Canterbury Council's war on the community and retailers via trolley scheme???

I received a copy of this letter from tenants at my rental property from non-English speaking tenants.

I know this area well as I grew up in it before I left and retailers already pick up the trolleys. So, I have no idea what the heck they are thinking about drafting legislation. Imposing fines on retailers will just lead to more price increases for the community and fill the coffers of their fraudulent council; add additional bureaucratic paperwork and rules. It's not like they get paid a kickback per piece of legislation or do they?

I think Sophie Cotsis is being stupid, by combining both issues into one to get support for some dodgy trolley bill. Unless the litter issue is the trolleys themselves which I find hard to believe because they are usually gone within a day. lmao. The "real" litter issue has been around for what I would call a decade or more and is due to the following:

I'll tell you why there is so much litter around. There are plenty of bins without lids, lots of non-english speakers who don't know English and thus don't even know how to get their bins fixed. When bins aren't emptied they will just leave them out because the garbo missed it, no one seems to call because they just don't want to get involved with such a crappy council. Then those bins get overfilled and you guessed it. That's where the rubbish comes from. I mean first is first, have proper multilingual support, your residents pay their rates but never use the services.

Shitty maintenance since merger with Bankstown council is something else I have noticed. Grass used to be cut regularly outside the train stations and surrounding areas of Campsie, but that has since been abandoned due to what I can say just amounts to poor management and cost cutting. If you want, just travel to Campsie, walk outside the train station, boom, plenty of weeds growing through the concrete or tiled areas… Worst of all is the area around Cooks River where I go to cycle sometimes. There are so many weeds colloquially known as "farmer's friend" just littering the sides of the path. Grass is not cut anymore in their parks either.

I mean what more can you say about this council? First fraud, now this. This new policy will just legislate a few jobs for trolley pickups, which retailers are doing anyway. If anything, this is just a useless PR exercise that will backfire because it will cause paranoia in the business community and as a result lead to price increases as a hedge for any possible fines into the future. What I think is that they will draft it to be onerous for businesses whereby trolleys that have been there for less than 3 hours will be fined; otherwise how else would they justify drafting it in the first place if there is going to be no revenue?

This just looks like another crazy Councillor looking for excuses on how to destroy their community whilst doing nothing to actually fix the issues.

If I could vote in this area, they would have immediately lost my vote. I think a lot of us are going to vote for the Liberals this time around, all across the state. This labor council screwed up on local issues and abandoned the area because it is an Asian enclave. Plus a Liberal government with Liberal council usually gets things done better, which I have to admit is the case in my area (no idea why but they don't go skimp just because the labor guys are in power). It's not a funding issue either, it's like they deliberately funnel the money out when Labor isn't in power. But it's funded by council rates, so I don't understand why the council rates I pay don't even go to fixing up the suburb properly. What happened to all that money that they got from all that development approval in Canterbury? What a scam.

If it looks like a scam, smells like a scam, acts like a scam; guess what it's probably a scam.

Does anyone know if this is just addressed to tenants/owners in Campsie or not?

Like, screw what happened to doing the right thing as a Councillor and doing unilateral actions which help the community rather than damage it? Smells like a scam to me. You'll be like right; it's not your problem and only retailers are going to be hit and you don't buy from that area anyway. Damn, I care more about this community than their own councillor. That's how bad its turned. It doesn't really matter that it doesn't affect me.

I sure hope residents don't fall into the trap by thinking that the retailer is going to get fined; but don't be fooled as that will trickle down in price increases. I also wonder who was the resident/s who raised the issue in the first place. My guess is that no one did, and this is just a stunt for the election.


  • +11


  • +5

    When I get a spare couple of hours I will (may?) read your post

  • -4

    Where's the bargain?

    Mods please delete this, it is entirely irrelevant to the site's purpose….."If I could vote in this area"…if this refers to the geographical "area" then this reads even more like a political statement.

    Am reporting as entirely off topic IMO, mods will decide.

    Yes I read it.

    • +1

      this is in the forums so doesn't have to be a bargain

  • -2

    This is an excellent bill. Retailers are responsible for their assets. They may be liable for injuries and damages that are caused by their abandoned assets.

    • That's not how the law works, just as you're not liable for damage caused by your car if it's stolen.

  • +3

    It's all for publicity. These politicians try to get their name out there by pretending the do something for the community.

    The trolleys cost hundreds of dollars each and given the choice, retailers would not want to lose their trolleys. It is the irresponsible shoppers who ditch them anywhere. They're the ones that should be fined for abandoning trolleys. Alternatively, the councils could easily allocate a "trolley return" space in the carparks.

    Give it a few months and lodge a FOI request to see how many retailers have been fined. The answer is likely to be a big fat zero.

    • "trolley return"

      Aldi have trolley returns. Why can't other Australian retailers do the same?

      • I grew up around the area that OP is posting about. They do have people going around collecting abandoned trolleys. But they can't be everywhere at the same time.

        • +1

          They could implement a coin lock.

          • @whooah1979: A Geo-fencing wheel lock may help, then maybe only people who know how to fool the system will be able to take them from the supermarket location?

            • @Forfiet: In an area where trolleys are left abandoned this might lead to upended trolleys that are extra hard to return due to lack of wheels

  • That's Labor for you. Taxes and more taxes. No consideration as to what their actions will have reactions/consequences.

    Melbourne city council commissioned 6k smart bins… Each. They're supposed to have sensors that tells the rubbish collector to pick them up when they're full. The problems? 1)sensor doesn't work, shows empty when it's actually full 2)when it is full, no one empties it.


