looking for the cheap price for a colour laser printer. suggestions please.
a cheap colour laser printer

I'm sure my (inkjet) HP printer uses up ink cartridges at a faster rate than any I've had in 20 years (& its got six of 'em)! Maybe I should get a colour laser too?
how many colour pages are your printing a year/month?
how many b&W pages?I didnt have the use for a colour laser printer until now but now i need to print my thesis which is about 250 pages, out of which 100 pages are in colour with pictures and stuff. I need to print about 10 - 15 copies of my thesis, about 2500 - 3000 pages. So may be 1000 - 1500 pages in colour and the rest in black and white.
Oh wow, thats quite a bit.
1500 colour pages
3000 b&W pagesAt officeworks, colour = 38c/pg, B&W = 6c/pg. Assuming you're willing to sort pages = 570 + 180 = $750
Colour laser printer = around $200
But remember 8 pages a minute in colour, and 12 in B&W =
3.125h + 4.16 = 7 hrs + reload paper time.
Toners = $300 for 2,000 (BW and 1300 colour) pages, meaning you'll need at least 2 toners (new printer has a set of toners already installed?). If the colour pages are interspersed, i'd print them off myself.
tbh i'd go with officeworks (assuming you're willing to sort colour pages in afterwards). Especially if the colour pages are all together. Saves reloading paper for 7 hrs.
World of Print are slightly cheaper than Officeworks (Colour A4 = $0.29/pg for 1001-2000 pages, B&W = $0.06/pg for 300+. Assuming 1500 colour, 3000 b&W = $435 + $180 = $615) but I noticed tendliya that you are in Melbourne and World of Print is Sydney based.
They do have a specific thesis printing service however that is based on the aforementioned printing price and offer delivery (no idea how much). Overall it should cost less than printing at Officeworks (assuming delivery < $135) but probably a longer wait.
As Davo mentioned however, depends on if the colour pages are interspersed and how bothered you are..
Edit: Just noticed that World of Print use 80gsm paper for colour whilst Officeworks use 100gsm (and both use 80gsm for B&W). If you for some reason really do prefer the (slightly) thicker paper, might as well go with Officeworks since World of Print charge an extra $0.05/pg for 100gsm colour printing which negates most of the savings.
john, thanks a lot for the effort and information. i really cant rely on delivery at this stage as i have to submit my thesis next thursday but I will keep them in mind for future use.
awesome davo. Thanks a lot for the information and rate comparisons.
awesome davo. Thanks a lot for the information and rate comparisons.
Completely agree, cheap printer = expensive ink and dear printer = cheap ink. Lets go for a dearer printer and save future cost (for business) if its for personal use, a cheap printer is a better option
buy a cheaper printer. when it runs out of ink, but another cheap printer. problem solve. mother earth will hate you though
Problem with that is that often for cheaper printers they don't include a full ink cartridge (at least with mine that was the case)
I was informed by the guy at officeworks that BROTHER brand printers come with full ink catridges.
… and the relevance to LASER printers is?
Usual Jist
Cheap Printer = Expensive-er Ink
Expensive Printer = Cheaper Ink