Annalisa Diced Tomatoes or Legumes 400g $0.59 @ IGA
[QLD] Annalisa Diced Tomatoes or Legumes 400g $0.59 @ IGA

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Cheapest I've seen these in a long time. One of the more consistent tinned produce brands. Hope the local IGA's have stocked up
Cheap but for another $0.50 you can support Australian farmers and buy Aussie grown ones
meanwhile Australian tomato farmers are throwing away tomatoes so we can save a few cents buying our imported Italian tomatoes packed by slaves in third world conditions.
Pretty sure thats what chumlee was saying… support the locals!
Well, you gave a + vote after all.
If paying double is your version of sanity, then go ahead.
Poster above says Aussie farmers are throwing away tomatoes. Why? Put them into this product, flood the market, and don't make us pay double price.
I'm happy to pay $0.50 more for aussie tomatoes and have been for years. You don't have to.
These tomatoes are from Italy and the taste is so much better than the local stuff.
Pay more for shitter quality, nice!
Been a while since I saw Aussie grown tomatoes at $1.09 where I live mate.OP's deal is a good one and the quality of the Annalisa Tomatoes and the Chick Peas is good.I use their diced tomatoes for Sugo….and they're not "packed by slaves in third world countries" (where do you get this shit from?)
I am just wondering how it is worth it to first have land, then plant them, then watering, weed removing, paying people to do all that, then harvest, buy cans and pack it all in, then send to the other side of the world for a measly 59c, and not forgetting, transportation costs, etc. here.
Its not, the local gov is just 'supporting' its people by paying them to grow produce that isn't needed, so they then dump it overseas at a loss.
The local gov either pay people benefits to live while doing nothing, or they pay people subsidies to grow tomatoes that are sold at a loss.
The USA is no different, farmers are paid to grow corn. Its why corn syrup is massive and cheap in the USA, so much excess corn around.
Ah, that's why they are all corny there :)
@bargainparker: Yep and USA has import taxes on sugar, so cheap High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is used everywhere. Look at anything made in the USA and its rarely got sugar in it, but instead HFCS as its so cheap. Even Coke in the USA is different to Aussie stuff.
Do you think the IGA sale price of 59c makes a difference to the wholesale price that has already been paid to the producers?
Might wish to go to Italy. Government not only supporting local farmers, but IGA too.
@Emdawg: Now want to go to Europe even more. After all if Australia is poor that has to be supported by Europe, then better go now while being able to afford for a plane ticket.
What's so good about this brand compared to any other brand?
Nothing. They taste tinny and disgusting.
Exceptional quality chick peas and whole tomatoes. I presume that quality extends to other products in the range. I always seek these out. Thanks OP!
Wow bought these at $1.00 at Woolies like 5 mins ago. I thought that was a bargain.
These tins are usually on sale, but not this cheap!
I thought the ACCC had done an investigation into dumping, that's clearly what these guys are doing. This brand is always on sale and cheap.
I like to try support SPC but it's hard most of the time given the aggressive pricing of the Italian stuff. I think the ball is in the government's court on this issue.
Happens with beer too. You get imported premium beer that is 2-3x as good as the local stuff, for less than half price.
@stickman what examples do you have of imported beer that is 2-3 times as good, yet less than half price?
Bit of an over-exaggeration, "2-3x as good, half price", I'm sure you know. But:-
Great Northern is $42-50. If you don't accept this as a barely mediocre brew, we have nothing to discuss and you can just skip my comment now. Additionally, up for debate, but typically AU-brewed beers are lower quality because of our poor hops and water quality. Yeah, I'm taking a risk saying that…
German-brewed Becks came in, undercutting AU-brew Becks ($46) and everyone else at $35.
Oettinger is pretty low, but still matches based on global reviews, but came in a few years back at $27 - now $33.
Stella is $45 AU-brew, can be had $38 for import sometimes.
Heineken $38 import.
SNPA $89 - crazy price? 5.6% ABV, 355mL, top of it's class - AU-brew competitors "Bridge Road brewers" 330mL 4.8% (arguably not enough for IPA, but okay) $80
UK and China-brewed Asahi, at less than AU-brew cost.
Summary: during European winters when local (EU) consumption is way down, breweries stay open. They dump the product on the other side of the world (Australia) for crazy low prices, and you can get stuff that's rated significantly higher than the local brews (subject to taste, I guess. Some people drink XXXX/VB only, and everything else is "trash") for the sub-$40 mark, when you'd be struggling to get any beer for $45.
@StickMan: Yeah, I think you've exaggerated a bit.
It's either slightly worse beers (eg Great Northern) for a similar price.
Or significantly better beers (eg Bridge Road Pale) for double the price.
Heineken, Stella and Beck's are macro garbage.
You sure it's imported beer? Most of the overseas beer is brewed under licence in Australia
Yeah, and hilariously it's worse quality AND more expensive when brewed here. Always check your cartons and country of origin, folks!
Sorry, it is the Anti Dumping Commission. If you'd like to know more:…
It's actually ongoing. Hmmmm.
Cheaper than ALDI. Nice.
heh these are always on sale, the slave labour Italy employs are either working overtime or people actively avoid the brand
Is this offer for a specific region as I cant seem to locate it in the catalog for any of the stores in Sydney, 2000?
I think so, IGA is a bit of a problem that way.
Not available regional NSW either.IGA have confirmed that its QLD only. Possibly be good if this was added to title?
excellent price.
I find annalisa diced tomatoes to have a higher tomato density and less water than other brands at this price.