Plastic container to put stuff in
More (but different)plastic containers to put stuff in;
-10 pack $11 (was $22)…
Or search Sistema- most seam to be at least 50% off
Happy storing
Plastic container to put stuff in
More (but different)plastic containers to put stuff in;
-10 pack $11 (was $22)…
Or search Sistema- most seam to be at least 50% off
Happy storing
It is $1. $1 for 1 container, the description is 10 for $11.
oh man I feel silly lol
Same per each price at Woolworths for 3 pack, plus rewards plus wish cards…..
Pity that Klip Its do not seem to be airtight / watertight
I bought heaps at the time when I wanted to organise all my hoard and all sorts of cables, pc screws, adapters et al, and had discounted Wish Gift cards to spend - prob would not do that again now
But for $1 its handy to have a few for packing lunch items.
Agreed, they are not watertight, even though they look like they should be. For anyone who doubts, fill one with water, hold it over a sink, and tilt it sideways.
However, if you only need crush or scratch protection, they make excellent protective cases for cameras, mutimeters, calculators and the like. Put your equipment in the case, then put it in your pocket or work bag. Also good for storing small items (memory cards etc).
Although they are not airtight or watertight, they do appear to be ant-proof. The ants in my house haven't managed to get inside them, so I store opened bags of sweets and dried fruit in them.
If you want to store screws and other small things, use 60ml medical sample jars, the type that are made out of milk-bottle plastic:…
I have two Sistema 1L lunch boxes, each holds about 18 of these sample jars. With a fine permanent pen, write the contents description on the lids, e.g. "M3 NUTS BRASS".
I did the same. I'm not disappointed. Those things don't need air tightness.
There are some watertight crates at officeworks if you want that. But they are crates, so they are large.
Now $4.87 + $8.25 delivery.
Don't spose they selling much at that price
Thanks, ordered the 10 pack in time for the new school year :/
i was excited when the title had $1 but the price is $11 :(