• expired

[NSW] Caged Eggs 600g Dozen $1.49 @ Fresh City (Chatswood)


$1.49 for one dozen Caged Eggs
And other specials in store see facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/Freshcity/

Fresh City Chatswood Place http://www.chatswoodplace.com.au/
260 Victoria Avenue
Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia

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Freshcity Chatswood

closed Comments

  • +18

    Fresh City

    Caged eggs

    Anyone else seeing a bit of hypocrisy?

    • +2

      Nope, I see hypocrisy in you.

      • +7

        Ahh good one.

    • +10

      Caged eggs could well be fresher than free range. Eggs are collected easily = they dont get lost/missed in a run and found days later….

      • +3

        “Despite all my rage I am still just an egg in a cage.” - Billy Corgan, 1995

    • +1

      Nope. They can still be fresh.

      Speaking of hypocrisy though, I see you've upvoted plenty of products made in China using undoubtedly workers paid less than minimum wage, products from companies known to use child labour (e.g. Adidas), and deals from Hungry jacks who pay interns below minimum wage.

      Any comment?

        • +6

          But humans are animals too!

          (I never said I cared about either, just pointing out (meta-)hypocrisy).

  • -5


    At this price, even free ranger will be enticed.

    • +25


    • I aint no vegan but caged hens is far too cruel. Anyway, keep my own chickens, very fresh and taste better than any others because I know what they eat, and best of all way cheaper than these eggs all costs factored in.

  • Sounds good, but too far from me

  • I wonder how people would be reacting if free range eggs could only be bought packed in drinking straws?

    • +2

      Just need to somehow include re-useable bags into it….

    • +3

      Suck eggs?

  • +3

    $1.50- better than the Aldi deal. Nice!

  • +34

    Dont buy caged eggs :(

    • why not?

      • +17

        You living under a rock or just heartless? Have you seen the conditions caged chickens live in? Watch a doco.

        • +6

          What? Next you're going to tell me not to eat meat too?

          • -3

            @nomoneynoproblems: if you stopped eating meat today then 15 acres of land won't have to be cleared to farm a lifetime of meat, probably something like that anyway. Who knows, one customer won't make a difference, they won't order more meat or kill more cows because of one person so it doesn't make a difference how much you eat, only matters whether or not you convince a lot of other people to give it up.

        • Got any links from a reputable unbiased source?

          • -4

            @mmd: Forget links.

            Google your closest caged chicken farm, drive up to as close to the shed as you can get, and take a good, long whiff.

            • +4

              @Pacify: The smell of poop is actually quite common on most farms, so not really something that shows caged eggs are worse than free range.

              • @Mixhael: I think what they are trying to say is caged chickens are put under more worse conditions than free range chickens due to the overcrowding and cramped conditions creating less than ideal meat and eggs.

                Ultimately if we could somehow find a healthier alternative to chicken and eggs I would be all for it as it is not ideal to eat a less hygienic species even though stuff like pigs and cows are delicious they are not the healthiest or cleanest of animals.

                Our descendants will surely agree with us in the future down the line but at this present moment it is taboo and not wise to speak out against it for fear of triggering and angering the meat eating and loving masses.

                I just want to live and eat in the most ideal circumstances.. always wondering what our future descendants would find best and ideal healthiest to eat in say 100,000,000 years and I feel that eating a disgusting lower lifeform exposed to lesser hygienic standards is not one of them but we have limited options atm until we travel space and explore the universe and are able to experiment and synthesize new food alternatives or maybe even new consumption mechanics.

                It is all in the future who knows but don't worry we cannot escape our path for the humans that live today are already doomed.

                In saying all that I willfully still choose to eat mi goreng two minute noodles so haha there is that.. so much for promoting healthy choices in life and eating haha lol :)

            • +1

              @Pacify: I have chickens in my backyard, animal's stink.

              Chickens are literally shitting machines.

            • @Pacify: I suspect you've never actually been to a farm. Free range farms stink. Piggeries stink. Even horse stables housing multi-million dollar Cup winners stink. If you think you can ascertain poor welfare by smell, you must be Jean-Baptiste Grenouille.

      • Because eggs shouldn't live in cages?

        • +5

          Eggs should be allowed to run freely in the range.

    • +11

      please specify how this isn't a deal and got negged?

      • +1


        • +6

          You need to read the voting guidelines.


          • -4

            @The Professional: Sorry there are somethings which should not be a deal. This is one of them. Just like if there was a deal that gave discounted pricing on hunting elephants for tusks or whales etc

            • +9

              @lonewolf: Where, I was just after some Ivory?

            • +7

              @lonewolf: Sorry you don't get to decide that though. Read the voting guidelines. If something isn't against Ozbargain guidelines then it is not up to individual users to decide it isn't a deal.

