Hi has anyone experienced using wrong email (actually that email doesn't exist) to buy an eBay giftcard? What should I do? I did for the 10% on eBay germany. I contacted the seller and I am waiting.
Thank you!
Hi has anyone experienced using wrong email (actually that email doesn't exist) to buy an eBay giftcard? What should I do? I did for the 10% on eBay germany. I contacted the seller and I am waiting.
Thank you!
sr, what do you mean?
I…. Have…. Your…. Code
Betta… Luck….Next… Time
Actually that email doesn't exist.
@landscape95: How would you know for sure that I dont already have it? I'll auto reply with an email bounce message just so you wont suspect it
Create a new email with the email you created?
Let me know what it is and i can help@out
Thank you, I understood.
If you used someone else's valid email address though, that voucher might already be used!
Lol how good would that be. Thanks for your purchase [email protected] heres $900 free ebay vouchers!
Best not to use wrong email address.
Excellent advice.
Oh, that's the problem! Nothing has ever worked on the internet for me up until now.
Almost did the same thing…
Luckily just before pressing the confirm & pay button, I thought I should probably double check if I own the email address I am sending the gift cards to (I own XXX01@gmail & XXX03@gmail, but someone else owns XXX02@gmail)
Thanks for sharing
Yes, same thing happened to me https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/6784561/redir
I hope you got it all sorted out
thanks for sharing
thanks dude, i've got ur code. Better luck next time