"He kills iPhones & maybe iPads"

By He. I do Not mean any1 in particular… Rather: Helium

Twitter art. says a lot of iPhones (but Not Android devices)
may Die. In the presence of enough He. A medical system
that used He to cool itself, leaked some He, & nearby iPhones

Issue: Apple pivoted chip technologies (in favor of cheaper?)
and - when they changed the clock chips over to this new
type, the effect began to show up.

So, if you're ever in an Industrial chemical incident or other
He spill, do Not rely on your iPhone to enable you to call
for help.

"You mean I waited outside the Apple Store for 12 hours
for this puppy, and it's unreliable?!?"

That's what I read.

Poll Options

  • 0
    1. My name is ... & I'm an Apple-Holic... I've been sane for ... Hours...
  • 0
    2. I gave up iPhones when the cost rose to ... & I buy ONLY the AU-designed ... AussieFone
  • 1
    3. Me too! But I pivoted into Ham Radio (so my spouse can't call me home from fishing)
  • 1
    4. I moved to the Outback & have neither cell- nor Internet coverage = distractions
  • 0
    5. I own Apple shares, & I need you guys "hooked" on Apple, don't be fooled by IVI...!!!
  • 0
    6. I just learned that Apple's done a deal with Santa: Buy a non-Apple phone => you're on his Naught
  • 5
    7. Either way, Lofe goes on... Get used to it. ;~)


  • +3

    Read OPs username first before reading post
    It will then all make sense

    • -1

      I do that with Trump, for very different reasons.
      (One difference: I try to share useful info.)

  • +3

    Cool story bro.

  • The “some’ he, was 120 litres, plus after a period the phones return to normal.

    • -1

      Thanks for the news, that it's not permanent

      (The question becomes: How soon after
      the He leaves does it begin to work?)

      Ignore my thot, that spies & criminals
      could clear their iPhones eg at border
      crossings, etc.

      Still… Why wouldn't Apple return to
      their earlier chip type, that doesn't
      go out to lunch…? …at least for the
      critical Clock chip.

      1. Save 1 cent / iPhone, across
        a big # of sales = a huge # of $$
      2. Profit

      Customer convenience be damned!

      This "Apple attitude" (& the unduly
      High price increases, with ea model
      it releases) explains why Samsung
      outsells 'em.

      (Did I read: even Wawei (sp?) outsells
      Apple in Asia… or was it XiaoMi…?)

      • Stop being so paranoid and biased, the chip they used isn’t cheaper, it’s just better. And most of us use helium for better things. Rather than waste it. Also it’s not really great for the planet….

        The Apple Android war mongers have generally moved on. Each to their own and more power to each. There are more interesting things in life rather than trying to convert the faith of another

        What about another survey question.

        The poster wants validation for their Android phone.

  • +1

    I've seen better spam

    • -3

      This IS spam, silly.

      A very subtle spam, that promotes
      smart purchasing (of non-Apple products).

      Under the influence… Not only of others'
      advertising… But also… My evil Spam.

      Gotcha'. ;~)

      • I mean you've posted/written slightly better spam/songs before.

  • +1

    Too many Xmas alcoholic beverages?

  • +1


  • 42

  • I would have thought the chance of a slightly bent ipad that "isn't a defect" would be more of an issue than whether your iPhone works during an emergency caused by a helium accident. Obviously everyone would need to be hospitalised after such a catastrophe or they would risk dying of laughter so it's a very serious defect but still - slightly bent?!


    • -1

      So, make Free calls on iPads, via, eg, Skype or any number of VoIP app's
      (which - unlike Skype - may Not be free to install or use… Pick 1s that are)

      (You'd know Skype calls can be Free, if we use the person's Skype name;
      why we pay for calls - especially to overseas numbers - is puzzling to me)

      Eg: Just get a Whirlpool plan with MyNetFone, etc. (Pay only for calls)

      It can be better (eg, Free calls) with MyNetFone: ring their 09… Numbers,
      not their phone #'s.

      Zello lets you get help from [local friends], if you all share a Channel or
      are on each other's Comtact list.

      ('dunno if Zello has a loud ringing sound to imitate calls… any1 know?)

  • Tripper

  • When autocorrect attacks

  • +1

    Kool mushrooms son.

  • Mods are asleep it seems.

  • It's a cut and paste. You can tell by the dodgy formatting.

  • +1

    I had most a bottle of Jack Daniel's yesterday and I'm still not wasn't as bad as this lol

  • Kids, this is why you shouldn't do drugs

  • +1

    I washed my car yesterday afternoon, came up pretty well. I was expecting to see a lot more new scratches with the increase of car park dings lately but it was alright.

  • and here it is kids

    don't smoke meth

  • Huh? Do I need to engage in heavy psychedelic drug usage in order to make sense of this?

  • arghhh LMFAO,.:-)

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