Hi Ozbargainers,
Click on the link and enjoy. Set your own price for these awesome games that will keep you entertained for hours on end.
Don't be stingy, the developers put a fair bit of effort in their games.
Hi Ozbargainers,
Click on the link and enjoy. Set your own price for these awesome games that will keep you entertained for hours on end.
Don't be stingy, the developers put a fair bit of effort in their games.
wow, i just sat there and watched the payments go higher and higher…pretty amazing!
A bit disheartening seeing the $0.01 ticks.
Payment not going through with Paypal, tried with all 6 major browsers.
whoa, you actually use 6 web browsers.
IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari… what's the 6th major one again?
Netscape Navigator.
"LUNASCAPE is the world's first and only triple engine browser."
Not too sure tbh, but this browser pretends to be IE, Chrome or Firefox depending on your settings and you can switch instantly.
I initially laughed at this comment and thought it was funny…
But now that I am trying to pay for it, neither my IE nor my FFox is working with Paypal.
"Don't be stingy, the developers put a fair bit of effort in their games."
As John McEnroe would say ….Are you SERIOUS???
Like telling a pack of sharks to nibble gently…. ROFL
BTW the stats on the site are interesting
Average purchase:
$4.13 Average Windows:
$6.24 Average Mac:
$12.00 Average Linux:
Guess the old windows users are the stingiest….
People who have enough cash to buy macs ar obviously rich. They should be twice as high as windows users cause thats how much macs cost compared to windows comps. So its mac users being stingy! :)
Now this is on ozbargain, watch the averages alllll go down hah
I just got a Mac… and because of that I am now broke.
All the claims about how mac users have more money then windows users are bullshit. If we go by your "logic", then windows users donations should actually be twice as much as mac because Alienwares cost at least twice as much as macs.
The most likely reason why Linux and Mac users donate a bit more is due to the fact that games are very limited on those two OS, so they're more likely to appreciate indie developers who take their time to make their games work on those platforms.
Your first paragraph made no sense.
While all macs are macs, not all non-mac computers are Alienwares. Not to mention Alienware computers are only a small portion of the non-mac market.
It was worth a try and was all done in good faith.
A lot of kiddies are going to be entertained by this pack for their school holidays.
well the only reason Linux averages at $12 is because thats what the one Linux user paid, if he had paid $1 then that would have been the average.
Because the one Linux user contributed 25% of the $600,000 raise so far…
Stingy as, to stingy to post how much I paid. Thanks ha
Very brave to post that here good sir, even OzBargainers, the stingiest online community I personally know think that's cheap, based on your negs.
But if you look at it this way, 1 cent is better than nothing :)
Yeah, it is better than nothing! I usually would have just pirated it. They should consider themselves lucky
Stinginess may be a part of OzBargain, but piracy is not.
You probably should change your comment before a mod sees it…
Actually, no it's not better than piracy.
The one cent you paid goes to whoever you paid through (Paypal/Google Checkout) in fees. They get nothing from your 'purchase'. However, they still have to pay for the data that you used.
Just remember you CAN add donate more later on, which is what I plan on doing.
//Just had to wait a bit
Ok I cant see what games are included (work computer not allowing access, but want to know if its worth me remembering this for later.
Any chance someone could list the titles included.
There are 4 games and 1 prototype included in this bundle.
1. Trine
2. Shadowgrounds
3. Shadowgrounds: Survivor
4. Splot (Still under development)
The prototype being developed by FrozenByte is called Jack Claw.
Both Splot and Jack Claw is still not available for download yet, but will be made available to you once it's finished, if you buy this bundle.
Excellent value, simply for the fact that you can specify what you want to pay for it. Trine by itself is worth the whole bundle, IMHO.
Both Splot and Jack Claw is still not available for download yet, but will be made available to you once it's finished, if you buy this bundle.
Pretty sure that Jack Claw is available after purchase, but it requires an Xbox 360 controller to actually play it… Kind of limiting that's for sure.
Yup thats true, thank god I have one.
Please note, while Trine, Shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds: Survivor are very polished games and ready to play on all platforms, the Splot and Jack Claw bonuses are different.
