Would you buy a new iPhone on ebay? What are the risks? The phone is supposed to be unlocked, brand new in the box unopened. What if its not though? Is it likely I could get a refund with ebay dispute? Seller has 100% positive feedback
Risk Buying New iPhone on eBay

Last edited 06/01/2019 - 17:30 by 1 other user
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Oh that's rough :(
I had an Ebay buyer open a Paypal case against me on Day 179 (180 days is the Paypal limit). Upon doing that, Paypal immediately grabs the money out of the account and places it in limbo until the case is finalised. The only thing that saved me from losing the money was by chance I had sent the buyer a message soon after the sale to let him know that delivery was attempted and was waiting at the post office to be collected. He replied that he had collected it and was happy with the item but never left feedback.
Uploading a screenshot of the Ebay message was the only thing that stopped the buyer getting the money back. The issue noted on the Paypal case - "the screen replaced and home button doesn't work." I never had the screen replaced (iPhone 6) so I've got no idea what his issue was.
TLDR - Open a Paypal case.
The issue noted on the Paypal case - "the screen replaced and home button doesn't work." I never had the screen replaced (iPhone 6) so I've got no idea what his issue was.
Sounds like the classic: "Have a broken [XYZ], buy unbroken [XYZ], return broken [XYZ] for refund" scam.
Wow … that is not fun. It always comes back to trust and fair dealings. There will be always a risk with these transactions.
I would try PayPal dispute. Its unreasonable to refuse return because Apple opened it.
Eh - from the seller's perspective: hard to say whether the screen actually stopped working as OP said it did, or it stopped working because someone else opened it and broke something.
Except that Apple opened it and they would know what they’re doing. I understand if it’s some unauthorised guy but it’s the manufacturer that had inspected it.
@FireRunner: Really doesn't matter. Unless Apple staff are magically immune to stuffing up (which, believe me they're not), as far as the seller is concerned, a 3rd party that they can't verify opened up the product and now it doesn't work.
I mean, hell, as far as the seller is concerned, all they know is that someone opened up the phone - OP has no way of even proving that it was only Apple that did so.
@HighAndDry: I believe Apple sends out a receipt whenever they attempt repair. This also shows something was wrong with the phone (why would someone take the phone to apple if it was working?)
@FireRunner: Yes, but OP has no way of showing that only Apple opened, and no way to show that it was already not working when opened.
(why would someone take the phone to apple if it was working?)
Not saying OP is doing this, but to scam the seller since taking it into Apple is free?
@HighAndDry: Ok you make a good argument. I’m more inclined to believe the story but maybe that’s just naive. The situation is a mess and you’ll either have to trust them or not.
@FireRunner: I believe OP actually, but if I was a seller, I couldn't do that with every purchaser because more or less, there are bound to be not-so-good people out there. I still think OP should put in the eBay/Paypal claim - no reason not to in his position.
@HighAndDry: Thanks for all the comments …
I can understand the seller - I did something wrong by going directly to Apple.
In my defence: They told me that I get a free screen replacement (with the usual caveats - no 3rd party parts and no water damage.) As the phone was never near water and I did not expect any 3rd party parts I was happy to go ahead with it and Apple told me I can pick up the phone in 2 hours … wow … grea t service I though (as usual) … but as they found previous water damage they refused to repair … (fair enough!).
I was even so honest and told "greengadgets" that Apple opened it and found the water damage … cool … now they say I can't get warranty as it was opened (also fair enough but they sold me a damaged phone in the first place … and they know this!). It's unfortunately impossible to prove (I would not know how). Paypal refund would not work as bought with the 10% ebay vouchers :-(
Ah well … I took the phone to a chinese repair shop and they fixed it with some cleaning of the connectors of the display … easy job :-) They told me it is not that bad and should last forever.
I guess learning from that story is just that you need to be careful with used phones and esp. refurbished ones … you can't see inside! There is always a risk.
Should've gone straight to green gadgets
I mean - you shouldn't be taking it to Apple if you bought it refurbed from another seller, unless you were willing to pay for the repairs.
I wouldn't buy anything of value from ebay unless it was from a store I recognised like Good guys.
Just make sure it is Australian stock and a reputable dealer like mobileciti.
If you buy from a recognised store then you should have less problems. Eg good guys myer david jones big w etc. Buying from any other places it is buyer beware.
For something so important it’s always better to pay a bit more and know you’re not getting something damaged or improperly refurbished.
Then again I would never buy a refurbished phone. You just don’t know how it has been treated and the hard drive may have issues depending on how much was downloaded, photos taken, emails etc etc. if this fails then you could lose everything if not properly backed up. The conditions of use will also affect the phone. Eg in extreme temperatures (hot or cold) - beach or snow etc etc.
If you do buy one off eBay that claims to be new I’d take it to apple to verify that there were no other owners.
Try to avoid buying a phone with more than two platters in the hard drive. I heard they are troublesome, always dropping the capital letters from proper nouns.
Few stories on Whirlpool.
A bad guy buy iPhone with contract. Sell the phone unlocked still wrapped.
After 1 month reported lost. Provider kills the phone. Buyer cries.This is the most likely scam. Not sure if you can PayPal dispute it if seller does this.
If you buy from a big time seller, you should have no issues.
Private sellers runs a risk, those with not 100% feedback or low number of feedback, you sould definitely avoid.
Make sure to check that the feedback was gained by selling not just buying.
Remarkably low prices are always suspicious, highly likely a scam and/or hacked account.
Don't risk it with refurbished as others have said.Why would they do that? Apart from pissing you off. I menathey gain nothing from it. Apart from pleasure if they're a sociopath.
I think I've answered myself.
Reported lost and claimed on insurance
Oh wow….. That's fd up
Edit: paypal has a 180 days buyer protection. So if soemthing happens, you'd be protected. After that period though…
Sold my old iPhone 7 in December via eBay with no fees. Didn't have any issues and the buyer was happy.
I wouldn’t.
Do you want your hard earned money to go to waste?
I would rather go to reputable telcos/store to get a phone and not get scammed. Not worth the trouble.
I just bought an iPhone X in November. From one of the refurbishing companies (greengadgets) on ebay. In December the screen stopped working and I brought the phone to Apple top check. They told me I get a new display for free.
At pickup they told me the phone had previous water-damage they wanted to charge me over $800 for an replacement phone as they would not repair it. Wow … I just had the phone for 30 days.
I asked greengadgets for a return but the refused as the phone was opened by a third party (in this case: Apple!). So they sold me a damaged phone and got away with it. Not much I can do. :-(
I guess you have better chances in the first 30 days … esp. when a new, unopened phone is advertised. The ebay buyers guarantee only goes for 30 days.