iPhone XR Stolen in Vodafone Store Just after I Signed Contract

Hey guys. I need some serious help.

Someone stole my brand new iPhone XR straight from Vodafone store. So as soon as I signed my brand new 24 months contract with Vodafone, the guy dealing with me with in to do some work and I started looking around the shop leaving the unopened box on the table of the store. Out of nowhere, a random guy walked in and took the phone (well I didn't see that myself, one of the customers told me so).

Then I told the store guy about this and he said that it's my fault that the phone which I was supposed to get was stolen from the Vodafone store. Unfortunately I didn't opt in for insurance. They have asked me to file a police report.

P.S. Given a replacement device by Vodafone

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    • cool story bro

  • Where's the bargain?

    • +1

      Go to the front page of the website.

    • +1

      Someone got a free iPhone XR - seems like a bargain to me?

  • What happens if you cancel the Credit card you used on thr contract?
    Too much admin work to clear the bad debt once this case is resolved?

    • +1

      hello Debt Collection and ruined credit rating.

  • I got a lead for you…. might be someone going by the name of “Nirav Patel”

  • The old joke is an item looses value once it leaves the shop.


    I think Vodafone are naive to think that its ok for someone to steal a phone because they have a contract with the customer. That contract was to provide a phone to the customer however the phone was provided to a thief instead due to lax security.

  • If you signed the contract, the phone becomes your property and responsibility. The sad part is that it was inside the Vodafone store, so that creates a tricky situation.

    On a side note, I renewed my contract with Vodafone a few months ago and was offered 1 month free insurance on the new handset (which I took for peace of mind). Did they offer this insurance to you?

  • Oh never mind, I just saw op got the phone replaced.

  • +1

    P.S. Given a replacement device by Vodafone

    Lol - but what about all the commenters here saying that you had signed the contract so the phone was your 100% responsibility even though it hadn’t been handed to you… were they all wrong??

    • No - Vodafone can do things for goodwill, even if they don't have to.

      • …even if they don't have to.

        maybe… I'm sure they're in the habit of giving away new iPhone's to careless customers when they have absolutely no legal responsibility to do so.

        Taking OP at their word they were never given a phone - seems more like the manager or Head office agreed with this line of argument incase OP took it further.

        OP was so frustratigly vague on the key details it's hard to know what I think really

        • Companies give out free stuff fairly commonly for PR. Restaurants comp meals, stores give out store credit, etc. This will probably be claimed under the store's insurance (or just filed under shrinkage, which is budgeted for), so it's not as if they're wearing the entire cost.

          • @HighAndDry: agree that Vodafone would very commonly give out credit against a phone plan for a month, several months, a year even to make a customer happy.

            Giving away a flagship phone because a customer lost it? Yeah nah

            • @nith265: They're not giving it away - they're claiming one as shrinkage and or on their insurance.

              • -1

                @HighAndDry: Fairly exacting semantic distinction which is unbecoming of your forum stature.

                Vodafone got no money for something you feel they had no obligation to hand over. If you're not happy with the use of the term "give away" in these circumstances you never will be.

                By my reading of events "fulfilling their contractual obligations" is the correct term anyway

                • @nith265: It doesn't matter if it's "giving away" or not - my point is that they didn't do this because OP was legally entitled to it.

                  By my reading of events "fulfilling their contractual obligations" is the correct term anyway

                  Sure, that's arguable, but imo incorrect. They set the phone down in front of OP after he signed the purchase contract. Just using common sense, ownership and possession transferred at that point.

  • Yay for the OP and we need to ask ourselves why so many people were eager to blame him, let's be kinder!

    • -1

      People were blaming OP because it was OP's fault. Sugarcoating stuff helps noone. Vodafone was happy to replace it this time - next time OP might not be so lucky.

    • +1

      Not everyone can be normal unfortunately

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