• expired

Aussie Broadband - 1st Month Free on NBN Plans up to $99 a Month


Aussie broadband are offering free month's NBN for plans up to $99 a month.

Enter code TV1FREE when signing up online.

I received the code after deleting cookies and browsing the Aussie Broadband website. No terms and conditions or webpages displayed but presume
based on past codes new customers only and no stacking with refer a friend although referrer usually still gets $50. Please see https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/29476/65527/screenshot…

The rep has posted:

Our general promotions terms and conditions still apply-

Confirmation that referrer (but not the referee) still gets $50 if trying to persuade a friend

From Aussie Broadband transcript:

Courtney 10:50:31 am
you get the $50 credit and they get the promo

Referral Links

Referral: random (354)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

            • @SnoozeAndLose: Nope, the NTD is provided free by NBN/Aussie Broadband. Think of it as the 'modem' which then plugs into your D700 router

              • +1

                @lachhelix: Okay thank you for clarifying. So there is no option or no need to select amything during application? That is t say if the technology used is FTTC then AussieBB will automatic send the NTD to me?

                Thank you for your response in advance

                • @SnoozeAndLose: Correct! I had a router with a WAN port, they sent out the NTD, plugged it in and off we went. No additional cost. The NTD is provided by NBN. If you want to see what it looks like just google image search 'FTTC NTD nbn'

  • Finally jumping from ADSL2+ to NBN. Anyone know how long it takes to transfer?

    • +1

      Depends on technician availability, ours was connected a week after order date.
      Technician arrived and did his work on the date we booked (updated us with texts as well) and we were connected that night. They said it could take up to 48 hours but it was fast and smooth.

      Can highly recommend ABB!

    • Depends a lot on the connectivity level and technology of your premises. My FTTC required no technician, just had to wait 3 days for the NTD arrive, plugged it in and worked straight away

      • Were you able to use the existing internet during those 3 days?

        • +1

          Sure was

  • -2

    $99 a month for NBN sounds expensive

    • Sounds pretty normal for a 100/40 unlimited plan.

      It's up to $99. You can get a $62/m plan if you wish for the first month free.

      You cannot however with this deal get a 250/100 plan as that's over $99/m.

      • -2

        TPG is $89 for 100MB NBN
        Which would save you $120 a year more then a free month at $99 with this company

        • +2

          When there is problem with TPG, you may experience difficulty with commumication with their oversea support and frustration without internet for a while. I am sure this worth more then $120.

          • @SnoozeAndLose: Yeah, when TPG works it's good and reliable, when it (profanity) up they are the absolute worst. Their support has worked for me but they truly are a pain in the ass.

          • -1

            @SnoozeAndLose: I have been with TPG for many years, and if i had an issue it was fixed pretty quick, at end of day they are the same as this company and all other resellers, they can fix only so much before it needs to be sent up to Telstra etc

            Unless this Aussie Broadband has their own infrastructure, that would be only reason it would get fixed faster?

            • @asa79: You must be the lucky one, i have issues after issue, problem get fixed then one month later repeat.

              However even each time related to same issue , it take TPG for few days to realise.

              • @SnoozeAndLose: What was your issue tho, might of been infrastructure? Which in the case would be the same for any other reseller

        • -1

          So a cheaper plan gets neg?

    • It is expensive but you can choose slower speeds or less data. Also these continual discounts and specials have to be paid for along with what the NBN charge. Add to that Australian support and sufficient bandwidth to prevent congestion. It all adds up.

  • Would def recommend this. We are on the $99 plan (don't really need it but smeh) and they have really good service.

  • Any existing Aussie Broadband customers here? I can't find information about switching between their plans.

    I'd probably start on the $99 plan just to experience that kind of speed for the first month. Can I then easily switch to something more sensible like the $79 plan?

    • +2

      Yep, not an issue. Although a good idea to check your address on the FutureBB SQ checker to see what your potential maximum speed could be (if you’re on FTTN) - https://futurebroadband.com.au/sq/

      Not that it really matters when the first month is free, but still.

