Pretty good price for a 25m heavy duty extension lead.
Arlec Heavy Duty Extension Lead 25m $17.98 C&C /In-Store /+ Delivery @ Bunnings

Last edited 16/01/2020 - 15:08 by 2 other users
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Ofc i am. I bought 2 a year ago :)
Two (2) Cents less than local Mitre 10’s
25 m counterpart, in easy-to-see YellowDoes this one’s socket-end light-up, to
indicate 240v AC On? (Mitre 10’s does)Yes, the socket (but not the plug) lights up in red.
mitre 10 will cost you $36.95
Kmart everyday price
Thanks guys for the comments, saved me an emergency trip to Bunnings :-)
They call that a contradiction.
Exactly the same, but a little bit different.
Same same but different
Kmart also selling one at $18. Same brand.…I have this one, bought one from Bunnings then returned it after noticing Kmart was so cheap.
I don't understand. Isn't Bunnings cheaper?
Sorry should have clarified, I bought a extension lead from Bunnings. Whatever my local had in stock was more expensive, didn't see this model from OP.
Is this a bargain? I would down vote but every time I do all I get is grief and trolling for days.
Tempted to neg you as wish fulfillment :)
Oh you are so very clever.
For a about a year Ozbargain was my go to site for bargains. Now there's so much junk and so many bargains are posted late that I get most of my bargains elsewhere and hear about them ahead of here. That's what happens when you dilute the site. This is what? Someone thinking "oh that's an okay price"? or if I was more synical "oh look we can clear these out by posting to OzB". Does that qualify as Karma or wish fulfilment?
This is a JUNK DEAL. Total garbage.
Calm my son, life is too short for such spleen venting. Commenters (thanks to them) have already made it clear deal is "no deal" …and no, it wasn't my neg that you received after I posted.
what are the other bargain sites please?
@Clear: thanks Clear, I would just really like to know where syousef is getting such good info on deals before the ozbargain community. I want to have access to the undiluted deals site if possible.
@Clear: Why the hell would I point you to other bargain sites? So you and others like you can post more RRP crap and ruin them too? If you don't think there are any other price comparison or bargain hunting sites, or you can't find them with a google search, why the hell is it my job to find them for you? Any idiot with a web browser should be able to search bargain site, price comparison or other terms. If you do that you'll see that your slander is unwarranted. Where do you think half the bargains posted here come from? Do you think they fall from the sky?
Pretty simple, if you don’t think it’s a deal don’t upvote it.
Or, if you don't think it's a deal, move on. Pretty simple really.
Why is it such a sin to down vote non-bargain posts on a site with "bargain" in it's name?
It's pretty simple. There are rules about what constitutes a bargain. Those rules should either be changed or deals should follow them.
I bought one and thought I should let my fellow ozbargainers know about it. Their feedback would also help me decide whether I should keep it or return it.
It's 2 cents cheaper than Kmart though.They do the job.
Someone's gonna be busy listing the thousands of ok price items from bunnings, Coles, woolworths, aldi etc etc. Don't need the 'Associated' tag, either.
Jesus. So much butthurt because it's not a "discount"
I'm sure there will be many people who will benefit from not previously knowing this was the normal price and a good buy even at RRP.benefit from not previously knowing this was the normal price and a good buy even at RRP
me! and the upvoters :D
Not ozRRP
Ozbargain, not OzRRP
Not enough people have commented this, can you repeat it once more please.
"Not enough people have commented this, can you repeat it once more please"
"Not enough people have commented this, can you repeat it once more please"
Saw this yesterday at Bunnings, didn't post as it didn't seem like a Bargain. Guess a lot of people think otherwise.
"Pretty good price for a 25m"
Sorry, doesn't make it a deal.
Ok. Feel free to report to admins and get the post unpublished.
I had stopped shopping, posted the not-so-bargain deal on the spot thinking it would help others. So discouraging.In the owner's/staff's infinite wisdom, they've achieved a site where OzBargain doesn't require Oz Bargains… OzRRP is actually acceptable.
And free advertising of normal pricing is where the site's at in 2019.
Looking forward to 1000's of "good price" listing's this year.
This is the normal price.
Now that thats out of the way, what is so "heavy duty" about this? They are still way less heavy duty than a 15A cable which costs marginally more when on sale, i would buy one of those and file down the earth.
Edit: who am i kidding its way cheaper that a 15A, I thought it was a 15m at first.
what is so "heavy duty" about this?
"Heavy Duty", "Ordinary Duty" or "Light Duty" relates to the thickness of the insulation on the cable.
The 10A or 15A rating relates to the plug and socket, not the wires or overall diameter. A 10A plug has the "normal sized" earth pin. A 15A cable has plug and socket with a taller earth pin. You cannot plug a 15A into a standard wall outlet, as they have the smaller earth pin.
