For simplicity, this thread is focusing on the comparison between Amazon AU with well-established stores like JB Hifi, EB Games, eBay, Thegamesmen, and etc.
It is pretty clear that Amazon AU has made quite an impressive comeback after landing at AU in less than 2 years. For instance,
there appears to be an automatic price-matching mechanism that 'keep an eye' on items sold by other retailer, that shortly after certain deal is announced, the price of that item available on Amazon is dropped. This creates a real and solid competition amongst the store aforementioned. As a consequence, most of the deals from other store indirectly become deals on Amazon —- you dont even have to leave house.
With Prime (or item with $49 or more), Amazon offers free delivery with different speed options. One remarkable thing that stands out is that, if you are a Prime member, each order is free shipping with Expedited delivery and no minimum spend is required. This provides an amazing added value to customer who subscribed to Prime, as compared to, eg eBay Plus. Of course, one may argue that these are standard Prime offers like what they did in the US, but offering these in AU, combing with low price from price-matching, is indeed a big selling point for new/regular customer to shop on Amazon.
They have wonderful customer support team. Often, no tricky question asked, just let them know what problem you have and they will fix it quickly. Sometimes, they will offer promotional credit too. One example is the recent pricing error deal.
Now, the question I have been wondering, what are the impacts and consequences from the rising of Amazon AU, to local stores above ?
I personally can 'sense' from various sources that eBay has been suffering a lot. Not sure about EB Games or JB Hifi. What do you think? Share your opinion or experience :)
Housing is finished.
Retail is finished.
Unemployment next.
Perfect storm incoming.