    • +1

      Melbourne city council commissioned 6k smart bins…

      Admittedly, they're nice looking bins.. but $6k each?? WTF?!?!

      I don't need to wonder where my rates go anymore. I walk past the answer every day.

      • +1

        If anyone doubts me

        Here is the [link] (…)

        • I don't not believe you - I'm aware of some of the council's spending habits! lol

        • +1

          Just a small quibble though.

          The article quotes Lord Mayor Robert Doyle. Team Doyle makes up five of the eleven councillors of Melbourne City Council.
          Robert Doyle was the member for Malvern from 1992 to 2006. Was also the Leader of the Victorian Opposition from 2002 to 2006 representing the LIBERAL PARTY.

          • @Baysew: Oh don't get me wrong, there's a fair amount of waste on them as well.

            The disturbing thing is, he probably, like others before him, had some high paying consultancy job lined up before his sexual assault issue cropped up.

            That's the new scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours… Later.

    • +4

      Well the last tax to be introduced was Federal LNP introducing GST on goods imported under $1K.

      I still recall when Liberal party in Vic under Kennett sold off gas & electricity and promised lower prices due to competition. That's worked out well for power companies & no one else.

      Medibank Private was privatised and now consumers are getting ripped off thanks to the Libs

      • +2

        Both the Liberal and Labor Parties are essentially the same party running the country as an oligarchy where the country is run for the benefit of the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.…

        And if you keep voting for the Liberal Party and the Labour Party this will simply continue at your expense.

        • +2

          yes vote for the greens they'll get rid of the wealthy and the middle class :)

        • Can't argue with that

      • In case you missed it we were getting ripped off before they privatised it
        I love the way everyone remembers Kennet selling the power network but seem to forget the money was used to pay down some of the massive state debt

      • +1

        None of the parties are perfect. But under Labor, why should I work hard, work long hours, only to be penalised. Sure take my cgt, sure take my franked dividends; let's see the whole domino effect. Let's just be lazy and not take opportunities because we're gonna be given free stuff anyways.

        The problem is it makes us lazy. There's no incentive to sacrifice your mental and physical well-being to work for yourself, build something up. There's too many barriers, and even more coming.

        At least you can find cheaper power companies or health insurance.

        Just my 2c. Won't respond further.

        • I don't agree with capital gains tax. I've already paid tax on my income so if I want to invest that money I shouldn't be slugged again.

          I think trusts are mostly a sort that should be changed. It's one thing to set up a trust to protect assets but it seems to be used equally to avoid tax

  • +1

    tenants at my rental property from non-English speaking tenants.

    Ok well yes that might explain all the abandoned shopping trolleys.

    I've noticed certain areas have this issue more than others.

    Shopping trolleys don't need to leave the supermarket carpark/shopping center. Simple as that.

    • Shopping trolleys don't need to leave the supermarket carpark/shopping center. Simple as that.

      Unless of course the shopping trolley is your car!

      • +1

        Unless of course the shopping trolley is your car!

        and here lies the problem….. people using them as 'cars' and leaving them on the street.

  • +1

    Campsie demographics, what do you expect. It's a free for all.

  • Have a walk past the Cooks River sometime ; every now and then you'll see trolleys thrown in by the residents.
    Now that these individuals can't find obikes/mobikes etc to hurl into the river for kicks (did anyone complain when these companies were going to be fined ?) trolleys are fair game again

    If it comes to residents dump trolleys -> council imposes fines -> retailers pass on cost -> residents pay for bad behavior ;
    it's just a different way end for the process : residents dump trolleys -> council spends $ to clean up the mess -> council rates rise

    six vs half a dozen if you ask me
    Consider it as a cost of living with the population of Australians have poor civic mindedness

    By the way; the Cooks River has a volunteer clean up crew "Mudcrabs" ; the next event is 20th Jan ; come swing by and see what the residents throw into the river…

  • +1

    TLDR Version

    Council (Labor) is looking to introduce a law which will fine businesses for their trolleys if left abandoned. This increase in operational cost ultimately costs the end users.

    This is in response to complains of littering.

    The rubbish is likely coming from council's cost cutting or poor management.

    Simple Analogy Version

    Trolleys are expensive. It is akin to trying to fix the issue of abandoned stolen cars by fining the owners for leaving the cars lying around.

  • ugh Campsie is filthy and it's the residents' fault, not the supermarket.

    they should be fining people for littering (and jaywalking ugh FML on beamish st). Supermarkets can only do so much, and as someone else mentioned, it's not as if they're happy their assets are disappearing.

    Guess they need to reinstall the "insert a coin" rule, which as annoying AF as it was, im sure would reduce the trolly issue.

    The garbage collection is an issue - i've noticed that there's a lot more garbage floating around right after garbage pick up because so much is getting lost when they're emptying them. It's been pretty bad the last few months. And of course, no lids/overfilling so things just fly everywhere.

    It's really really bad. I'm not going to lie, I've actually started picking up garbage on my street once a week (with gloves) but it's futile. Apartment blocks are the worst, the residents' just don't give a sh!t and dump their garbage. I've been to a lot of countries where this is normal, and yes, it is the demographics is relevant in this instance.

    I'm so fed up that I wish it became a council rule that you were legally responsible for cleaning up garbage on your "front lawn area" - the same way we have to cut the grass. And fines imposed if garbage is not cleaned up. Have warnings or whatever you want. IDGAF. But I've seen the same garbage sitting on the streets for weeks in front of certain houses/apartment buildings and it just sits there. MAKES ME SO ANGRY.

    Shopping Trollies are not the issue. Filthy people are

  • Dirty people gonna be dirty I suppose.

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