Should i buy a toyota 86 gt or be responsible? i have a ppor and investment property?
Toyota 86 gt $35-36k
Currently have a 2012 civic. In good condition.
Should i buy a toyota 86 gt or be responsible? i have a ppor and investment property?
Toyota 86 gt $35-36k
Currently have a 2012 civic. In good condition.
Go a Subaru instead. 5 year warranty compared to the crappy 3 year Toyota warranty
As someone who test drove both cars, and settled on the Suby, I approve of this comment.
Toyota still has to abide by ACL. They'll cover you for longer than 3yrs… 😉
But then you need to fight it with the dealer and Toyota. Rather buy the same car with a 5 year warranty.
3 year warranty is poor form from manufacturers today
Yeah I know it makes it less clear-cut, I was just informing people. It's nothing an employee of Toyota can just come out and state, but there are systems in place that go over 3yrs…
The only bad thing about the 86 is the suby boxer engine.
Toyota may provide a remedy equal to or more than 5 years.
lol Toyota just moved to 5 year warranty too…
This after saying for months that their cars are reliable enough not to need it lmao
Wow. I read a caradvice article only a couple of days ago on how Toyota & Nissan are the only Japanese cars not to have 5 year warranty.
is your IP positively geared ?
you only live once , go for it
but i won't get new , just get a used for 15k
if you want new, get 2019 mx-5 … 0-100 under 6s.
86 is too slow & gutless with no engine update
both redlines at 7500, not much fun
if you're after the rev adrenaline, get a blown rx8 for 5k and get it rebuild
you get 9500rpm with pops & bangs
"you get 9500rpm with pops & bangs"
And then you rebuild it again?
Ip is positively geared slightly. Just over that point.
2018 second hand I'm thinking $30k but not sure if i should buy new.
Is the mx-5 also rear wheel?
don't get new, 86 only get facelifts & diff suspensions tuning, hardly any update on performance/engine over the years ever since 2012 launch.
mx-5 is RWD & they're both targeted to the same market aka pure driver's car, except 86 has 2 extra rear seats in a coupe body while mx-5 is roadster with softtop or RF version with convertible hardtop
they both provide raw driving experience albeit different feel
2019 mx-5 has a major update on engine which makes it more eager to rev & feels much more lively compared to 86 , while being a faster car than 86
Depends on height. I've driven both, I'm 6'3 and fit a lot more comfortably in the 86
Yes buy it.
But buy a second hand version.
They depreciate like no tomorrow.
So do max retail used cars. Add to that the cost of rego transfer, only having a part years rego and ctp, worn tyres, worn brakes, limited warranty, etc.
Also consider the factor of not knowing how it was driven or maintained by the previous owner.
New and used both have negs & positives.
Too many un calculated variables and guess work in your statement. What is not guesswork is the fact a new one is 36k-38k a second hand one is 16-20k less in price. If OP purchases one in only moderate condition I highly doubt all those listed issues will amount to 20k.
If you like your civic get a civic type r? I am not sure how much they are? (just looked they are like 10k more)
Short answer? No.
Long answer? Noooooooooooooo.
Let some other chump buy it new, and buy it off of them a month later for 30% less.
Got a link to one thats one month old for 30% less?
Wholesale they lose a lot but yards go close to new price for almost new cars.
It's called an exaggeration.
Why? It's a 6 year old car. Either buy used (assuming non-thrashed) or wait until new gen or the Supra in 2019.
Supra? Yeah that'll be $70-100k
I definitely wouldn't buy a facelift 86 for $35k. At the very least, Supra would suck up the top end and discount the 86.
Buy a Tesla.
That's what i really want i test drove one for fun last year. Fastest and most expensive car I've driven.
Great weekend cars, shitty daily cars. Doors are too big, you sit too low, the boot is small, ain't no one sitting in the back seats, rev happy but low on power.
If you're male, expect every guy to look into your window at the lights expecting a female to be driving it.
Just how it is, and I sell the things 😂
You're 6'3. Trade in the cart for an SUV.
I don't own one ;)
If you're male, expect every guy to look into your window at the lights expecting a female to be driving it.
What's the problem with that for someone who isn't sexist? Hell, if the guy is cute blow a kiss anyway, see where things go :P.
They are great, not the fastest, but look nice, well built, simple engineering, cheap to keep and service
if you have 30k+ wondering around, why not!
If you can afford it new and like the car then go for it!
Apart from all the obvious reasons why buying new is better another good reason is supporting manufacturers who develop and build sports cars.
i have a ppor and investment property?
I don't know, do you?
And it really matters how much equity you have in those, not that you just have them. I mean, if your investment ppty is in QLD (or Sydney Olympic Park), that might well be a negative, not a plus.
If you can afford it, and thats what you want, then go for it!