymore kit $614.40 with Australian warranty. I think $614.40 might be the cheapest ever.
With 5% cashrewards will bring it below $600
Great drone love flying mine.
Dji spark flymore kit $614.40 with Australian warranty. I think $614.40 might be the cheapest ever.
With 5% cashrewards will bring it below $600
Great drone love flying mine.
does this do 4k video?
1080p. Just gotten back from a week's holiday where i used my Mavic pro virtually every day and it's awesome but having recorded my videos in 4k my laptop is struggling to encode the edited footage. Looks like I might have to drop another grand on a new computer or just start recording in 1080p🙄
ANy footage?
Hey Zapy, checkout some of footage from my Spark here…
Try to find out if your video editing software can use proxy media. Will make editing easier and you only encode once per project
Yes I have watched a YouTube video on this and have started using DaVinci resolve still took over an hour to encode a 12 minute video shot in 4k to 1080p.
Thanks. Took it.
He has a 4k Mavic pro not 1080 spark
Yeah great drone , I second this.
Have had mine for about a month now, love it.
Can you buy DJI Care Refresh at the same time through Amazon?
Yes and it's 10% off at the moment
I'm disappointed with the fly more. You might find you need to buy these also at around $300. Expensive toy…
Landing pad
Extra batteries as flight time each is just over 10m
OTG cable
Carry Case (the one included is useless)
High speed SD card (2x 32 or 1x64)
Sdcard to USB adaptor
Gimble protector
Landing pad - Don't necessarily need
Extra batteries as flight time each is just over 10m - Agreed 100% here
OTG cable - $5 on ebay
Carry Case (the one included is useless) - $30 on ebay
High speed SD card (2x 32 or 1x64) - $25 on ebay
Sdcard to USB adaptor - $3 on ebay
Gimble protector - Don't necesarrily need
Oh it's not $300 but $235 instead apologies and thanks for the audit
Love this drone, great deal op
is this really the cheapest? it seems like it is always around this price
I paid $1200 2 years ago…. I'm dying inside…
For the spark? At least you have had 2 years of use out of it. I paid $800 for the Mavic pro about 6 months ago.
I paid 1000 a year ago. Get over it. Of course it's more expensive when it's newer.
I think they're trying to clear all spark stock and no longer make them, as they seem to be focusing on the mavic 2. Maybe they'll make a spark 2. We'll see.
Curious what people do with these. Is it just to fly and have fun or are you doing cinematography, etc?
Disrupt planes at airport
The Spark is more to fly and have fun AND have some decent footage and/or pictures of places you've been (wherever legal) as a bonus. I've had mine for a year and got some great footage of my holidays that I keep for the memories and to share with friends. Not thinking of doing some serious drone film-making but the footage I get and the joy of flying it makes me happy :)
I'm using my Mavic pro primarily to capture cinematic videos and photos but they are also fun to fly once you are confident with the controls. I watched a stack of videos on how to capture cinematic videos and purchased a set of polar pro nd filters before I went on holiday which were well worth it.
I would love to do car cinematography but would need something way more powerful
Inspire 2 would do the trick🙂
It's a ton of fun and you can share awesome videos of places you visit with your friends and family. Check some of my videos here…
Wow $600 still expensive for my range, is this one of the most Expensive drones in the market?
It's actually one of the cheapest for the features it has.
If you want cheaper but still decent enough to use for more than 2 times. Try the DJI Tello.
What's the normal unjacked retail price?
Thanks - said 3 left in stock when I ordered (if that's accurate?)
Better the Mi Drone 4k I assume?
For picture quality? Not even close.
For portability? Yes
all gone it seems
Bought the last one but forgot to use cashrewards..
you must have beaten me, it was in cart then i remembered i had to add it after cash rewards and redid it and to late haha :)
Oops. Good luck with the next purchase!
Trump would say: Don't buy it. Chinese Government is watching you fly.
How is everyone flying these in this country? I really want a Mavic Pro but the CASA laws basically talked me out of it.
I just use the CASA app to check if the area I'll be flying at is restricted or not. Get a remote pilot licence, far too less restrictions. One licence allows you to fly at night and near airports, also without having to deal with CASA.
This is off droneit website, although at the moment Ace Aviation are the most competitive priced compared to other companies offering this course.
RePL Professional
"If you want to start a drone company and authorise your own flights, this course is for you. Never deal with CASA again, fly almost anywhere with your own ReOC."
This is what I wonder too. I have never seen a drone being flown except at a popular Perth beach a few weeks back at sunsetz and I thought what is this guy doing flying it, pretty sure it's illegal. Granted 95% of it was far out at sea but the whole spinning up the drone over people standing / swimming on the beach was creepy.
Why was it creepy? That seems like an odd thing to say.
Maybe because the blades could do damage to your head or eyes. Can’t you see?