      • +1

        OMG that link's amazing! Do you know where they got the source information from?
        The FTTN for my address is actually very accurate!
        EDIT: found others as well, easier one is https://myrepublic.net/au/ also

        • They source it directly from NBN co, but the information isn’t generally made public.

          Optus use to have a site as well but they disabled it a fair while ago. There are others, but Myrepublic one just gives you such a huge range it’s basically useless. The second link you gave isn’t that good any more as hasn’t been updated for ages, and wasn’t really that accurate anyway. My old place the pillar was right across the road from me, so it says it’ll get max speeds but that pillar doesn’t have its own node and is shared with one ~400m away.

          I’ve seen the same error on many different houses as well, it’s still a decent starting area though. Pity so many areas (especially here in Perth) have no data, or out of date (I know my brother’s place was originally FTTB, then changed to FTTC, now it’s FTTN. The site hasn’t updated with that.

    • +1

      Plan switching is easy as do it all online updates in seconds. I went over my 500gb over xmas changed it to 700gb for extra $2 and it reverts back to 500gb in Jan really easy !

      • That is great news. Save a few $ by turning down volume before going on holidays :-)

        Does that work even between different speeds or only for different data volumes on the same speed?

      • Can you do it in the current billing cycle? Means if you know you are close to limit then bump it up and pay very little to upgarde that month?

  • Been with ABB for a few months now and they're really good. Highly recommend.

  • -3

    Do they allow you to put credit on the account or start a tab / balance.

    TPG doesn't allow this and only debits you automatically every month and if your payment bounces or declines because you don't have enough money on the date you have to pay them over the phone and can't through their online portal.

    Let's be mates let's you start a balance that can get deducted from every month giving peace of mind if you want to prepay your Internet account in advance a few months or whatever.

    Does AussieBroadBand have good functionality or is it like TPG and you can't start a balance or deposit money anywhere to be deducted from later.

    Also any good ISP's that take PayPal or dare I say it crypto?

    TPG download and upload speed has been fine in my area but I don't think there is much traffic tbh where I am.. Smallish town not much gamers I think mostly old people and non gamer types.

    • Don't know what you're on about good functionality. Invoice payment can't be any simpler.
      AussieBB and Internode will send you an invoice then deduct your credit card after 2 weeks.
      Before they deduct your card, you have the option to pay the invoice on your own. Any extra amount will be credited onto your account. AussieBB only accept credit card. Internode accepts BPAY as well.
      amaysim used to accept PayPal before they went kaput with NBN.

      • Sorry I brainfarted in my head and good functionality just meant can it start a balance or basically pay the account in advance I.e set and forget like let's be mates or ACN.

        • Last time my colleague double paid AussieBB invoice, the extra amount was credited into my account.
          I don't think they would formally advertise it as set and forget though.

          • @brokenglish: Ok so Aussie Broadband do have a start a balance feature. That's great because TPG doesn't which is a huge bummer and nuisance for me they do have payment extensions though if you ask but they need to go to NBN co first before granting it to you.

            I would have stayed on let's be mates flexible no cancel fee no contract plan but was not sure how much longer they would stay in business and have been burnt by Telecube before ascend saw Mungi was in voluntary administration so decided that going with a bigger company like TPG for now was a better choice until I find another large company with a better plan and payment system and policies.

            TPG customer service is ok but a bit misleading and not my most favourite compared to other ISP reps.

  • Hey I've got a quick question. I'm with TPG NBN - if I switch my account to AussieBroadband, will I have a downtime?

    • What kind of NBN do you have? FTTP no downtime, FTTC/FTTN/HFC should be a couple minutes to couple hours.

    • I swapped from Internode to ABB last night. Internode service disconnected within 5 minutes. Got completion notification from ABB 10 minutes later. Changed router from PPPoE to IPoE/DHCP WAN mode and done.

      • I am currently with Internode too on their ADSL plan, been wanting to upgrade to NBN, is there any initial connection/tech/setup fee when you sign up with ABB? and what's the turnaround time to get it connected, as Internode does not offer partial refund, need to work out a best day of the month to make the switch, Cheers!

