From 14/04/2011-23/04/2011
Doesn't start for a few days but well worth holding off if you're in the market for a new console packagae.…
From 14/04/2011-23/04/2011
Doesn't start for a few days but well worth holding off if you're in the market for a new console packagae.
great deal, given Kinect itself is $199, that's $100 for Xbox 360 … 4GB yes, but at that price !
Yeh, I was just thinking exactly the same thing… BNIB Kinect sensor on ebay is running over $200, throw the crappy game in as well and hey presto!
does anyone know the cost of a 250gb hard drive
you can get a 250GB from Amazon UK for less than $100 OZ dollars.
@SS_WB: Are you sure? That sounds like the kind of item that amazon will refuse to ship internationally.
can i buy this and re sell the kinect? i just want a xbox :)
Ill buy the kinect off you.
i will pay you $100 bucks for your kinect :D
is it the kinect itself 199? lolz i hope i could get like 150 for it
The kinect from the bundle will only work with the new slim xbox 360 if you dont have an external power supply so as to work with the older XB360.
To get an external power supply you are looking for $30~80.
Hi Netbies, thanks for the info. I have a fat Xbox360 Elite date 08/03/2010, will it work with the kinect from this bundle or i have to buy an external power supply separately.
It will work, of course. The Kinect requires an USB port plus power. The slim xbox has an extra port at the back for the Kinect to plug in for drawing the power. The old xbox doesnt have this extra port besides the usb ports. You will have to get an external power supply for the Kinect.
I brought this very bundle a couple of weeks ago and don't want the kinect either, it hasn't even been taken out of the box yet. I'll sell mine for a worthy price :D
Keep in mind that like other posters have stated below, it doesn't have the power adaptor for the phat 360's unlike the retail boxed kinects.
i just want to get the kinect, sell xbox 360 4gigs on ebay ? not sure if it will sell with out the kinect …
OMG. You and dirtyhen above should totally go halfsies :P
I bought a 4gb model and then added my own 250GB hard drive for $50 + $8 for a plastic drive caddy from eBay. Works a treat!
MS brand or normal 2.5?
I purchased a Western Digital drive from my local PC store for $50 and followed instructions such as this:…
Nice. Do you recommend just buying them (ones below) or making them on you own so you know what you're getting?……
Do you know that MS may ban you from Xbox Live for that "upgrade"?
I recommend to save your xbox's NAND (or attach some sort of write protection to it) because when your console will be banned it will corrupt you profile every time you try to transfer it to another console.
Restoring your NAND after the ban does not unban your console in Live but at least you can transfer you profile between consoles and earn achievements on the offline console.
I don't see how using an unofficial hard drive is any different to using any USB stick which every 360 owner can use to store stuff on.
I think getting banned using an unofficial hard drive is just a false rumour. What would happen to all the people buying the hard drives on ebay thinking they're getting official ones? I think the most Microsoft would do is release an update that would make the unofficial hard drives not work. Banning the console is a little extreme. When they banned unofficial memory cards, it's not like anyone using one after the update had their console banned. The memory card just couldn't be read.…
Ozpanda, could you share your side to the story?
Anyone in Adelaide interested in going halves? I want the XBOX, don't need the Kinect.
Just checking, is the Xbox 360 4GB the slim version of the console?
Awesome! I was waiting for a deal like this.
Been waiting for a good sale on one of these. I'll be grabbing one. What's the best method to mod these? Still like the old xboxes where you get a chip inserted or can you flash it or something easily enough for free from home?
To my knowledge there is no mod yet!?
it's moddable now
According to OzModChips, only slims with the Liteon 9504 drive are moddable -
There are two other drives that could be in a slim.
yep the slim consoles with the liteon drive firmware 9504 were being sold before August 2010. This is moddable. After August last year, a new firmware revision 0225 was released. There isn't much difference so a mod for this firmware should only be a few weeks away. There is also a Hitachi dvd drive in some slims although this is very rare. There is no mod planned for this drive at the present time.
Brilliant stuff. Checked the dates and lot # etc on a site and it's showing as being the correct lite-on model needed.
