Utilities bills - time between billing period ending and receiving bill

First post, mods please move if I've categorised incorrectly.

I'm with Lumo for gas, as they are the cheapest post-discount based on the calculations I've done.

My billing period is bi-monthly. However, they consistently send me my gas bill around a month after the billing period has actually ended. This means that if I'm using more gas than I need, it takes me a month to find out and change behaviour in the house. This particularly hurt this past winter and ends up costing me more in usage despite the small rate saving I'm getting on other providers.

So to everybody, I'm keen to understand who you're with and how long it takes you to receive your bill after the billing period ends?


  • Tango Energy for electricity. Usually get it the next business day. For example, last billing period ended 3rd Dec and bill received 4th.

    Gas is with Lumo. My bill is usually issued a week or two after the end of the billing cycle. For example billing period ended 12th Nov and bill received 27th Nov.

  • I not on mains gas but I assume that is a manual meter read hence the delay.

    • All gas meter reads are manually read in vic.

  • I can only speak from my experience, but I work for a utility, specifically in billing.

    What's likely is that your provider bills on a fixed interval. That is, it bills all its customers at the same time. This means that they need to read all the meters which takes some time. If your meter is read at the beginning of the billing cycle, you'll have a while to wait before your bill comes. Some people at the end of the cycle will have their meter read and then receive their bill a few days later. This is just down to geography (assuming you don't have smart meters).

    A more modern approach is 'rolling' billing, where a meter is read, and then a bill produced immediately (usually within a day or 2). Depending on the billing system, a transition to rolling billing can be extremely expensive and complicated, but it is really the best way.

    • Interesting you mention this - after I posted this thread I went back and noticed my most recent bill came 1 day after the billing period ended. Maybe Lumo does fixed interval and I'm on the fringe (i.e. either get it day after or month after).

      I'm still a bit cynical though as I was consistently a month after all throughout the winter period.

    • When you change your provider does someone different read your meter?

      • Unsure what you mean - but if you're talking about the new provider sending someone out I'd assume so

        • yeah that is what I meant, seems quite ineffecient to have so many different people out reading meters. But I guess in time we will all have smart meteres.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            seems quite ineffecient

            The private sector is hopeless yet again, this should not be a surprise after twenty years of price rises and shitty customer service like the customer having to do maths calculations to compare prices that are still far higher than previously state owned utilities.

            A real surprise would be even one example of a well regulated state owned sector becoming cheaper or offering higher service levels after it was privatised.

      • +2

        No - your distributor is responsible for reading meters, not your retailer.

  • Does lumo have fixed rate gas charges? As in a single rate or do they do stepped rates?

    • Stepped rates on my plan

      • Thanks. Yeah red energy (same owner as lumo) does stepped and we found we save more being with a provider with a single rate. Comparing my bills I would of saved over $180 last 12m by being on single rate. I just switched away from red for this reason but was wondering if lumo was the same.

        • +1

          I would of


          • @[Deactivated]: I’ve switched now lol. I got complacent and wasn’t really looking around cause we only really had a gas heater until 5m ago when I put a gas water system in. But yes I do get your not so subtle point lol.

  • +1

    I am with lumo with gas too. I know there is always a delay. Just wondering if concerned how much you using, why don't you read meter yourself more regularly. Not very difficult and that way will not get bill shock you are describing.

  • Gas is the cheapest form of energy / heating.

    OP is talking about the difference between what he would like to spend and what he spent for 1 month, that is an extremely petty amount of money.

    If you are so concerned about spending too much on gas then, wear jumpers inside and turn off all heaters and shower cold.

    • Gas might of been cheap years ago, but no longer is. Split systems are the cheapest form of heating of a house, rather than any gas appliances. I have both and now no longer use my gas heating.

    • Gas bill for 2 months this winter was $600, last year it was half that.

      One additional month of usage would therefore be $300 in 2018 v $150 in 2017.

      I don't define $150 as petty, but if you think it is then power to you.

  • This means that if I'm using more gas than I need

    Why not change your habbits in the first place, rather than wait for the bill

  • +1

    Does the supplier have a website where you can check the projected consumption, like AGL. Also, you can do your own readings then track your usage on the house, and see which appliances are using the most gas and when. Use the prices from your last bill to get a rough estimate of cost. I think Simple Savings have a free printable sheet you can use.

  • set up internet banking and receive your utility bill from suppliers your bills will arrive anywhere up to 10 days before payment due date and do what I do,I pay $25 per fortnight on electricity and natural gas,and at the amount due leaves me either "nothing to pay or a small amount to pay,if you are on Centrelink payments you can set up any amount over $10 to prepay your bills,this is the best way because you only miss what is in your hand if it is not in your hand you do not have to pay it out by your hand,try it it is so simple,

  • not a utility but related question - medibank keeps sending me bills from the future, as in i am paid up a month ahead, and yet still get a bill?

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