Hey guys so Lego is release two set of lego including 80101 Chinese New Year Reunion and 80102 Dragon Dance in Jan 2019. Anyone know where to cop online on release date and when exactly its gonna be released? Thanks.
LEGO Exclusive Asian Pacific Sets (Where to Buy?)

From the Link
The sets will be available on LEGO.com, department stores like Myer & David Jones, and independent retailers like Toyworld. They’ll also be available at the LEGO Store at Dreamworld, and for us Melburnians, the Chadstone Legoland Discovery Centre Shop.
Anyone found any yet?
Nothing on Lego.com still.
I read on Jay’s Brick Blog that Chadstone LEGO are expecting a delivery on Friday or Saturday.
Was hoping DJs would get it in time for the 20% off LEGO promotion which ends on Sunday …
The Lego shop at Dreamworld had the sets in today.
Looks like it's not going to be at the lego.com shop, and you will need to go to an actual store to find it.
On the Lego Au Facebook in response to someone's post:
Hey Christine, at this stage, the limited edition Lunar New Year sets will not be available at the Shop@Home site for ANZ region. The Dragon Dance and Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner sets will be available at selected Myer, David Jones and other specialist toy retailers around the country. The latest update is that the deliveries are en route and are expected to hit shelves in the next week or so. We hope this helps!
That's so disappointing to hear, now I need to hope my local Myer or David Jones will stock it…
I went to Melbourne Myer today to enquire about these sets, all I got was "they are on the way, be sure to check back every couple of days" and "no you cannot reserve these sets".
Guess I will be calling Myer every morning now!
I would only be contacting the bigger ones like Chaddy and Doncaster. Don't think the smaller Myer stores would be stocking them …
That would be extremely annoying if the shop assistant turns around and says "I said they'll be coming to Myer…but I didn't say which Myer!"
Hence why I suggest you try the bigger ones and not the poky ones out in outer suburban Melbourne (my knowledge of bigger Myer stores only consists of Doncaster and Chadstone; Sydneysider)
@kerfuffle: Oh, when I said Melbourne, I mean the Melbourne city store which is the flagship Myer store and has a pretty sizeable amount of floor space dedicated to its Lego section. Even has a Lego recreation of the MCG when I went walking around 6 months ago.
@deeeno: Yeah, I knew you meant Myer Melbourne. You have to keep hassling them along with Chadstone Doncaster and whatever Myer stores that sell decent stock like those three Myer stores but don't bother calling like Myer Frankston (is there still one there?)
I love visiting Myer Melbourne when I'm in town! That's what a true flagship department store is like (which DJs is madly playing catch up on with their Elizabeth Street refurbishment)
@kerfuffle: It's refreshing to hear a Sydneysider having something nice to say about Melbourne :P
I'm beginning to think that each store will just stock 10 sets and we're all going to have to call our relos in Asia to get a box.
@deeeno: I'm a big fan of Melbourne! I'm usually there a few times a year, mainly for the NGV. But I'm a born and bred Sydneysider so won't live there any time soon haha; too attached to the Sydney Opera House (which yes, I have in LEGO form).
Yeah most likely. :( For Sydney, I'd presume Myer Sydney, Chatswood, Macquarie and Bondi would get stock. Probably not even Macquarie since that Myer is smaller than the other three I mentioned
@kerfuffle: I've seen some exclusive sets at miranda before, even ones which were sold out in the city
@djones145: Yeah, I get that, but these sets would generate the most interest from the Asian demographic, so I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't sold in Miranda (even though the Miranda demographic has cash to burn going by the shops in Westfield)
Just email Mr Toys ToyWorld. Basically got a terse reply that they will be stocking it.
Apologies for some reason, I cannot edit my above post.
Mr Toys ToyWorld will NOT be stocking it.
went to lego store dreamworld today and picked up a few, 1 per person so my family needed one each. i don't think dj/myer will have online so you will need to harass the larger stores.
Might be time for me to visit Legoland Chadstone tomorrow!
I can confirm that Legoland Chadstone has stock of these sets, wife picked up 2 today, yay!!
Thanks for the confirmation that Legoland Chadstone has these in stock now! Now to battle the heat to go to Chadstone!
Thanks for the confirmation! Just picked up both sets from Chadstone. They had to keep wheeling in stock on trolleys just to keep up with demand!
@nugstar: According to the staff at the cashier, the next batch will (usually) be delivered on next Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday.
(It would be prudent to confirm with them again as the date approaches imo.)
Just picked up 1 of each at Chadstone
If you are keen I wouldn't delay due at least 50 getting picked up while I was in the queue to pay
FYI, I emailed Legoland Chadstone and they won't reserve any sets due to its popularity, so it looks like anyone wanting a set will have to visit in store at Myer, Legoland and I also suspect David Jones.