@Montyjpm: lol yes, it must be terrifying :P
You've been watching ads for this movie right
@[Deactivated]: um, because of all the kids swimming around half-naked, and being with my child at the beach too?
@adrianhughes1998: It's a public place, get over it. If you don't want your children accidentally filmed then swim in a private pool.
@R1ngSt1nger: Public does not mean you can do what you (profanity) like use a cam to film under skirts and shit like that. Try and wear your Google glasses into a Male or Female toilet and see what will happen to you. Weirdo!
@Montyjpm: You're comparing apples and oranges here. There's a difference between flying a drone around a beach at 30m high and walking into toilets with your camera.
@Montyjpm: i',m with you here. SavageCarrot obviously doesn't understand that a drone has a wide field of view camera that can pick up everything.
@adrianhughes1998: I do understand about wide field of view, etc.
What you don't understand is that a beach is a public place and you have NO right to privacy in a public place.
If you have a problem with people photographing you in public, then don't leave home.
CASA's laws are for safety, not privacy (Civil Aviation SAFETY Authority - get it?). They don't allow filming of people below in case the quad fails and falls and hits someone. But if you have dual battery redundancy and are licenced, you are allowed to film above people as long as you are 15m away from them. Don't assume the operator isn't licenced.
Read up on drone laws and get educated.
@R1ngSt1nger: i along with others have a right to enjoy our privacy.
why do you think the CASA laws say not to fly above public places with people in it, and not within so and so metres of another person.
you also dont' get that a drone has a pretty wide field of view camera that picks up everything. yes the stupid drone at the beach was out at sea most of the time, but had a five minute startup a few metres up from the beach, right next to people.
@adrianhughes1998: Refer me to the law that says you have a legal right to privacy in a public space? It's a myth that people seem to believe even before drones became popular. Casa is about safety not privacy.
@ATD: no laws, no
but would you like it if i stuck my phone over your fence to film you every weekend? or at a bbq at the local park with your family?
it begs the question though with other countries and privacy, whether same should be applied here
@adrianhughes1998: If you have a problem with someone doing something they're allowed to do then remove yourself from the situation.
@adrianhughes1998: Film over the fence into someone yard - that's not a public space…. Apples and oranges.
And did you get creeped out when people were using their cameras/phones at the beach and taking photos of friends/people/the beach?
Still, I get where you are coming from.
As much as I know the footage would be awesome for the drone owner, it annoys me when they are flying over National Park land (not for privacy reason though) as it ruins the natural ambience. I presume it's not allowed there either, but not sure? Anyone know?
I don't have a licence to fly mine but I fly it in open areas away from people it's just common sense really.
Yes, what you said make sense. I even tell my kids to fly their kites away from power poles, trees and especially people.
For those that missed out I'll just leave this here…
These are toys. I'm surprised they weren't trying to flog Tonka trucks while they were at it.
"The clone of the drone Mavic DJI is sold for only 42 euros and is a good product that moves well thanks to the good data sheet". Unfortunately they don't say whether it will move more than 10m.
The Spark is a fantastic drone. I've flown the Spark, Mavic Air, Mavic Pro and Phantom Pro and the Spark is the easiest and most fun to fly. Just be aware that in Australia we are restricted to CE mode which means you can only fly to about 400m distance. However, there are ways to force FCC mode, which I highly recommend as it will boost the range to about 2km.
PS, don't be put off by the 1080p video. It takes incredible footage:…
Nice video I'm starting to think 1080p might be the way to go even though I can record in 4k.
I would always record in the highest available resolution. Then use a proxy format to edit. You can then do cool things like in frame zooms and then output your finished video in 1080p.
That's creepy, there are half naked children swimming in that video, lol
Great footage mate, it's pathetic how people cry out over these things. Playing the paedo card or how they're dangerous. Ban boomerangs, frisbees, paper aeroplanes etc
My first day I used the Mavic on my holidays I was packing up and this guy came over to me wearing a sea Shepherd shirt complaining that I shouldn't be flying over houses I tried to explain to him that I didn't as there was someone else also using a drone in the area but he wasn't having any of it. People see all these negative stories on the news and immediately jump to the conclusion that everyone flying a drone is doing something wrong.
A drone flew over my place, and it does sorta give you the shits.
It’s my house, I could be doing something in my backyard I don’t want anyone seeing. Yet some pencil dick is able to have a look in?
And no, I don’t have neighbours who can see into my backyard
Another advantage of the Spark; it's so small most people think it's a toy. I always launch/land from the palm of my hand. It's small and quiet and hardly noticeable once above 30m. Definately not as intimidating as a Mavic Pro or Phantom.
I watched the video twice to try and find a single identifiable child and failed. You're super creepy thinking that way mate.
You scan videos looking for kids?
Close, we're actually in SRRC mode which is a combination of CE @ 2.4Ghz and FCC @ 5.8Ghz. Just put it in a clean 5.8Ghz channel and you shouldnt have any real issues. I tried 2.4Ghz and for me it was basically useless. Had to do the same thing with the Air which comes @ 2.4Ghz by default.
