Use myki from Friday 22 April – Tuesday 26 April 2011 and pay no more than $3 per day for travel in Zones 1 and 2.
Save up to $8 per day!
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Use myki from Friday 22 April – Tuesday 26 April 2011 and pay no more than $3 per day for travel in Zones 1 and 2.
Save up to $8 per day!
MOD: moved to forum
name of the ticket card/system
that's the only good thing about it is you get weekend rate for public holiday, which is what is should be considering the public transport runs on weekend timetable.
I say: something that's years late & Victorians have wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on (out of the c$1,250,000,000.00 they'll pay for it over the next few years).
They say: myki will be one of the world's largest smart card ticketing systems, operating in a capital city as well as in suburban and regional centres.
Its a smartcard to pay your fares for travel on trains, trams & buses.
Well with all the calculations thrown around this thread, I think…
I don't need this MYKI for my week in Melbourne?
If youre using public transport your options are:
Metcard = pay for your ticket
Myki = add $ to the card, and use that $ to travel. Also you have tio pay for the actual Myki >.<
if you are a visitor and not have a myki, it probably makes more sense to use metcard.
Its a smartcard ticket, you can get them from premium stations.
Pretty sure that the website lists the places you can purchase one.……
Depending on how many days you are in Melbourne, you may be better off buying the temp passes, as a MYKI card costs $10 I believe. You would still be in front if you are travelling more than 1 day in the public holiday period.
May be a better deal if you already have a MYKI or will need to travel here and there in the future…
Some people already know about the Public Holiday for weekend rates, but in searching MYKI here, I could not see a post yet :)
$10 for full fair, $7 for concession.
This is not a bargain…
Good Friday
Easter Saturday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Anzac Day
Are ALL public holidays…
Normal myki fare for public holidays is ALWAYS $3……
Save up to $8 per day!
Where exactly is the saving ????
you cant tell he is comparing a regular fare to a public holiday fare jv?
$3 is the regular fare for weekends and public holidays… it always has been since myki was rolled out…
should we also create a new deal stating that weekend travel is capped at $3 ????
no need to tell me info I already know….
i'm just saying, this is not a discount, it is not a bargain, it is not a deal…
it is the normal myki price… there is no saving at all…
You have to remember that ALMOST ALL transport users use metcards,
which makes myki fare a bargain.
You have to remember that ALMOST ALL transport users use metcards,
how many is it now ??? last time i heard, almost 30% were using myki
no its not, that's what kamco claims it to be.
DOT doesn't seem to agree with those figures.
dunno… most people i see get on a tram don't validate a myki or a metcard ???
its no bargain at all, its the standard fare. Dont get confused just because there are most expensive fares
Slightly off topic:
As much as I know MYKI is under performing, there are some benefit of myki over metcard.
1) As mentioned above, public holiday rates.
2) If you are on a zone 1 myki pass, and travel into zone 2 on a week day, you are charged an extra $2.08 for a Daily zone 2 ticket (based on how myki calculates your fare). While on metcard, it would cost you an extra $5 to buy a Daily zone 2 ticket.
monthly metcards can be cheaper than monthly myki though… each month that has 31 days, metcard is cheaper…
MYKI's actually cheaper.
1 monthly met card : $113
multiply by 12 months: $1356
divided by 365 days: $3.715068 per day
while on myki, its $3.70 per day.
can you please calculate before making stupid comments.
your kettle is black I presume?
MYKI's actually cheaper.
nope… if you get a metcard next month, on Monday 2nd may, it will cost you $113 and can be used through to 1st June.
myki for the same period will cost you $114.70… metcard is $1.70 cheaper for that period
so metcard is always cheaper if used in months with 31 days… So a true Ozbargainer would use both cards at the right time…
can you please calculate before making stupid comments.
officeworks had some free calculators last month, did you get one ?
Ok, probably used a wrong example.
Let's say you want a ticket that last for 37 or 38 days.
It will cost you $140.60 on myki.
Work out yourself how much it will cost using metcard.
Myki give you the flexibility of no. of days, which metcard doesn't. BUT, if you need a ticket for EXACTLY 31 days, then metcard will be cheaper. (BUT it has to be EXACTLY 31 days)
And if you are on myki, you would start your pass on a monday and end it on a friday, and start your pass again on monday. That way, you will never need to pay $3.70 on a weekend. Which works out cheaper than metcard in that sense.
(This has gotten way off topic, would end my comments here.)
Ok, probably used a wrong example.
my post said
"monthly metcards can be cheaper than monthly myki though"
i didn't say metcard was always cheaper… myki is not always the cheapest option.
if you want the cheapest fare, and you don't want a yearly ticket, get metcard for the months with 31 days, and use myki pass for other periods…
I hate MYKI.
