Hey Guys,
I bought a semi decent drone for myself and a smaller one for my daughter. I also invested in some spare batteries and the total outlay was about $200.
On the first day out in the park, we lost both drones (mine due to a 'flyaway' where I lost control of the things and I'm not sure what happened to my daughter's drone.
Anyway, I now have two controllers and several batteries, but I need to get new drones to fly with them and 'pair' them.
Any suggestions on where to get a cheap drone or two without buying the controllers?
Invest on real drone that wouldn't fly away. Or you may have to buy the same model. Not sure what kind of controler you got, maybe it is drone specific, since its a lower end drone. Perhaps google it with with the model number of your controllers.
Google recently introduce a new feature, if you google a model number of a product, it tells you the related products sometimes.