I've giving my bank details to someone I don't really know personally she wanted my bank numbers my account number the one on the front of my keycard and my bsb number to transfer money via online should I be worried about things like bein robed? Westpac
Acc and BSB Number

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Did you give them your pin number and password too?
I'll just fill in my mother's maiden name…
Should be fine with just account number and bsb, don't need a key card number. Hope you did't give them the number behind the card either lol
Yeah I did…the 3 digit on the back of the card. Idk this stuff man that's why im askin
Did you really? You need to cancel your card
Those numbers on the actual card are only used for taking money out.
More context needed. Have you sold something and the buyer is looking to pay?
Post your bank details here so we can advise if ok to pass on to her
With pin and code behind. Are there only teenagers on this site.
if you're worries you can always open a new account with no monthly fees specifically to receive money in cases such as this.
should I be worried about things like bein robed?
Why would you be worried about being clothed in a robe?
must wear slippers and smoke a pipe too
can they take money out of my bank account if it has already been processed and gone in
well she certainly doesn't need the number on your card to transfer money so that's weird.
Send me your username and password for your online banking.
I'll double check for ya!!
Slint you mean the 3 digit code…yeah…I did
Please be troll! Please don't be legit!
Cancel your card immediately then.
Brand new account created 9 mins before post…..smells like troll
Remind me the recent Westfield giftcard topic. A new user usually starts from deals, not forum.
Not a troll just a idiot
I'll cancel it
Did you check your transaction history? Might already be too late…
I have no funds at all I took out all the dough just before .. I thought bsb was the 3 dig on back card. .. Lol wtf
BSB is 6 digits.
You're not an idiot, this stuff isn't intuitive.
You give your BSB and Account number to people who want to GIVE you money.
You give your Debit/Credit Card Number and CVC (3 digit code on the back) to trustworthy businesses that you wish to allow to TAKE money from you.
Get it together man
dough? are you from the states or underage?
Both I reckon
Why don't you just setup payid or use the beem it app (the one we all got 15$ for installing)
Member Since 6 hours 54 min ago
Mods, anytime now…
Give a stanger your saving account, not transaction account. I believe most banks' saving accounts decline any direct debit if you are worrying about money loss.
Is your keycard a debit MasterCard or debit visa? Ie, can you PayPass with your keycard? If so, have your card cancelled and reissued. If they have to transfer you money surely they can pay your mobile number? Depending which bank, PayID is available and funds are transferred immediately (if PayID is offered through your financial institution)
Pretty sure OP has question answered. Thread closed.