Splot is still under development and will be added to your bundle once it is completed. Jack Claw is a prototype of a game Frozenbyte was developing but canceled before completion.
I'm guessing that "Frozenbyte" is the developer of all of these games, unlike other bundles which included different developers.
Anyone else having issues with Paypal, telling them to add funds, when you just wanna pay by credit card?!
Its not asking you to add funds. read the message carefully. its offering you to buy now then charge later.
Mmmm I wasn't 100% sure, I ended up paying by Amazon.
Yeah those apes made me withdraw a minimum of $10 from my CC as well.
another humble bundle already? I'm falling behind!
I love the video. He does some good impersonations :D
i paid with paypal no probs
You guys giving 1 cent should be ashamed. I know ozbargain is full of cheap skates, but 'free' games for charity and only giving a cent is pathetic. Atleast give a dollar ffs.
One problem that they had before was piracy of the games since they were DRM free, so they made a whole page dedicated to it and said they would be happy for people to purchase the bundle for 1 cent, since they were well within the boundaries by doing so and they preferred having 1 cent rather than nothing.
Damn right, if you can't afford atleast $5-10 for great games, then you must be poor, so you're probable not working and have plenty of time to try coding your own game and realise HOW FREAKING HARD IT IS.
Good deal, I already own Shadowgrounds and Trine so the amount I pay will be relative to how much I already shelled out for those.
I think the amount Linux people are paying is related to their surprise and gratitude that someone is actually making games which run on their platform, Mac to a lesser extend.
I love these games!
Shame that the three games available now are all pretty similar. Would be better if it had a bit of variety like previous bundles.
I bought em for $2.50. I already own Trine twice.
For those on limited downloads…
Trine = 663.5 MB + Soundtrack = 115.9 MB
Shadowgrounds: Survivor = 1 GB + Soundtrack = 71.7 MB
Shadowgrounds = 834.3 MB + Soundtrack = 136 MB
Jack Claw = 297.3 MB + Source = 2.7 MB + Editor & Assets = 488.6 MB
Just to clarify for Windows Version:
Trine = Game 663.5 MB + Soundtrack 115.9 MB = Total 779.4Mb
Shadowgrounds: Survivor = Game 1GB + Soundtrack 71.7 MB = Total 1.07Gb
Shadowgrounds = Game 834.3 MB + Soundtrack 136 MB = Total 970.3
Jack Claw = Game 297.3 MB + Source 2.7 MB + Editor & Assets 488.6 MB = Total 788.6
Great concept and offer. Esp with the ability to control where the money goes (incl charity). Can't believe some can't (won't?) spare the cost of a Big Mac for the enjoyment they get from this bundle…
This is awesome. And props to the Gary guy that donated $2000 :) Good on him.
Lmao at the guy who donated $2000.02 "What now, Garry?"
I think he hit back, "your turn". AHAHAHHA.
haha lol that's awesome and generous of them!
lol, the other guy replies with "Ok, you win!" on $2000.04 pretty damn funny teasing each other with that amount of money.
^ how rich people have fun.
Damn I still haven't finished the games from the old Humble Bundles.
I couldn't finish Penumbra yet, too scary T_T
When I was playing it with sound up high and lights off, and I moved the barrels infront of the door near the start then the wolf thing burst through I fooking shat myself!
Especially playing it on HARD, you can't kill anything so you spend all your time hiding and listening to demon/breathing sounds!
I am downloading it on steam to save the humblebundle dudes some bandwidth.
I'm downloading it on Steam to have all my games in one place! :D
or use the torrent download option shown
I read somewhere that they actually lose money if people pay them less than $1 on Paypal or something.
If this was true, they should restrict people who pay less than $1 to use a different method such as bank transfers so they won't lose money.
If I remember correctly, they just don't get any money from them. They don't lose money.
oh that's cool, thought they would still get charged the 30cents fee!
I've always heard they still get charged the fees :S
They aren't charged but the use of their infrastructure still costs them money.
The problem with restricting the price is that it won't really be 'pay what you want' anymore.
Not restricting the price you pay, but restricting the options you have depending on how much you pay.
So third parties like Paypal can't rob us all blind when raising funds for a charity.
beat me to it ;)