The cheapest I can find in the market at the moment. Maximum 2 per customer.
Compatible with Windows, Mac and Chrome computers as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. Connects via Bluetooth only.
The cheapest I can find in the market at the moment. Maximum 2 per customer.
Compatible with Windows, Mac and Chrome computers as well as Android and iOS mobile devices. Connects via Bluetooth only.
This is the cheapest I can find (aside from using Officeworks on Ebay with a 5% off code).
Not a lot of stock around.
Own it … can't recommend it although there's nothing specifically wrong with it.
It works as claimed. There's just nothing special about it.
Does it work as keyboard for an Android TV?
Yeah, as long as you can connect via Bluetooth. Would recommend the Logitech keyboard that has a trackpad built in tho
Thanks for the suggestion.
"Would recommend the Logitech keyboard that has a trackpad built in though"… I agree.
Using this without a mouse or touchpad makes some operations on an Android TV (or Android TV device like Nvidia Shield) a bit awkward. Dam annoying switching between keyboard and remote control to move around screen. Perfect for typing seaches on YouTube etc particularly when the Google Assistant doesn;t want to listen to your voice commands exactly.
Personally, I use the Logitech K810. It has an illuminated keyboard with a great touch and feedback. Excellent to use at night. Lacks a built-in touchpad and separate numeric keypad, however this is designed for compactness and portability across Windows, Android & Mac O/s devices with three function keys that can be pre-programmed for connectivity up up to 3 devices via Bluetooth.
Own it too, very loud. Perfect de-stresser for frustrated programmer, worst bedroom mid-night keyboard
can't recommend it although there's nothing specifically wrong with it.
You've captured perfectly how I feel about 90% of my OzBargain impulse purchases from 2018…
All I can say is it very loud for a portable keyboard
loud and heavy~~~ k380 is much better~
I like loud, is it as loud as mechanical mx brown?
Yeah, but useful. the annoying thing is those keys rub on the side and sometimes feel like they stick. I should have really just got a Bluetooth keyboard with real keys and screwed a bit of wood to it with a holder. Still would have been lighter
I love my k380. Portable and light, but you need a separate stand for your phone/tablet.
this might be price match from BigW..
i bought this from dicksmiths clearance sale when they were closing down for about same or less, nice keyboard
Anybody know Logiteck k375s?Which one is better?
I love my k375s. I use keyboard lots for work and k375s arrow keys are more of the right size compared to other compact keyboards.
K375s is not aimed to be portable though. More for desktop setttings
Thank you for your reply. After search here, I found I missed the best deal of k375s:(
K375s can also be connected via unifying while k480 and k380 cannot.
Also, k780 can also be connected via Bluetooth or unifying
Will the device slot fit a new iPad Pro 11” in landscape?
A shame but thanks
Yes, it will. The angle of the ipad to the kb is about 45 degrees though.
I think you’re right.
I thought the commentor was referring to the 12.9” iPad Pro.
I used one. good for ipad & iphone.
It's always been this price.
I bought one a few months ago. The keys are worse than $20 membrane keyboards. Probably th eonly solution for under $50 for ipad and iphone typing though.
Been using this for sometime
As what other said, nothing major wrong but not recommended
Major issues with this keyboard:
- Its pretty heavy so not very good in carrying / using on train
- The key strokes are quite noisy
- Its also too thick and bulky as a portable iPad keyboard
(Unlike other Logitech Folio keyboards which can be act as a case cover when not in use)
If the keyboard isn't thick and heavy then an iPad will too easily topple the keyboard when it is placed in the docking slot.
advice:get the K380
Was very tempted to buy this as my main keyboard but the comments from happy owners who can't recommend it has changed my mind. Thanks, impulse purchase averted.
Upvote for the otherwise good deal in this, for those its more suited.
It’s not great for typing. The keys are clumpy.
Keys are loud too
Also, at least my battery cover comes off really easily. Every time I even thought about picking it up
Intermittently disconnects with my iPad and iPhone.
Also it is bulky for intended purpose
Other than that it’s grest. Though I haven’t used it in years
Haha… Jumped in to say how much I like this keyboard, but I guess I'm the only one. I like the hef, and the fact that surface3 (10') or phone fits and I can carry it around like a normal laptop (holding from the base). Used to keep it at work as a dedicated phone keyboard. Now keep it at home while laptop is on a riser. Anyway, it's solid, you can jam it in a bag, and has lasted 3 years without issue.
I own this keyboard as well as the successor. I'd have to say skip this one, their newer one is far better (K780). What it has over this one is;
1) It's a VERY quiet keyboard.
2) It has a numpad
3) It has a longer tray for your phones, cards, tablet to sit in.
Seriously, skip this one and get the K780.
K780 much better too
I own this keyboard and it's the most irritated and disappointed I've been in a purchase. It's loud, clunky, unpleasant to type on, and absurdly heavy. I had intended this to be carried around with my tablet for lectures, but it's so distasteful, I don't bother and just leave it at home.
Thanks for the post. I desperately need this as a keyboard just for my Ipad and Iphone. I hate typing using the screens as my sight is bad.
Anybody know of a cheapish sleeve or case this would fit into without swimming around?
"The cheapest I can find in the market at the moment."
jb hifi sells the same price so it wont be the cheapest :P…