Title says it, build me a computer for approx $1500, if you can include links and prices too that would be great
Title says it, build me a computer for approx $1500, if you can include links and prices too that would be great
How about telling us what you want to use the computer for? That's like saying find me a car for $15,000, easy to do but probably wont meet your requirements.
wait until the rest of the AMD lineup comes out. new CPU and Navi GPU.
edit: and ram prices and SSD are expected to drop in price this year.
going to be forever waiting with that logic considering the new AMD stuff could be as late as Q3.
I can build you a great computer for $1500 (parts cost extra).
Build me a computer $1500
Sure! Paypal me $1500 using the Family and Friends function and I'll build you one.
Sure I'll build it for you, just deposit the $1,500 first.
You forget to say please:)
Why not BUY a computer for $1500?
haha sorry for the ambiguity, i deserve your troll's, the computer is for gaming (predominantly pubg) and running a online business.
I was considering techfast but i dont like the idea of generic PSU, RAM and SSD
Plus techfast arent as cheap as they have been in the past so not an option right now
Do you need any peripherals included in that budget at all?
no peripherals at all need in fact you can ditch the SSD and HDD too.
With eBay's 15% off sitewide and 20% off selected sellers it should be fairly easy.
PCPartPicker part list: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/Chjctg
Price breakdown by merchant: https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/Chjctg/by_merchant/
CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz 6-Core Processor ($255.00 @ Shopping Express)
Motherboard: MSI - B450 TOMAHAWK ATX AM4 Motherboard ($185.00 @ Umart)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($189.00 @ IJK)
Video Card: Asus - Radeon RX VEGA 64 8 GB ROG STRIX Video Card ($699.00 @ Mwave Australia)
Case: Fractal Design - Focus G (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($85.00 @ IJK)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA NEX 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($129.00 @ Umart)
Total: $1542.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-01-17 16:18 AEDT+1100
Could switch out the vega 64 for a 2070, $50~ more. Alternatively wait for the 2060 for more savings. If you grab a Nvidia card pick up the 550w version of that PSU (if it's cheaper).
*Modified a build I've been looking at for a while. Came out about $400~ cheaper, shouldn't be to much worse for gaming. Picked that case because it seems to have good airflow at a cheap price, whereas a lot of cases around that price point sacrifice airflow for looks. Fairly fine to switch cases with a Nvidia card, if you stick with the 64 try and keep good airflow (those things run hot)
Grab a EVGA Rtx 2060 for $500 tomorrow.
They're dropping tomorrow?! Yeah, absolutely pick up a 2060 then. DLSS and less cost for (potentially) equal or a bit worse performance wise. Great deal.
Unless you're like me, AMD Fanboy that refuses to buy Nvidia. But yeah, non biased peeps switch that vega 64 for a 2060.
@N1NJ4W4RR10R: I read you can modify the Vega 56 to be pretty close to 64. If so that's around $500.
Where is this happening?
@teereb: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/EVGA-GeForce-RTX-2060-XC-6GB-GDD…
Sign up to Ebay plus trial to get access to the 15% off
I love it!
ill probably go a 2070 or do you think it would be better value to just get a 2060?
I like this case- Thermaltake Core P3, thoughts?
The 2060 is apparently 1070ti levels of power, but at 1070 costs. Has 6gb of VRAM rather then 8gb but that should be fine.
2070's a fine option. Give the reviews a look at launch when they pop up comparing the 2070 and 2060, namely when OC reviews come out.
Case looks good if you're fine spending the cash on it.
I'm sure everyone will be more helpful if you provided more details or a starting point of what you were already looking at
All from eBay bar psu
GPU EVGA Rtx 2060 $500
CPU Ryzen 5 2600 $212
Ram 16GB ram $175
MOBO MSI B450-A PRO $150
PSU EVGA - SuperNOVA NEX 650 W $129 umart.com.au
Case Dunno $100
Total $1266
i like this option too!
Can't beat techfast build , Ryzen 5 2600 + RTX 2070
Total = $1,199
Techfast build will have an a320 board, means no overclocking. Just something to note.
It's important to note overclocking is futile when comparing 2070 vs 2060 vs Vega64 build at the same price.
Stock 2070 build will give better gaming performance no matter how you overclock the cpu of 2060 or Vega64 build.
Ye im not too keen on techfast, prolonged delivery, generic brands etc
So far have purchased the b450 tomohawk MOBO and corsair vengeance ram but 3200mhz instead.
Missed out on the ryzen 2600 deal, am a bit annoyed.
Im trying to determine what 2070 i should get, umart have this one - https://www.umart.com.au/Galax-GeForce-RTX-2070-EX-8G-Graphi…
or mwave - https://www.mwave.com.au/product/inno3d-geforce-rtx-2070-twi…
or the ebay windforce deal - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Gigabyte-GeForce-RTX-2070-WINDFO…
I decided on this case too - SilverStone Redline RL06 Pro Black Red Window ATX Case
I'd go for the Umart deal. Assuming it'll be a lower binned chip, but for $700 that pricing's so much better for what should be a minimal performance drop.
Ino3d… Haven't heard of them, hopefully someone can say whether their RMA service is better then gigabytes
*Gamers Nexus review on that case.
Mesh front? Looks like you chose well! Looks pretty nice as well.
what does lower binned chip mean?
Any suggestions on a 27 inch monitor between $300-500 preferably on the lower end of that price range (gaming, pubg)
Actually let me rephrase - i already own this -https://www.acer.com/ac/en/GB/content/model/UM.HX1EE.019.
Should i continue to use that and spend $300 on a side monitor OR should i make this my side monitor and spend $500 on a new gaming monitor?
Not much, just matters for overclocking which I doubt you'll be doing on the card. As I said before it wouldn't make the extra cash spent worth it even if you are intending on OCing the GPU.
If you're upgrading you'd likely be wanting a 1440p 144hz monitor, those cost about $600~ typically.
Something like that'd be a good upgrade though.
Alternatively you could go for a lower refresh rate 1440p monitor and swap between them depending on whether you were playing a game that goes better with resolution, or whether it goes better with refresh rate.
Spenny, consider checking out Tech Fast’s deals on OzBargain. And it’s kind of difficult to advise you of a build if we don’t know what you’re going to be using the computer for!