4 individual Gift Packs in one BiG BUY, delivered before Easter!
64 Ferrero Rochers
32 Ferrero Rondnoirs
32 Ferrero Coconut Gardens
Great Brand - $10 Capped Delivery - Awesome Price
Chocolate Expiry Date: July 1st 2011
4 individual Gift Packs in one BiG BUY, delivered before Easter!
64 Ferrero Rochers
32 Ferrero Rondnoirs
32 Ferrero Coconut Gardens
Great Brand - $10 Capped Delivery - Awesome Price
Chocolate Expiry Date: July 1st 2011
woah. didn't even know that Harvey Norm had a bulk buying site! What a trip.
Yeah, at last Gerry agreed to have his piece of cake!
how many calories ?
You can 2x 16 packs of Fererro Rocher for $12 at Woolworths this week. As there is no postage it works out to be $48 in total for 128 peices.
It's cheaper but less variety, which could be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences….
Gerry's Expiry Date: July 1st 2011
Guess Woolies' are long~
Anybody know where I can get Raffaello for cheap?
Michelangelo and Leonardo might offer a better return in the long run.
Ferrero Rocher was invented when someone dropped a bunch of polystyrene balls into a vat of molten Nutella.
I praise the person who did this, lol
$54 for 4 packs. Meh.
My cream eggs should be coming from cotd tomorrow, with some maltesers and assorted red tulip eggs for the same said price, nom nom nom:d
They are becomming like COTD!