Be sure to call ahead for DJ / Myer, wife spoke to Myer this morning and they couldn't provide an estimate of when the set would be in stock. Sounds like Legoland got dibs first on deliveries.
Asked at Myer store now. He says their warehouse will get stock on 11th in Melbourne. Then has to be sent out to individual stores around the country. Probably another week from there before you see on shelves. Good luck!
Why is Lego selling it on other country's websites but not here?
https://shop.lego.com/ko-KR/search?q=80101They still have them at Lego dreamworld just picked a couple up!
I'll wait till Myer gets them next week and pick them up, I work right next to Myer CBD
Myer Sydney CBD has been keeping a list apparently people have been putting their names down for it and they dont know how many they are going to get but they'll be contacting people on the list first when it comes in. I had just asked and have put my name and contact number down.
Rumour is 40 sets of each per store
It can be hard to tell, but my gut feel with exclusive sets in the past (Saturn V, Voltron) is that the FOMO factor is the highest about now. When Saturn V was released, within the first week lego.com was showing OOS but taking backorders for a few months down the line, & flippers were asking for 1.5x RRP. Fast forward to now and you can pick Saturn up for about RRP on ebay. Of course, this time it could be different because it is not going on lego.com
On bricklink sellers in HK/Taiwan are selling this at $110, but around 30aud postage for 1 set or 48 for 2 to Oz.
No stock at Myer Melbourne CBD. The staff said will arrived this weekend.
How much were they at Legoland Chadstone?
$90 for the dinner set and $80 for the dragon dance I believe
Any luck at DJ/Myer?
According to the Legoland Chadstone fb page, they will start selling for $89.99 at 9:30am coming Friday (11/1), while stock last.
May luck be with you.Sold out
They had a line of 50 people waiting apparently.
Still waiting on Sydney Myer/DJ to get stock…
50% success. 1 down 1 to go!
Myer was going bonkers with people lining up wanting CNY. Managed to get a Dinner Set but no Dragon.
Was this from Sydney City Myer?
Yep. It's sold out now though from reports
Yeah, you helped me at whirlpool; thanks!
Can confirm Myer Sydney has no stock and no waiting list.
Really regret quitting DJs now ahahaha
@kerfuffle: Myer Melbourne didn't have stock in today - kept saying next two weeks but if Myer Syd had stock then I have a feeling Melbourne will get it very soon.
@deeeno: That’s interesting. What time did you asked?
DJ Melbourne CBD had the set delivered at 14:00 Friday, sold out in one hour.
Myer highpoint had the set delivered at 16:00 Friday, sold out in two hours.
(And I missed both >_<)
I suspect the stocks in Myer Melbourne CBD would have been gone.@Drandompic: I reckon DJs Bourke St Mall were selling stock they didn’t even receive until today; very dodgy.
As for the other DJs stores across the country, their shipment was delivered today, but very limited stock. Apparently the waiting list at Elizabeth Street is 100 names long …
I ended up buying my dinner and dragon dance sets from Uncle Pete’s Toys in Dubbo; excellent customer service! (Don’t bother trying them though; sold out)
Is this with preorder or just on shelves?
I have mine delivered to relo in HK. Put my name down in Myer & DJ but looks like I won't be expecting a call then…
Think the 2 key points in this thread is available from Lego in multiple countries . Shoey FOMO factor , I predict nice buying in 6-12 mths with point 1 :)
Rumour from china is that these sets only have one production batch and the production has been done. Means no more coming any more.
If that's the case the $100 per set available overseas is fine . I'm more inclined to believe that if Lego can find a sale they keep on producing it like all the re makes hitting the market . Just looks like a apple new product queue trying to generate some interest . My advice is flip it buy 2 in a years time .Worst case 1.5 :)
hope so, although got mine already from myer for 20% off rrp. but struggle to find another pair for relatives as gift.
If Lego does not produce more, people will buy from Lepin which is selling the clones for $35.
there are several Chinese company who’s business is copying Lepin. U can buy from them for maybe $10. Have fun.