              • -6

                @Xastros: To sin by silence when we should protest
                makes cowards of men.

                • @lonewolf: You can protest in the comments but you should not downvote the deal.

                  *Edit I buy free ranged so I understand your concern but you are misusing the downvote system if you downvote this deal.

                  • @Xastros: Right, so if someone is promoting killing someone for a cheaper price, i shouldnt downvote it even if its so wrong? Sorry I dont agree with you and the moderator even came on and said if the negative votes arent done right he will remove it. he didnt in these cases.

                    • @lonewolf: Killing someone is illegal and no doubt against Ozbargain rules. Same with deals for elephant tusks. Free ranged eggs are totally legal to sell/buy and aren't against the rules. Individual moral judgement can't apply to every deal. There are no doubt people who feel that you eating eggs at all or any other animal products is cruel and shouldn't be a deal. But it is not up to every individual to decide what is acceptable on Ozbargain as a deal.

                      • @Xastros: What about how we talk about companies and how they have treated their employees like 7-eleven or some of the other companies that have been mentioned here in the past on their treatment of staff compared to other companies that have treated their staff justly.

                        I have seen many companies / brands given negative votes and / or even banned or not posted about on ozbargain because of their immoral acts.

                        • -1

                          @lonewolf: Like I said, talking about it is totally fine. The voting system is misunderstood. There are specific reasons to neg such as incorrect title, incorrect product description, duplicate deal, low/no stock etc. Disagreeing with the ethics of a company is not a reason to neg a deal. That is all I'm saying. I'm not saying people are ethically right/wrong to buy caged eggs.


      • Defective product?

        • +1


          Are you people even trying…

    • +4

      You know I am all for buying organic healthy food, but until I can be 100% sure that the food I buy is what it says on the packaging I will still buy other food. I don't agree with practice of caged eggs, but at the same time I don't want to pay more for a stamp/word which says that something is made in like Australia, yet it was made on Mars by aliens. Unfortunately the society doesn't take notice unless it is something happening now on a large scale that affects majority. We have honey adulteration, stuff made in NZ, which isn't made in NZ, etc. My parents had chocks on a farm and they were roaming free. It was good. Eggs were good. And most importantly I knew they were free range. But here, you just keep hearing how something what was supposed to be is something not to be.

      For things to change you need unity, and that is something that humanity doesn't have except on a rare occasion. Yeah, you can tell me, just sit idle. And I can tell you, been there, done that. While most people will agree that something is not right, only a few will take action. Majority will take action if and only when something really bad happen and most of the time if it affects many, not just a few.

      And by judging where the world goes, time will come when you will wish to even have an egg, regardless of where it comes from. Unfortunately human species wakes up from slumber when it is already too late to do something. Romans said; give people bread and circuses, and it is the same todays. give people games, beer, food, and they will just tag along.

      you are not building a better world. You are destroying it by each new generation.

      Thank god when our robot overlords come.

    • +11

      if you can afford it.. free range is better for many reasons.

      • +9

        Eggs are cheap as it is. Who really can’t afford it

        • +11


        • +3

          Some people cant and if they need to feed their children then they should buy whatever they can afford

          • @vid_ghost: Many people come to Ozbargain because they're on such a tight budget, not because they've got excess money to waste on toys. Deals like this can make/break family budgets so it's pleasant to find someone who understands.
            *That's me saying I approve of your comment above ;)

      • +1

        Not really. Chicken welfare isn't unambiguously improved by free range farming (I explained more in a reply below), and the health benefits are also dubious because cholesterol and vitamin content is virtually identical. Free range eggs do have more beta-carotene but there's no human benefit other than pretty orange yolks (oh, and all farmers now supplement hen feed with colouring agents, btw). Environmentally? It's a wash. It's true that battery farms do contribute to water acidification, but free range farms also destroy local soil with nitrogen-loading.

        … but I'd love a deeper explanation to these 'many reasons,' in case I missed any.

        • -1

          Chicken welfare isn't unambiguously improved by free range farming (I

          No, I don't think you can argue that. Chicken welfare is improved by free ranged, provided you know the stocking density.

          • +1

            @Pacify: Nope. Firstly, stocking density is an oversimplification of welfare needs; In Australia, it can be as high as 10,000/ha. Secondly, free range labelling is no guarantee of outdoor access, especially when most runs are uncovered, cement slats for ease of cleaning. Actual daily access is also unregulated. Lastly, disease, parasitism, predation, and cannibalism are far more prevalent on free-range farms; so you can make the argument that welfare is actually improved by caged farming, as per the five freedoms of animal welfare (freedom from disease).

