Best laptop?

Hi guys! I'm looking for the best laptop, preferably a dual laptop and ipad.

My uncle told me the best one is the Microsoft Surface Pro 16gb RAM 512gb or 1tb. A friend told my hubby that the Surface is more like an ipad.

Thoughts? Thanks so much!


  • you mean 2in1 laptop+tablet mode right ? but ipad ? you're after windows or iOS ?

    msPro keyboard is pretty good

    ipad don't have keyboard

    • Yep 2 in 1 lol Im so funny -_-

  • Heres the best laptop.
    21 inch curved display, dual GTX1080 graphics, SSDs in Raid0, 4 speakers + 2 subwoofers… its all you've ever wanted and more. It comes at a hefty price tag at 9k USD but its the very best laptop. Absolutely beautiful…

    On a more serious note, I assume you mean a 2-in-1. Perhaps some information on what you expect to use it for?

    • Yes I mean a 2-in-1 (I meant laptop and ipad-type thing in 1 haha). You can tell I dont know much about tech lol

    • Omg that laptop looks scary lol, like it's breaking new ground.
      I've had bad experiences with Acers though. Maybe they are getting better

      • -1

        That's a gaming laptop. Really a poor recommendation.

        • +2

          It was a joke not a recommendation.

        • Relaxx mateee

      • +1

        Omg that laptop looks scary

        well it is called the predator.

      • Haha yeah it’s a real monster of a laptop. Only 300 were made so it won’t be easy finding one. Very few people would buy such a thing anyway. But it is the best laptop in terms of raw power.

    • +1

      I think that laptop costs more then everything I own, lol.

  • +5

    question too vague.

    • Yeah,
      What's it for? What's the budget? Any particular features needed?

      • I am a teacher so will need to travel around with it. Budget below 4000. Fast laptop needed

  • The Surface Pro is Microsoft's take on the iPad.
    It has a detachable keyboard and runs regular Windows.
    They're pretty powerful, but I wouldn't really recommend one as an everyday device.
    I just found the physical design counterintuitive, and the keyboard has syncing problems.

    Looking at JB Hifi's website, there's a brand new one called the HP Spectre Folio.
    It seems to look pretty cool. I would recommend it.
    I've only seen a couple of reviews, but there's little competition when it comes to 2-in-1s.
    There's the Lenovo Yoga series. They're awkward because when you use it in tablet mode it has the bumpy keyboard on the back of it.

    I'd suggest making sure what type of device you want.
    There's less to carry if you get a tablet or iPad, and you can save money by getting a standard laptop instead of a 2-in-1.

    I'd say the HP Spectre Folio is easily the best dual laptop though.

  • +2

    Both your uncle and friend offer great advice. Definitely get the ios powered surface.

    • Think op meant "more like an ipad then a laptop"

      Which makes me chuckle…take that apple and your device that's more powerful then most laptops.

  • If you want an ipad, get an ipad.

    If you want an ipad that you can type on occasionally get an ipad with a keyboard cover

    if you want a laptop get the Lenovo P52s

    A touchscreen / 2 in 1 surface or whatever is a poor substitute for an ipad and a poor substitute for a laptop

  • +1

    I have found the lenovo yoga devices to be good as a laptop, and can be hinged back on themselves to be used with the pen/touch interface, and can have a dock to get all extra screens/kb/mouse/ethernet etc at the desk. Much heavier than an ipad or tablet though.
    My model is a Yoga 460 - getting a bit old though, but was easy to expand RAM and SSD.

    summary: I think the Surface or Ipad Pro would suit if you use it more than 60% as a tablet, otherwise a 2 in 1 HP spectre x360, Lenovo X1 Yoga etc would be better for their better keyboards.

  • +2

    I’ve got a few laptops and been through a litany of them. I’ve had nothing but grief from Dells, Acers and Samsung’s, but I thought my 1st Gen surface Pro was a good laptop but flawed (turned off randomly, didn’t turn on, battery life not perfect). I’ve replaced that with a Lenovo Yoga, and it’s been great. The pen works well, battery life is great, it’s tough, and generally pretty faultless. As a PC laptop goes, it’s the best one I’ve ever owned. That being said, my MacBook Pro is the best laptop I’ve owned fullstop, it’s the best to use, it doesn’t slow down after years of use, it has good battery life, and when I decide to get rid of it, it will still have value so I can sell it on and contribute to my next laptop. They actually retain so much value that I can sell it on after a few years, buy a new one at 10% off and with tax back end up net positive after 3 or 4 years of use. Free laptop.

    • Too scared to learn how to use a new laptop lol. Otherwise would consider it!

      • +1

        There’s no learning curve with a Mac, if it’s an option, buy one. They are the best laptops available.

  • Have a look at Lenovo Yoga 920, it is a 2 in 1 and should be priced lower than surface pro. Used for a year and still awesome. Good for work and entertainment (not gaming).

  • Thanks everyone! Think I will go with something else as I am a teacher and work on the go, can't always have a flat surface in front of me for the keyboard.

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