        • Depends what type of NBN service you're getting, turnaround depends on NBN tech availability, if an appointment is required and if you're available for it etc. I was just churning from Internode NBN to ABB NBN.

  • If you are on cable can you get Auusie NBN? NBN getting rolled out here but it's over coaxial HFC

  • +1

    I'm surprised we don't have referral links for Aussie Broadband seeing that they have a refer a friend program.

    Mod Note: Removed Referral Solicitation.

    • Looks like you can't use both codes:

      "Let your friends know that when they sign up, they’ll receive a $50 credit on their account when they sign up using your referral code, OR they can apply an eligible promo code when signing up."


    • Thanks Teri.

      Please note as per original post:

      presume based on past codes new customers only and no stacking with refer a friend although referrer usually still gets $50.

      Have sent you a PM

    • I'm surprised we don't have referral links for Aussie Broadband seeing that they have a refer a friend program.

      Aussie Broadband asked for it to be removed. Please see Scotty's post and further details why:

      Unfortunately we have to disable the Aussie Broadband referral system as Aussie Broadband has requested to remove it, being in violation to fair play policy of their refer a friend program.

    • and the referee gets nothing?
      unfair, why would people use it?

      • +2

        I'm quite happy that OP made me aware of the promotion with the 1 free month, that's enough bonus for me, he can have the referral bonus. I think that's quite fair actually.

        • You're correct
          I can't read
          Deal description has confirmation that referrer gets the $50 and the referee gets 1 month free up to $99

        • +1

          Thank you for that Team Terri.

          I wish Ozbargain mod team would see it your way but unfortunately doesn't. Even posting this vaguely may be seen as contravening the rules. If you see me in the penalty box you'll know why.

          Scotty wrote:

          The majority of things you see, as well as policies on OzBargain were implemented based on user feedback.

          So Team Terri and Payton if you wish to effect change please post your feedback here.

          I primarily post deals to pay back the deals where I save money. There are other side benefits for whom may be more primary for others and encouraging them to post deals quicker and more detailed but as mentioned above Ozbargain mod team team doesn't see it that way.

          • +3

            @brisdaz: Nah look, I believe the way I did it was a good way to find a compromise.

            By talking to you via PM and getting your referral code there we established a direct personal connection, one that in my view does honour the spirit of the referral rules made by Aussie Broadband and as far as I can see it doesn't contravene the ozBargain policy to follow requests by merchants not to publicly post referral links.

            I see it as win win win win. I got a good deal, you got a referral, Aussie Broadband got a customer and ozBargain got traffic on their website.

            Sure, I'd like it even better if Aussie Broadband was to allow referral links. And you'd probably have a few referral credits instead of just this one. Albeit that's not to be at this time.

  • Been with these guys for a few months after switching from tpg. Currently on 150/100 plan. Love the flexibility to add extra GBs each month when I need to.

  • -2

    I have requested the mods to add a referral link for Aussie BB posts

    For NBN referral the link prefix are: www.aussiebroadband.com.au/nbn-signup/?rc= (followed by your unique code)

    • As per above, Aussie BB have requested for them to not be in the referral system. See here. Maybe you can change the rep's mind? :)

      • +2

        Thanks Neil, wasn't aware of the request by AussieBB.

  • +1

    After having woeful speed and service from Internode the past few months, I cracked it on Saturday night and signed up online for Aussie Broadband (as I was out of contract with Internode). I hit the submit button on the form around 7:20pm, and received a text message saying the service was ready at 7:51pm!

    Crazy fast service considering the time and day I thought, AND I'm finally getting the speed I'm paying for!

  • +1

    Excellent and just in time for my NBN! Thanks OP

  • Thanks! I was looking to change from Skymesh, perfect timing.

  • The only issue i have with them is they only look after mew customer with promotion codes. My plan went up from $45 to $55 over couple of years, and not once there is any new benefit given to existing customers.

  • I hate this company, and pay them monthly. Doh…

  • Can I sign up now with a start date 3 weeks from now?