Hi Guys,
I juts bought the xbox, anyone know where to check the liteon drive firmware? or how do I even know what type is it?
NSW here. I want just the Kinect. Willing to go halfs on this.
Send me a PM.
i can send it to you if you go half
Hi bragains
Tired to send you a PM but it wouldnt work.
Can you send me one I am in NSW and think my brother is after an xbox
You really should factor in cost of 250gb hdd as 4gb not nearly enough if you want to install games for slightly faster load time/less disc drive usage, dl arcade games/DLC/demos/etc.
I have old MW2 250gb console and wldnt mind a good 250gb kinect deal just for Forza 4 and head tracking :D )probs will wait as likely to come together near xmas). Now if only MS still had a proper force-feedback wheel :(
Just so people know, the HDD's from the old phat 360 are compatible with the slim. Just a little light modding is involved to get it to fit (swap enclosures).
I want the Kinnect, who wants the Xbox in a $100/$200 split?
pretty sure the xbox is worth less than that in a split and the kinect is worth more
does anyone know if places like Myer will price match this?
would love to if they price match it.
If it is in a printed catalog they should match. Dick Smith are a good place to match too as they offer to beat another price.
i went to jb hi-fi in melbourne cbd.. unfortunately the guy in charge of games wasn't in, but i was told it's highly unlikely they'll price match cos it would mean they'd have to drop their price by a whopping $100..
New Big W catalogue has the slim 250gb hdd for $98
+1 if you read this as the 250gb console version being sold for $98 lol.
Does Xbox work with a regular HDD?
xbox uses a standard 2.5 sata HDD. The format? not so standard.
From Melbourne or VIC, anyone wanting to go halves? i can post. Only want the xBox 360 :)
$299 just picked one up. Playing it now :)
what's the lot no. on the box, if you don't mind?
Just grabbed one as well. I went as soon as they opened in case of a stampede. :-D
But no, it was only me…
i just came back from the brunswick outlet, someone was there as soon as they opened and wiped out their stock of 6 units in one fell swoop
kmart really should've enforced a limit of X per customer :(
most probably EB GAMES employee
Phhhhhhhhhhhhhht 'someone'… we know it was Broden.
People like that should be hung, drawn and quartered.
Greedy bastards… :-P
Bought mine today at 8:25am.
Saw someone walking out with one, otherwise empty store…
1840 Just Called HUrstville, Bankstown, Ashfield all out of stock but managed to get one on hold in Sylvania. Last one in stock! I'm gonna move it move it tonight!!
Went to DSE Nunawading at 1pm and they price matched. A bit of umming and ahhing and calling other kmart stores to ensure they had stock then they agreed. 2 didn't want to pm but 1 of the staff told them they needed to. Typical salesman bs. But now I'm stoked. Checked the serial and dates on a website and it can apparently be jtagged. But i'll get that done in a few more months. Pretty bloody happy overall. Shame XBMC can be used with this. Woulda made a wonder beast. Hopefully they hack it before it's a brick and port it over.
hey cool thanks, gotta try dse near mine (:
i also got mine from DSE macquarie center. the slim models can be jtagged? i thought only the really old model fat ones could be jtagged?
You're right. I didn't know what I was talking about. Been years since I had my original xbox modded. However I've also discovered that the one I bought can't yet be modded because it's the 0225 or something like that drive. So looks like I'll have to buy my games for now. Mostly gonna use it for streaming movies for now anyway. The msn messenger thing with the kinect's a good thing though.
Broadway sold out, i got one at eastgardens tonight, dude says he has about 8 more
Eastgardens still has 1 left
bought 1 today at castle hill at about 3pm.
Just incase anyone missed out… EB games price matched for me. Daughter was very happy. Now I just want cage fighter :)
Someone just minutes before I arrived walked out with 6 at Logan Hyperdome. :-(
Anyone in melb up for halves, I want just the xbox pls pm me.
Might see if i can find this on Friday, i just want the xbox.
So if anyone wants to buy the kinect let me know.
Cheers guys
yeah i noticed this, great deal. any idea if the 250gb bundle is on sale?