            I wouldn't go that far, but 'free range = better welfare' is not a truism. It's just a food label that egg producers adopted to placate ethical consumers, and allowed them to charge more without meaningful improvements to chicken welfare.

    • +6

      Have you got a cheaper price for free range? If not, kindly revoke your neg.

      If people wish to complain about this they can. I'm staying out of it, refuse to pick a side. Get my own eggs from a mate on a farm who I actually know doesn't lock them up and cage them.

      My issue is that this is Ozbargain - a place to find cheap stuff and even cheaper people. This isn't some environmentalist vegan society. Know that people won't change their beliefs before posting.

      I'll point out two things:
      - these are the cheapest eggs
      - if buying free range make sure they are actually free range and meeting the requirements.

    • Agree

  • +39

    I’m no environmentalist vegan but I draw the line on caged eggs. No matter how much cheaper it is than free range sourced eggs.

    • -1

      How arbitrary.

      • Not at all.

        Battery farmed chicken is by far the most cruel farming practice currently legal.

        • +1

          Crueller than the castration of bulls? Tail docking and tooth extractions of pigs? Basically lifetime confinement of sows in stalls? The bulk masceration or suffocation of male chicks even in the free range eggs industry? The freezing to death of fish? Boiling alive of crustaceans? Routine plucking of ducks for their feathers? The insemination of dairy cows and the killing of their children?

    • +6

      The biggest con the egg industry pulled off was convincing people that 'free range' meant high welfare, get them shaming each other to buy free range, then charge them more for it!

      Free range is a meaningless label, and its only condition is 'regular outdoor access.' It doesn't quantify outdoor time, nor the quality of outdoor conditions. Many chickens don't even forage when runs are provided, because surprise, surprise, they don't like walking on hot cement without shade.

      Oh, and Australian law limits outdoor stocking density to 10k hens/ha, quadruple the EU limit. And that's only recent, as in… 2017 recent. Before that, you could slap a free range label on eggs that came from chickens in barn conditions, so long as there was a door that theoretically allowed them outdoors.

      This isn't even a case of 'lesser of two evils.' If you've spent any time in either type of layer farm, you'll realise they're not that different. In fact, the same mega egg producers own both, and it's shockingly easy to convert a barn or cage system into one that qualifies for free range labelling (and mark ups). So unless you farm backyard chooks or don't eat eggs whatsoever, there's very little room to be self-righteous.

      • +2

        In my comment, I did say “I” as in it’s my belief to not buy cage eggs. I’m not pushing anyone either way what to do. But I stand by my stance on not paying for caged eggs no matter how cheap it gets.

        I was able enough to make a choice on what to do. Sadly the chickens caged all their lives just to lay eggs non-stop doesn’t have that luxury.

        • I respect your choice to avoid caged eggs, but you're kidding yourself if you believe a 'free range' sticker equals better welfare.

          We humans like to anthropomorphise chickens and shudder to think how we'd cope in those cages, but is it worse than getting pecked to death and eaten by your cellmates in the yard? Is the freedom to walk on hot cement worth disease and worms? I can't answer these questions because I'm not a chicken, but if you want a clear conscience: don't buy eggs. Not caged, not barn-laid, not even free range.

          The egg industry is so vertically-integrated and dominated by mega-producers, that it's virtually impossible for consumers to trace their origins and ascertain living conditions. Either buy eggs or don't. Drawing an arbitrary line in the sand between free range and caged, then believing one 'better,' is just splitting hairs.

  • There must be a tipping point where the retail price for caged eggs drops so low that it will be no longer economical for that business to survive?
    $0.12 / egg must be getting close.

    • Don't worry, they'll just import from Europe like those tomato tins recently on Ozbargain.

      • +4

        Are you saying there's going to be tinned eggs sold soon?

        • +1

          Dried / powdered eggs has been a thing for a long time.

        • yep, those damn scabby eggs

    • There must be a tipping point

      As far as I know it works like this: large corporations pay farmers almost nothing to "look after" caged chickens that they don't own according to a strict regime of nutrition and egg extraction. If anything goes wrong the farmer eats all the costs despite them not owning the chickens.

      And the corporation just keeps selling 0.12c eggs without any risks of actually running a business that generates almost no profits.

      When the government is dribbling garbage for idiots about helping farmers these are some of the farmers it's helping. So more corporate welfare albeit indirectly.

    • They would be selling it at or below cost when you factor in the cost of production, retail and transport.

    • There must be a tipping point where the retail price for caged eggs drops so low that it will be no longer economical for that business to survive?

      It's already there. Many eggs are sold below cost in the 'supermarket wars' as loss leaders, i.e. Coles and Woollies sell eggs below cost, which drives foot traffic to their store, and you buy other, profitable items at the same time.