    • +1

      I think so. I was told even pre-orders are ok if the estimated activation is within 3 months.

    • +1

      Yep, when you sign up on the page where you put the promo code in it has a ‘do not connect before’ date, just set it there.

  • Hoping someone can answer my question.

    Thinking of taking up this offer and wondering if their $149 "Power Modem" will be sufficient to run my home network with my apple router.

    Currently have a Telstra Cable Modem/service and everything (streaming, wifi, music, TV) is working and communicating perfectly.

    I have basic wired and wifi connections around the house.


    • I’m going to assume considering you have Telstra cable then your NBN will be over a HFC connection. So you’ll only need a router, as NBN supply the ‘modem’ for HFC. If whatever Apple router you have has a WAN port, that should be all you’d need so won’t need the one from Aussie at all.

      • That’s right we have Telstra cable.

        And the apple router tower (airport?) has all the ports and is configured that way now.

        That’s for your help and reply!

      • The Telstra modem is itself a router, so I think even that would be sufficient.

  • Cheers OP, got my NBN up & running in a matter of hours
    really good NBN company

  • It looks like the code has expired :(
    Can a rep confirm?

    • live chat Aussie BB on their site if you want to find out sooner

  • +2

    TL;DR. Another code is FB1MONTH

  • +2

    Another code: SAYNOMORE

    Expires 28/02/2019

  • What is stopping me from getting a top tier plan (speed, data) for the first month then downgrading to the one I would want. Essentially free month of the creme? Is this possible?

    • Yeah and I think it's their recommendation since then you'll know what your max line speed possible is for your address and you can downgrade to the appropriate plan

  • Do people think it's worth it to get an Aussie Broadband nbn25 plan vs an Exetel nbn50 plan (for similar price)? How about Kogan nbn25? I hear AB is quite reliable but it's still a bit more than I'd like to pay

  • Can I sign-up now for the transfer to be active next month? Is that doable? My current plan with Tangerine has one more month to go..

  • The OP doesnt mention this, so I'd just like to add that using the TV1FREE code at checkout not only gives you first month free, but also has no setup or connection fees and, crucially, there is no contract either!

    I spoke to an ABB rep tonight, and he said this code is set to expire on the 28th of February (unless extended of course).

    Oh, and the direct link is https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/nbn-plans/

    • +1

      but also has no setup or connection fees and, crucially, there is no contract either!

      Aussie don’t have any connection fees anyway, regardless of using a promo code or not. You can choose to not have a contract either, only if you want a ‘free’ modem you go on a 24 month contract (and have to stay on the 50/100 Unlimited plans) which if you leave during the contract period all you need to do is pay out the modem.

      • Yes. They just don't make the non-contract option easy to find.

        The OP didn't mention it either, so I thought I'd throw that in because not everyone might be aware of this (I wasn't).

        Ps. I suggested this ISP to a mate who's totally clueless about these things, just based on performance and reputation, and I totally forgot he went on a casual basis (I just can't remember if there was an added cost for that at the time or not).

        • Yes. They just don't make the non-contract option easy to find.

          Hmm they don’t make it that difficult. When you sign up they give you the option if you want a contract or not (and all the ‘Build Your Own Plans’ don’t have a contract).

          It should be a standard thing that is mentioned I would guess in all future deals, but at least with their contracts they’re not one with ridiculous exit fees (looking at you iiNet/Internode/Telstra etc).

          • @Nousernamehere: Yes, when you build your own plan you get the monthly or casual plans (but they 'feature' their contracted plans as 'popular plans' on the plans homepage).

            Considering it's such a big selling feature you'd think they would make it more obvious.

            The fact that you're looking at monthly plans is actually 'asterisked' and in small print.

            • @BooYa: True, maybe it’s more due to the amount of people just wanting to use them for the one month for free (during those promos) then leave right away? I agree they could do a better job of it but swear when I signed my sister up the other month it gave me the option during the sign up process to select either a contract or no contract?

              The contract plans only apply to the 50 & 100 Unlimited plans though, so yeah the main page of the popular plans could definitely use a tidy up a bit.

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