Called 3 times last month getting my money back, around $2 every time plus 30 cents phone call.
and i do get your point on the 31 days.
Actually a true ozbargainer would carry enough change for their ticket in small coins so that the machine will reject your payment. it has happened to me before, I just needed to put in $0.10 more and it rejected my money because it was too many coins. (Mostly 10 cent coins).
If a ticket inspector asks to see your ticket, tell them you tried to buy one but the machine rejected your money.
Free tickets! :D
if you think inspectors are that understanding, then go for it.
I have ever punched my ticket into the green machine to prove that it doesnt work, and still got a notice.
1) Metcard weekend saver is valid on weekend & public holidays, it's nothing to do with Myki
2) why would you buy a daily zone two ticket for one trip?
1) weekend saver is not valid on public holidays.
Will I be able to use my 5 x Weekend Daily Metcard on public holidays that fall on weekdays?
No - the 5 x Weekend Daily Metcard is only valid on Saturdays and Sundays to ensure there is no confusion about when it can be used.
2) cos it's still cheaper than a single trip.
sorry you're right…i was thinking of the old sunday saver tickets.
i remembered that it used to be valid on public holidays.
I don't know what it's been removed.
Sorry Danial, this isn't a bargain, it belong on
Next thing you know someone will post,
if you swipe on with MykiMouse card at 1 minute after the hour you get 2:59 hours travel time for the price of 2:00 hours!
Or if you swipe on after 7pm you get to travel until 2am!
Or if you complete your travel before 7am week days it's free!!!!!
Or if you don't swipe & don't get caught it's FREE!!!!!
If you did not know, and were faced with travelling on these dates, you have 2 choices, metcard or myki.
If you saw this post and knew that you could save with the myki, then you would have saved your hard earned.
I see plenty of posts on here that are not really 'bargains' and I know what you mean about this one too, but if you already know about the saving that you can have compared to buying a metcard, then just move along to the next post ;)
I dont think there was any harm in posting this, because it is a bargain compared to metcard, even though its just regular pricing.
and were faced with travelling on these dates, you have 2 choices, metcard or myki.
unless you already had a myki, most likely you'll be getting a metcard… buying a myki requires up front cost, plus it takes a bit more time to purchase and then to top up… most likely you'd have missed your train or tram by then…
regardless though… metcard will cost the same over easter and myki will cost the same over easter, so there is no saving…
I see your opinion, and its valid. But lets have 2 scenarios;
Dan buys 2 daily metcards to use on April 25 and 26 for $22 to use on the Monday and Tuesday.
JV buys a MYKI (that he may need in future anyway) and spends $10 on it, and puts $6 MYKI money on it to use on the Monday and Tuesday.
$6 Saved, and a Free MYKI for future use. Maybe not a bargain, But JV still saves $16 compared to Dan because he saw a post on OzBargain. :)
Just Saying lol
we might as well open up a new thread for every public holiday then, because exactly the same scenario applies… myki will still be $3 on those days…
But JV still saves $16 compared to Dan because he saw a post on OzBargain.
no, it's not a saving because it is the normal price for myki… they are not offering a discount…
metcard and myki have different price structures… always have, always will, it's not new…
does this mean the metcard 5x weekend tickets ($15 ticket - $3 per use) will work on public holiday days? …i dont want to use myki yet takes extra room in wallet and slightly slows down passengers getting on peak hour tram …also there is not really any saving when u buy the right metcard anyway
read 5 comments above.
The answer is NO, sadly.
I actually wish it was, but it isn't.
I think i should add this:
There is not much difference between myki and metcard for tram users. Unlike what most people believe, you DO NOT have to validated your myki on every trip. and you DO NOT need to touch off either.
The amount of times you need to validate your myki is no different from metcards.
If have a myki pass, just touch on once to active the myki pass, and you no longer have to tap the card again for the entire period of validity.
If you touch on myki money, you DO NOT need to touch off nor touch on on subsequent tram trips unless it exceeds 2 hours. And if you touch on after it expires, it automatically converts to a daily. So, you do not need to touch on or off again for the entire day.
(Treat myki money as if it is a 10x 2 hourly ticket. The number of times you need to touch on is the same as the number of times you punch your 10x 2 hourly ticket.)
(Treat myki pass as if it is a monthly or yearly ticket. The number of times you need to touch on is the same as the number of times you punch your monthly or yearly ticket.)
Metlink has been telling us for years that we have to validate our metcard for every trip, and most of us know that's pure BS. The same thing can be said for myki.