Low powered appliance flexes are usually 0.75mm² conductors.
Normal (white) extension cords and domestic grade powerboards have Ordinary Duty flex with 1.0mm² conductors. Both of these are rated 10A, irrespective of the length.
These particular cables on this deal have 3 x 1.5mm² conductors and Heavy Duty insulation, so they are fairly thick. The plug and socket are 10A, so they suit standard plugs and sockets.
So, these 10A cables are equally "heavy duty" as a 15A Heavy Duty cable that uses 1.5mm² conductors. They will give more voltage drop than a Ordinary Duty or Heavy Duty cable that uses 2.5mm² conductors. That said, a 2.5mm² Heavy Duty is a beast of a thing, winding them back up is like fighting a snake.
Completely agree, thanks for going to the trouble.
When I'm bored, I rewire my power tools with longer bright yellow HD leads. Cut from HD extension leads.
Easier to identify as mine, thicker protection, and some tools (like chargers) come with short leads (PITA).
Plus, can pass the rules of extension lead max length.You have motivated me to check what the diameter of the conductors of my 15A cables are
I bought one today
Best value by farHow the hell is this on the front page? 25m electrical lead for normal price. And negs removed. People here have lost the plot.
Hey guys look I have a small Big Mac meal to sell you for $10. Bargain!
Shut up and take my upvotes
Can we put these outdoor for long term use? I intend to use this as an extension to a waterproof box for outdoor lightings.
Depends I guess, so many variables. To be safe could you run it through a PVC pipe, conduit or similar?
You'd have trouble fitting either the socket or plug end through the pipe.
You shouldn't use an (unprotected) flex as permanent wiring. However if you can elevate it so it's not on the ground then it will be a lot safer and last longer.
Thanks guys! These are very helpful!
Is there one with some sort of suction waterproof seal for working outdoors in the rain or very wet conditions?
I feel like this one would short circuit somehow if under any sort of heavy rain.
No - your connections should not be exposed to water. Your appliance should also not be used in the rain, as they are not weatherproof either.
The cord itself is waterproof… it's the plug and socket where water can get in.
Note that there is very little risk of electrocution, and that is mitigated by the RCD that should be on the power circuit. For extra safety, you can use a portable RCD / Safety switch. There'd need to be a lot of salt in the water to get enough conduction to be dangerous (rain water is almost pure, hence non-conductive).
They wont short circuit if they get wet. The problem is primarily that water will "wick" inside the cable or appliance and corrode the internals. That will cause damage, but almost never will it short circuit.
Are electric corded blower vacs and whipper snippers not waterproof?
This was my use case scenario to use the extension lead with some corded gardening appliances.
Just scared if it starts raining if it is possible to keep going say to finish off some yard work garden duty or just immediately switch off and continue at an inconvenient time later.
I personally don't mind sometimes doing hard work in the rain if it means getting the job done so I can clean up and rest later instead of sitting back inside half wet half dirty waiting for the rain to stop.
Do they sell waterproof extension leads or gardening appliances?
If outside and attentive to surroundings (think in great RPG, but even more realistic), usually an inkling or two to be had of a Water from Sky scenario, prior to an actual downpour. General good rule - best not to use non-specific for wet-use electrical tools, in the actual rain, if you can avoid it. Refraining from using a blower vac inside to create waves, whilst in the bath? Also considered to be sensible, AC :) 🛀✖
For otherwise use-case scenarios -………You'll wreck the internals before copping a zap, IMO.
Using power tools in rain is strange, at least IMO..@Ulysses31: You know what is strange? me talking to you from one part of the world to another.. now that is strange.
Cheaper elsewhere plus you always end up spending more than you need when you pop into Bunnings, at least I do.
Since when does an item listed at it's normal price qualify as an entry on OzB? This is not a bargain and has no place here imho.
Posting this as a PSA to anyone buying this. This may be common knowledge to some, but it wasn't to me so I'd like to share.
I bought this cable, it's great. It was the same price as a 5m cable I was looking at. I only needed it to travel a short distance so I figured I'd get more 'value' by buying the longer cable and coiling up the excess cord.
I didn't know this, but when you introduce bends/loops into electrical cords, it increases electrical resistance. This causes heat. The female end of this cord ended up getting fused to the appliance cord. I had to replace both the extension lead and the cord of the appliance. Ended up being a false economy (by a long shot!)
I do consider myself lucky as this could have started a fire if I hadn't noticed it when I did.
I've since got the right size cable and avoided coiling and loops with no issues.
Necro I know, but that's a hose lol!
Wow, no idea what got me confused!…
Always this price.