Best Tablet for Small Business?

Hi everyone!

I'm planning out things I need to start my small baking business and need some advice on what tablet would be the best to use a POS system and also to manage my accounts etc. I will be baking from home but will be selling the goods at a nearby market on the weekends.

I'm considering the ipad pro or the microsoft surface go. One definitely has a lot of power and the other is just light and affordable. Will I be needing such a powerful device for the purposes i'm needing it for? Should I also consider keeping my laptop for management purposes and getting the tablet just for POS?

This is my first time starting a small business so any help would be appreciated thanks!


  • +1

    Just for POS, you don't need a lot of power. Regular cheap iPad would work for you. Can probably get it in Officeworks for $399 when it's on sale.

    For managing account, which software are you using? Most spreadsheet are not that power heavy.

    For POS, try Square. They might have a plan to get you an iPad on a monthly instalment as well.

    • +1

      Click on the iPad compatibility link on the Square Stand page to see what iPads you can use with the stand provided in Australia.

      • +1

        I just checked out Square and it seems like they also have the software to manage your sales/inventory too so i'll probably just check out which iPad is compatible and affordable and go with that.

        Thanks all!

  • +1

    tablet paracetamol

  • +1

    iPad and square POS setup are what you need. Get the iPad stand thing from square as well.

    When you say "manage accounts" what does this mean?

    • +1

      I was thinking of getting a spreadsheet app to manage my inventory, costs and sales but it looks like Square does it too. Looks like everyone is suggesting Square so far so probably the way to go hahah

  • Looking for something like this myself.

    Last time I looked at Square (a while ago) I recall some feedback that had me take a pass. For those using it now, would you recommend for occasional uses? Most of my customers pay cash or cheque…Average invoice would be at about $100 or so.

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