Thanks for pointing this out. I didn't know that myki is $3 for public holiday. I would have bought a monthly ticket (because I need to go to work everyday) or avoided going to the city all together. So it's positive vote for me even though it is normal price.
No problem, if it helped just one person, thats great!
Cant believe so many people have so much time to post so much crap against something that can help people!!
Goes against the very spirit of this site I think :(
To bsmksg's comment: The purpose of validating metcards each trip is to allow data collection and estimate passenger flow during different times of the day I believe.
I like the idea of having a flat $3 fee travelling on public holidays, I have both myki (signed up when they were offering for free) and metcards to cover my traveling patterns.
I think I should add these FACTS;
I cant really be bothered going into much more detail but but If you touch on a MYKI in zone 1 then dont touch off in zone 1, it will charge you a default fare for zone 1+2
Just like if you touch on in Zone 2 then only travel in Zone 2 , but dont touch off, you will be charged the default fare of zone 1 + 2.
Of course this does not apply to a MYKI pass, but below is applicable;
Once you validate a Metcard or MYKI Pass once, you technically dont 'have' to validate it, but there are a couple of reasons you should that I can think of just off the top of my head;
The very people that complain about timetables and lack of good train and tram schedules are likely to be the same people who do not validate on each journey and not helping to provide data to actually improve the system.
If you dont validate your weekly or monthly metcard every journey into the city, the barriers will not open, and you will have to show your card to station staff to get let through (minor inconvenience i guess)
If you read the terms and conditions, if you do not validate on every TRIP - YOU ARE TECHNICALLY TRAVELLING ON AN INVALID TICKET. Anyone can argue black and blue with me on this and I will be able to prove that. Yes you will be hard pressed to get caught or fined, as any reasonable person would let you off with a warning, but we know the reputation of the transit police ;)
And im sure there are other reasons as well…
"If you touch on a MYKI in zone 1 then dont touch off in zone 1, it will charge you a default fare for zone 1+2"
Not exactly true,
For trams: Default fare is zone 1.
For trains: Default fare is zone 1 + 2.
For Buese: If your bus travels entirely in zone 1, then default fare is zone 1,
else zone 1 + 2.
Btw, my comment was specific to tram only commuters.
And yes, you should validate on every trip if possible as it is used by DOT to track usage levels.
Just that there seems to be this view that myki is alot more inconvenient as compared to metcard, and my comment was specific to the large majority of people who never seem to validate their metcards on trams.
Good point, sorry if the post came across badly, it was not my intention :)
Cant agree more that Metcard is easier, and thats a major hurdle that MYKI are working hard on overcoming. Only way I will voluntarily switch is if its cheaper, or if its easier…
But unfortunately they will be phased out at some stage I guess….
hahaz… no offense taken.
It was't like there was anything wrong in what you said.
I actually prefer MYKI because there are times when the green machines do not print expiry times on the metcards, and some of those anal inspectors might give you a fine for that.
To me, there are pros and cons for both systems.
Another benefit of myki which i forgot to mention (very impt)
If you were previously on a monthly zone 1+2 metcard,
Just buy a zone 2 myki pass, and you will end up paying less every month.
Example :
30 days zone 1+2 myki = $171.60
30 days zone 2 myki + travelling into zone 1 on 28 FULL days
= $73.80 + 28 x $3.02 = $158.36
which is a saving of $13.24.
But there's more, for every weekend day included in the 28 days, you pay a further $2.48 less (or rather 54 cents instead of $3.02).
30 days zone 2 myki + zone 1 on 21 FULL weekdays & 7 FULL weekend days
= $73.80 + 21 x $3.02 + 7 x $0.54 = $141
Which makes your total savings $30.60 a month.
(Myki only charges you a 2 hour fare for DAILY travel in all zones not covered by your pass)
Hope this is helpful to those trying to save money.
sorry, my bad. This does not hold true for the moment.
for the moment?
30 days zone 2 myki + zone 1 on 21 FULL weekdays & 7 FULL weekend days
= $73.80 + 21 x $3.02 + 7 x $0.54 = $141
How did you get 54 cents for weekend daily rate?
(Myki only charges you a 2 hour fare for DAILY travel in all zones not covered by your pass)
Any proof for this statement?
I couldn't find it anywhere on myki website.
I realised after I typed the post that my calculation was wrong.
It should be $0.92 on weekends due to $3 fare cap.
The weekday rates are completely wrong, so just ignore the post.
(I misread a page in the myki manual, and someone pointed it out)
Don't you still need to pay for zone 1 on the way back?
Will be in Melbourne from Mon next week… what is a MYKI?