Is Sandisk Card I bought Genuine or Fake ?

So just bought this sandisk card from tech.mall the other day and want to make sure if the speed is good enough and I am quite a newbie on this.
I sort of got concerned since I read lots of thread around how tech.mall is faking people with fake products.
The card in question is SanDisk Ultra Extreme Pro MicroSD 128GB and I did a speed test on it using H2testw as suggested by forum members

I got a writing speed of 76.6 MBytes/s and reading speed of 82.9MBytes/s .

Is it genuine card or a fake one ?


  • Yes this is genuine.

    • -1

      Any evidence to support your conclusion ?

      • +4

        It can write 128GB to the SD card without any errors.
        The speed seems about right, counting in the speed limit of the chipset and reader.

  • +2

    Looking it up that seems to be around the right speeds for a MicroSD I think? and it looks like the card was written to fully. Typically fake cards only have a small storage capacity (128MB, or only 1GB) but it fakes the rest, so when you try to copy more then that it fails because theres nothing left to copy, its just been tricked that more storage exist.

    In this case it looks like H2W tested the card and all 128GB could be read/write and speed seems to be about right. If its a fake its a fake thats about as good as a legitimate copy specs wise?

  • Quite assuring . Thanks :)

  • Yep real. Enjoy

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