The only drone I own that is usable on 2.4Ghz is the Mavic Pro due to the ocusync system (hops to clean channels in order to maintain the connection).
Shame instagram on a computer doesn't let you go full screen so I couldn't see the quality of footage.
That was for aldroid… I don't get the reply thing, sometimes it tags someone other times it doesn't…
Praying for a restock
Awesome deal OP. its reached the #1 spot in best sellers for its category within hours of it going live.
The worst thing I can say about this drone after having it for a year is that the range is usually only about 200-300m, but sometimes up to 500m.
If you want more than that, you'll have to fork out for the higher end models because they supposedly have different better transmission tech in them to allow much larger ranges.
When I spoke to DJI about this, they said "well technically you always need to be able to see your drone to fly visually". Yeah right, like anyone using their 5KM range higher end drones can see them in the sky…
There are ways around this limitation. What you're talking about is CE vs FCC in the transmission frequency. I have forced FCC on my Spark and have taken it beyond 2km.
Try 5Ghz, I've seen them hit 3km stock. Battery becomes a concern at that range.
You won't get that range on the Spark in CE mode regardless of frequency, there simply is not enough output power. In CE mode 2.4Ghz is much better than 5.8Ghz.
True, Except in Australia we aren't using CE. Try it yourself.
@BargainKen: You are correct. In Australia we have our own regulation called RCM, which the Spark does not support. So it falls back to the European standard which is CE. The only way to get decent distance on the Spark is to force it to FCC (the US standard).
@aldroid: Maybe, but the aircraft will resort to the SRRC standard.
Think of it as CE/2.4 and FCC/5.8.
So what you're saying is half true :)
@BargainKen: Yeah, not convinced. In my experience (and I've clocked up 23 hours and 178km), 2.4Ghz gives about 300-500m range, 5Ghz gives a bit more but with very poor image transmission. It was not until I forced FCC mode that I was able to get 2km+ with good image transmission. Plus everything I've read in forums, including statements from DJI, would confirm that in Australia the Spark operates in CE mode out of the box.
@aldroid: Yeah I used to think the same. But I've seen the same thing proven on the Spark, Air, Pro and 2. Racked up 3000km on my Mavic pro in the first 6 months, over 600 in the spark in the same time. This was back in 2017, I've stopped counting since.
Transmitter Power (EIRP)
2.4 GHz
FCC: 25 dBm; CE: 18 dBm; SRRC: 18 dBm; MIC:18 dBm
5.8 GHz
FCC: 27 dBm; CE: 14 dBm; SRRC: 27 dBm; MIC: -
You'll notice under 2.4, CE and SRRC are the same. Yet under 5.8, FCC and SRRC are the same. Hence why we get the better range in the higher band. Its also a cleaner band with much less interference. One caveat though, the upper 5Ghz band is more of a point-to-point system and less capable of penetrating obstructions, so you would need to point the aerials to the craft at range and nothing obstructing it.
Bought 3 :)
One came back in-stock and I bought it. Haven't been this excited for a new toy in a long time!
If anyone is still hoping to get their hands on one I highly recommend setting a price alert via camelcamelcamel. It emailed me the moment it was back in stock and under $620
5 back in stock
I bought this one. However, one of the batteries has malfunction. Looks like these are old batch,(back to 2017 from the firmware installed). Have to contact DJI to replace it.
I still have R/C planes hanging in my garage. These planes didn't have auto anything and it took skill and practice either with an instructor or on a sim to get to the point where you could fly without risking your plane. And you'd spend hours in prep and getting to and from the field for your 15 minutes flying on the weekends that you could get there (and then you'd have to wait your turn). Changes to the club I use to fly at meant I was no longer able to justify my membership. Funnily enough the neighbour that use to let us fly over her paddock decided to ban it on the excuse she could be held liable for allowing us to fly if an accident happen.
I only ever attached a camera to my planes once. (Crappy camera, no real time and as it happens crappy footage with half burnt glo fuel getting onto the camera after a while).
Man I miss flying. I don't miss the dramas people would create, and that included some of the other R/C pilots. This thread hasn't changed my mind. I honestly think most of the people complaining are paranoid or jealous or both.
Despite all I've said I'd consider buying a drone if my house wasn't in a no fly zone, and I could get insurance at a reasonable price.
Man I miss these every time!
Don't worry lots of competition from the other Chinese drone makers these can only go down in price and maybe outclassed and outpriced very soon depending on what your requirements are.
I'm not sure where you're getting your info from, DJI are by far the market leaders. Buying anything else is just plain risky.
I'm going to sell mine, anyone interested in?
Here is the link…
Great price. The Spark is my first drone. Absolutely love it. Easy to fly, great quality camera and a pretty sophisticated unit.
Great for anyone wanting to get into the drone flying scene