  • +26

    How is this still legal?

    Future generations will look back and wonder how we were so barbaric

    • +6

      Right? I know it's comparatively cheap, but caged eggs should be at most $1.20 per dozen!

      PS: I'm kidding, this is a great price, I'd buy extra if I could get there.

      • +1

        How else could you possibly get that much raw suffering for just $1.50?

    • +5

      You must be very sheltered if you think this is what future generations will be shocked at

      • Did I say this was the only thing they'd be shocked out? One of many I'm afraid

    • +11

      How is this still legal?

      Just because they're caged doesn't mean the chickens committed a crime.

      • They are putting the felonious chickens to good work.

  • +7

    Here we go again!

    • +9

      And most of us only click on this deal for the comments

      • -1

        Yeah, I'm here for it as well.

        I don't eat eggs at all, I'm not voting these deals up or down, but I've gotta read 'em comments. :-)

  • +2

    We get to do this twice in one day?

    • +2

      Too many comments to go through…

  • I am so sick of this no caged eggs movement. The laws about declarations are so weak that they sell you whatever they want to anyways, regardless of what it says on the box. Buy them or don't but for God's sake shut up already about the conditions the chickens are kept it.

    • +1

      Don’t like it? Be a big boy and ignore it. Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion, whether it be yay or nay.

      • +3

        lol the irony

      • This is a deal site, for Martian's rights go, voice your opinion somewhere else. We know, caged eggs bad. I'll still buy them, unless I can be 100% sure that when it says free range it truly is. but as we have seen, given a chance companies don't give two hoots about you. They'll deceive you. And the worst thing of all is, those deceiving are human too. Deceivers being deceived.

        As I said for a change to happen, you need to be that change, but most of the time, you just watch a game, drink beer, and voice your opinion. Most will do something because it is 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 problem, not because they really care about wellbeing of others. And this is why the humanity is on slippery slope, sliding down ever so more, albeit slowly.

        • I don't think there should be censorship on what people can talk about here. Yes it's a bargain site but just because something is a "deal" doesn't mean it shouldn't be scrutinized. For the most part, people don't really complain on here, just the odd thing like eggs and religion. I think from time to time a debate is good. We can all learn stuff from each other here.

          • @bailbondsh: We should just get rid off 90% of the population and it would solve that and many other problems. After all humans are killing a lot more than just a few caged chooks and they have no intention of stopping.

            Others will buy them regardless of what you think and write. Most don't care. They see cheap, they see a bargain. Unfortunately, humanity hasn't evolved since the first human came to be. If it is not my pain, it is not my problem.

            And you can scrutinize, but take it to forums. here you could just do it short like, don't agree, hens suffer.

            This is just an example. I could scrutinize you for buying a $1000, 100" TV and say, why don't you spend that money on environment, animals, humans, or whatever. I mean do you 'need' a 100" TV or it is something lese.

            So nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, but until humanity starts taking action, not for their own problems, but tackling problems globally, nothing will ever change. And nothing will ever change, because people are like when you see lions eating still alive zebra, while other zebras are grazing close by and behave as if nothing is happening.

            Humanity has far bigger problems than a few caged chooks. But they tend to ignore those problems. Ad that will come to bite them back, because no one else will take care of those problems.

            I tried to get people to act. While they agreed, most were busy with their own lives. But, by not seeing the larger picture, they just fall down in ever deeper pit.

            So it's no wonder that we have 2 major parties who just swap ever few years even though we know how bad job they do. And soon, when everything is sold, become privatized, they will still take tax, but without the responsibility. If something happens, they will blame a company and tell you to talk to them as they have nothing to do with it. We don't even need the government. Every human knows what a human needs. We need, schools, hospitals, jobs, roads… and if humanity evolved enough to become highly civilised society, then you wouldn't be hearing about Chinese going to the other side of the moon. You would be travelling between stars. But humans, don't want to let go of their own self.

    • +2

      I'm sorry but what.

      Why would anyone shut up about billions of birds being basically tortured their entire lives just so you can get eggs a cheaper price.

      Holy moly people are some incredibly self centred nutjobs

      • I don't believe people are nut jobs for buying cheaper eggs. But I do think you're unbalanced caring so much for a sad, but relatively insignificant situation.

        Do you care this much about how cows are treated? How about when they're overseas? Do you care about the massive die off of animals due to deforestation, climate change and development? Moving on from animals, do you care this much about the human rights abuse in many parts of the world?

        I think it's good to be passionate about things, and I think it's good to not write off issues just because there's worse issues out there. BUT you shouldn't put people down so much and get blinded by your own self justice; you're not seeing this is nowhere near as important to other people as it is to you.

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