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Creative Headphone Bargains + Free Shipping



I noticed some good prices on some good creative products.

Stand outs were..

Aurvana X-fi noise cancelling ($99 + free shipping)

Creative Digital Wireless Gaming Headset HS-1200 ($99 + free shipping)

Creative Aurvana Live! headphones ($71.95 + Free shipping) Ive posted these in a previous deal..but cheaper now.

Probably more on the site.. they are a few that caught my attention.

Also Creative offers free shipping on orders over $129… But most prices are more expensive than local shops. Start exploring for more bargains.

Referral Links

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$5 credit for the referrer.

Related Stores

Creative Labs, Singapore
Creative Labs, Singapore

closed Comments

    • +8

      Dude.. This is a bargain post for those who are in the market for the bargain, it's not a place for you to preach about what you like or don't like.

      This is a great bargain, especially in regards to the noise cancelling headphones.

  • how big is the earcup ? i have small ears and feel Sennheiser HD202 series is good (HD555 is too big!)
    would this be the same cup size as 202?

  • Is the Xfi worth the extra $28 as compared to the Live?
    They both are active noise cancelling but the xfi feature 2 additionals modes of listening.. Much difference?

  • +1

    The Live Aurvana are not noise cancelling.. If your after a cheap set of headphones to listen to music (the sound quality is great because they have a denon driver in them), then get these. I thrash this set around and they have been great.

    But seriously for the extra $28 get the aurvana x-fi's because they have true noise cancelling and retailed at $300 when they first came out.

    • Sorry, my bad.. Was lookin at the HN605 which are noise cancelling..

  • +1

    Even though they are cheap now, they have been out since 2007..
    Hasn't technology changed much since then..

    • I'm sure it has changed but I don't really know.

    • I don't think headphone technology changes that fast, and especially not in the lower end models

  • I really want to get the Aurvana X-fi, but after reading about the quality issues on Amazon I'm kinda turned off.


    What do you guys reckon?

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