Myer Doncaster had 16 of each yesterday but was gone within the hour. The online department picked around 10 so ordering it in store on their iPad system seems to have secured those people one. I bought 3 sets myself, but have some buyer's remorse now hahaha…
Wow 3 sets congrats! They had them today? Was this their only drop? Surprised it didn't all go to reserved list
To my knowledge, they will have more stock coming in on Wednesday/Thursday. If you've left your name tho, don't be surprised if they don't hold it for you as the employees there are under strict instruction not to… Only way appears to be timing it perfectly with when they bring up the stock. It'll be a mad rush against the online department I bet…
Mod: Comment Edited
Ebay has them everywhere , look at sold some suckers ( $500 the pair ) got stung badly . Cream period over and dropping by the day :)
Just got called & picked up 80101 at David Jones Sydney city. :)
Congratulations! May I ask when you left your name down on the waiting list? I went yesterday and it was 100 names, and they only received 20 dinners
Thanks! I put my name down last week on the 8th. At that time I was about 10 names down the list although wasn't sure if how many other sheets of paper there was. When they called today they said the waitlist was 100+
Congrats I could only get a dragon
I also put down for the dragon, interestingly they said it sold out. Apparently the dragon is rarer and higher priced in the resale market.
They got more dragons than they did dinners (42 dragons vs 20 dinners).
Try Burwood or Macquarie for your dragon; they apparently have 9 each last I heard (I don’t work for DJs any more, however still associate with those that do)
@kerfuffle: Too late unfort. Went to Myer but they basically said sold out dragon. Although I picked up my 2nd dinner set. I might look at swapping it on FB/Gumtree.
@ShoeyAU: Hey mate, got one spare dragon. Would love to swap for your dinner if you’re interested? I’m in Sydney
There was a list going?! I went there 2 weeks ago and they said they weren't sure if they were getting any and no list was going to be made. Luckily I ended up asking a friend to get it for me at Lego Dreamworld, but I'm not happy that a list ended up happening. I guess timing is everything.
Timing! I was at Myer Monday morning at 9:30am. Dead quiet. No one to talk to. Register in toy department even had a sign pointing you to children's wear for assistance. I left and went back at lunchtime. Sorry, we've sold out. What? When?? This morning. What time? I was here this morning. About quarter to 10! Gahhhh!
I'm on the waitlist at DJ Canberra. They told me they didn't get and and won't get any. Originally, they said they will arrive on the 15th.
I find this very hard to believe. Probably the staff and their friends got them and are flipping them on ebay.Can confirm that i) they definitely aren't getting any (last time I checked; they weren't on the list of stores that were getting stock) and ii) the order was delivered on the 15th.
Your chances of David Jones Canberra Centre getting one is zero at this point in time.
That seems a bit unfair. In Melbourne and Brisbane you can get them at Legoland and Dreamworld. They should distribute them to other locations to give everyone a chance.
I think my chances of getting them anywhere in Canberra are zero. But that's ok, it's just the capital…You could try get your name on a waitlist for the Hay Street Mall store and ask them to post it out to you? They're supposed to be getting their stock any day now I think.
@kerfuffle: I asked yesterday. They wouldnt take my name. She said we won't be getting enough to fulfill the list so they arent taking any more names.
@thriftee: Aww, that's a shame. I wonder why their shipment is delayed; the rest of the country has theirs (including Adelaide).
Thanks heaps for the update!
@kerfuffle: Went to try again on the back of your suggestion. They’ve arrived. Saw a lady collect. I DID now get on the list and I’m shocked I’m only no. 17. I pleaded with her to just write my name down. When I called Myer Karrinyup on Mon they said they still had another 30 ppl waiting after already allocating. Chances are slim but at least I’m on a list! It seems like they only got around 12 of each from how she explained who she’s called already.
@Toons: I just grabbed dinner set. They are still on a trolley “out behind” where the Santa Land was. They don’t have Dragon Dance. Just grabbed it and quickly paid. Not sure if I was really allowed to grab like that
Myers have received more of the dragon dance today at all main stores apparently they are still in store room
Plenty in Myer Melbourne this morning.
Checked with my local DJ and they aren't getting any but they told me Hay Street Mall, Perth has 20 arrived today. Ordered 1 through phone and getting it posted to me for $10 more.
They are calling everyone who put their name down today.
Hay St Mall are the only store left who had stock as they received their shipment late. Once those 20 are gone, there’ll be none left in DJs stores nationwide (none are on order last I checked)
Finally will be getting my set, was trying to get it between city and Chatswood
hey where did you get yours? I'm still struggling!
I went to Myer Sydney CBD yesterday and no stock left, the staff said they wont be getting more stocks across Myer nationwide. I found it hard to believe…
Called DJ customer service and they said they've no stock nation wide eitherBelieve it. It's a limited edition set. I can tell you there's no more stock on order at DJs when I last checked the system before the weekend.
Toyworld called me the other day as I was on their waiting list. They said they might get another shipment in six months time.
Maybe in time for the Moon Festvial in September? Or maybe they’ll have Moon Festival sets
Does the Lego store Chadstone even have a phone number? They're not responding to email / Contact Form on the website.
They don’t and they won’t be getting more CNY sets. Manager told me on Saturday there might be a chance for a shipment towards the end of Feb but only for the dragon dance set.