Unauthorised Transactions by Bankteller?

My friend did an transaction from one bank to another bank to pay off the mortgage on Friday. However, strange things happened that the transaction was reversed by the bank teller and sent to a wrong account without her consent. On her bank app shows that the fund was sent to the account she provided and reversed by the branch staff and then sent to an account of three digits difference in the account number to what she provided. She immediately called the bank and the telestaff told her they have no idea why the branch staff were doing it since they branch was closed already and will open till Monday.

Does anyone know if she will get her money back? Why would the branch staff do that?


  • Does anyone know if she will get her money back? Why would the branch staff do that?

    She will get her money back.
    I am guessing in error.

    to pay off the mortgage

    To discharge a mortgage or just a repayment? Seems a complex way to make a regular payment.

    • She recently just sold her car. My guess is she was to discharge a mortgage. But she and I can't figure out why the branch staff reversed the money and sent to a wrong account. They just replaced the digits of '9' with '3' in the wrong account.

      • Usually you need to get a final payment figure and go into a branch on a given day and make the payment. Way easier if it’s only a few dollars (ie. do bigger transfers into the account yourself beforehand).

        Then, usually, you will pay a fee and/or discharge/register fee within 10 days. Easiest way for that is to nominate a savings account (with the bank).

        Which bank?

        • Suncorp, i guess she paid more than the payment figure to her other bank's offset account.

  • just chill, let them freeze it and reverse it

    • Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup
      Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup

      • Do I vote in reverse for your post?

        • +2

          Appears so…haha

          • @John Kimble: Seriously what happened to Missy? She was everywhere, and then she just dissapeared :(

            • +1

              @BertieBrown: She was sick for a while.

              • +1

                @John Kimble: Just had a Google, she has something called Graves disease. Also, she’s lost heaps of weight and looks incredible, I’ve been out of the loop big time it seems.

                • +1


                  she has something called Graves disease. Also, she’s lost heaps of weight and looks incredible

                  Hope the two aren't connected though…

  • +1

    I've got a weird story about a bank teller doing something dodgy.

    My aunty who has very limited English went in to withdraw a small amount of cash. The teller then insisted that she needed to withdraw $10k and gave her a weird reason but my aunty couldn't explain. So my aunty ended up withdrawing the money. Then a few weeks later my aunty told my mum about it freaked my mum out. Thankfully my aunty still had the teller receipt which showed that the $10k withdrawn was actually taken out of someone else's account. We got lawyers and the bank manager involved and an investigation was held and everything. Luckily my aunty hadn't spent any of the money and just returned it all. The bank never told us the outcome of the investigation. This was a good 8 years ago at least.

    • +7

      That's the strangest thing I've ever read and I'm on reddit everyday.

      • I know, this thread just made me remember this story. We all came up with theories as to why this would happen and the best one was that this bank and my aunty were located in a very low socioeconomic, high crime rate area. In fact she had her house broken into many times. We theorised that the teller was in on some criminal syndicate and released the details of my aunty's address to some criminals with the intention of them breaking into her house and taking the money.

        • Sounds like this could be Dandenong. Am i right ?

      • Holy crap, that's saying something.

  • +1

    Did she go into the branch to do this or did she do it on her computer?

    • And please explain

      from one bank to another bank

      • Lot of people have home loans with one bank, and transaction accounts with another.

      • from suncorp to another

    • She went into the branch did this. Three transactions shown as "STAFF ASSISTED" but only one she authorised to do it.

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