Free 7/11 Chocolate Milk via 7/11 App
today only - 17 Jan 2019
Gotta also register. No need to purchase anything.
FYI Already gone at the store near Wynyard on Carrington St.
Heaps .on the corner of Pitt and Bathurst street
Already all gone at 2x of my local. This was the one I wanted the most… I guess same with everyone else. Attendant told me a guy rocked up just past midnight with 5x phones to claim
Wtf holy crap. He must of been so desperate.
must of
Stopped reading here.
And they allowed that, how dumb.
Why would 7 eleven empployees care about the reputation of 7 eleven?, you know.. with their history and all
Imagine being told you can't claim 5 or one per person and there would have been another thread couldn't claim when it doesn't say anywhere its one per person.
Probably a former employee haha
They really should have a 'one per customer' policy, even if you have 10 phones.
If it's not in the title, then it's not a dupe. As per posting guidelines.
Not in title, not a dupe…
Have only been able to get a few of these offers. Complained to 7-11 and they said they would get the store managers to review stock levels but I doubt they do. Feels like a bit of a con.
Checked my nearest 7-Eleven store (one at Brisbane CBD) around 7:30 this morning and no stock!
This one isn't even showing up in the app for me. First one like that.
That happened to me on a previous deal when my phone was having connectivity issues. It popped up later in the day.
Seems targeted, not showing for me either.
Also many lockations which are permanently shut or closed for renovations still show on the app. I called up the other day to correct this. Like others also haven’t been able to redeem some of the deals. Last one was the sausage roll (had other warm foods).
This one's not showing up for me either. First time since the promotion started.
Not a connection issue as the fuel prices load and update.
are you logged in? You need to be logged in for it to appear
Yes, still nothing :( Been checking all morning.
Very weird :)
No stock at 7 eleven braddon, ACT. They said it was really popular 6am to 9am and sold out. Honestly I call bs on that shit.
Yep… agreed. They put 5 of them out and tell everyone else it's sold out. So you've just filled up at 7/11 and then you buy another milk drink cause you had your heart set on it. BS.
My local 7-11 guy told me he had 4-5 and they just don’t order many them because not many people buy them and it’s milk so can expire.
Yea that's right, not many people buy it in the first place so they don't order much.
I might go fill up the beast and see if it's available at my local and drop it back at home so I can crack one open after work tonight. Because it sure as hell won't still be available at 6pm when I knock off
None left at corner elizabeth and la trobe Melbourne.
Still plenty at flagstaff 7 11
Mysteriously the store has large stock levels of every other milk…
haha exactly! None left, but try one of these instead if you feel like chocolate milk now.
Actually, pretty dirty they won't give you a strawberry or something being they have sold out of chocolate.
waits for some clown to tell us 'who would want to drink strawberry'
The deal is on chocolate, why would they give you strawberry, they're a business not a charity
You could have been in the store I went into this morning- except the strawberry milk were on the other side :)
Found at 7/11 Warner (North Brisbane) about an hour ago - there was only 3 chocolate left after I grabbed one though.
Fair enough but does that mean you'll be negging all 7/11 deals since it's likely the same reasons apply?
None of these points is a reason to give the deal a negative vote.
Not sure on the first 2, but if stores are knowingly hiding stock to avoid giving them out, that is definitely a reason for neg.
There are more than 670 7 eleven stores across Australia. Reading the comments here, a lot of ozb are having difficulties claiming the deal even before 9am. That definitely should not happen with so many stores unless something dodgy is going on.
juzz0, the tribe has spoken.
No stock on George st Sydney
Plenty at Spencer St/Southern Cross 7/11 and they scanned through no issues this time
Got everyone every day but not showing in app today for me … Checked at 0100 and several times today?????
Still not showing in app?
Very odd?
Not happy Jan!
Called 7/11….. Signed out of app. Reset password. Signed back in. No offer.
Screen shot to 7/11 as requested.
Awaiting response!
Got a stupid email response!
Now they have closed today freebie.
Getting $5 credit on fuel app….. Never used?
I don’t understand why so many stores are suspiciously out of stock. Do the franchisees have to pay for the stock themselves? I would’ve thought 7/11 corporate would reimburse franchisees for the costs of a nation-wise promotion? Otherwise, I would’ve thought the brands would reimburse 7/11 for the cost of the stock - it’s a form of marketing for them!
It's just to get people in the door. I don't think 7/11 realise the issue with me going there and being turned away and what that does to their brand.
Franchisees don't see reimbursements for a while, it's an ongoing issue with hq and franchisees.
Source: know a franchisee
Confirmed redeemed this free product Corner City Road Southbank 7 Eleven. They had full shelve at 8am
I had 7-Eleven banana yesterday. It was really plump with the right level of ripeness. 9/10.
Me too, I was expecting a very sad banana
Looks like Western Australia has a free iced coffee 7/11 version
is that a reason to neg? :/
Guess so since they are based in Sydney accordng to their profile
Two stores no stock
All gone at Port Melbourne 7/11.
The only free item I got was a banana yesterday. All other things weren't available when I was there.
I only found the 7/11 fuel app for Aus
Nah mate, you need the app for 7/11 China.
I tried that at one 7-11 on Parramatta road at 8:45 am: "sold out"
gg ez
I feel everyone's frustration. I rocked up to Ezymart on my way home from the pub last night and couldn't find any chocolate milk that looked like the picture. I went up to the clerk and shouted "where are you hiding the choco milk?!" and the smart alec said something about Oak in the fridge. I said "Don't play stupid, wiseguy, the milk from the app?". And he just gave me a stupid look and said "What app?". So I took a loaf of bread and ran out. Hopefully that'll send a message that we're serious.
While I understand the sentiment, isn't this just theft?
reported to police already
Yeah, you're right. I guess I overreacted. Username checks out :)
Turns out they've got a special on Dairy Farmer's Classic anyway.
I got mine around 8:30. There were only 2 available (while there were many strawberry flavoured ones) and luckily got 1 for me!
Few left 7/11 Kellyville
Got one at the caulfield station store. Saw plenty more
All Brisbane cbd 7/11 were out of stock by 7am so i call it BS.
Lucky enough to claim one this morning, only 2 bottles left in the store so although I have 2 phones decided to only claim one and leave the last for someone else!
My offer was there this morning, now disappeared!
I guess they must have been getting hammered with complaints about it being out of stock.
Not available to me. Has it been pulled from the app?
Pulled from App! I call bullshit lol (jk) So disappointed
pulled since lunchtime
Arggg too late haha. Thanks for that mate
Managed to get one at 11am
Rip expired.
Checked in the afternoon and it didn’t even show up in the app.
Can i just diwnload the app and not purchase anything and still avail for the free stuff?