Entitles you to 2 sample sachets of benefiber. Limited number of sachets available.
Mod — edit the offer, which is only 2 samples.
Entitles you to 2 sample sachets of benefiber. Limited number of sachets available.
Mod — edit the offer, which is only 2 samples.
Is this a REGULAR offer ?
throws rotten tomatoes boooo!
This seems quite irregular, I almost fell off my stool when I read about it. Thanks.
You'll all be laughing on the other side of your faeces if you try it.
comes and goes, dont think its been offered since last year
^^ woosh. And then you take the benefiber and WOOOSH.
lol… :P
isn't it more of a plop
they must have heard 'em all - they have an "on-the-go" range … and love offerring samples
edit: oops, wrong reply
I'll be dropping them like it's hot
If only I actually know how having more fibre in my diet would help me …anyone?
You won't have to eat all-bran? (actually I quite like all-bran, just for the taste).
Fibre is to p** as riobar is to concrete.
Man, there's a bloody lot of misconceptions about how soluble & insoluble fibre work in the digestive tract! There are a lot more mechanisms at play than the old "toothbrush for your colon" type myths of the 60's, 70's & 80's!
Not having a go at you or anything dude, but it wouldn't hurt you to at least google a bit or find a couple of journal articles before you give out advice! You're kinda off the mark on a few things here!
For starters, soluble fibre does not enter the bloodstream, this is not how it effects cholesterol reduction by a long shot!!! Your homework, google time! ;)
Just eat more sweet potato… Saves you having to drink this shit.
Isn't it the other way - you have to shit this drink? (sorry kids - it's a technical term)
Actually to put a finer point on it…
I think you have to drink this drink, to shit :p
and you'd be King Loosearse :)
sorry for scraping the bottom of the barrel :)
scraping the bottom of the barrel
Some people will do anything to get runs on the board.
Yeah well sometimes I just blurt things out…
Do you keep a daily log?
I'm bound to embarrass myself if I go any farther.
back button, submit, back button, submit
sweet deal.
Depends on what I have for desert.
Tonight we had sticky date pudding…
Maybe you should wash it down with a Benefiber cocktail.
Over and OUT!
$5 off doesn't work last time.
I mistakenly read the title as "Free sample of Bieberfever"
Have a Benefiber Ozbargain party!
I'll charge for toilet use.
Cereal in the morning (5g) with a piece of fruit such as an apple (3g) = 8g
Lunch with wholegrain bread and whatever the hell you want inside of it = 6g
Afternoon snack consisting of a banana (3g) or some other fruit = 3g.
Dinner with an additional salad (5g) and a piece of fruit to follow (3g) = 8g
That's 25g at least, and apparently we need 30g a day. I personally get about 25g a day without any fibre supplements, because I pretty much rely on fibre to help maintain a healthy weight, among other things.
I've tried benefiber before, and it's probably the worst of the fibre supplements. I'd go with Normafibe or Metamucil any other day of the week, if I had to. If you want a non-taste one, go with Metamucil Fibresure.
Still, it's free. :P
Still, it's free. :P
Wise choice of concluding statement to stave off any potential haters :)
I think half these guys are just going through the motions with their comments.
Nice. We need you up the top under jv's comment…
Yeah, thanks for the freebie!
Anyone got the sample?
Yeah got mine today actually :)
Cheers Bud!