The lowest price I've seen so far, but these do seem to be dropping in price pretty quickly so we might see even better deals in the coming days.
Sony PlayStation Classic Console $89.95 Free Click & Collect or Shipping from $9.31 @ The Gamesmen

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Is this the fallout 76 of consoles ??
Can't believe how bad Sony messed this up.
I'm loving it lol
Under $30 and this would make a nice case for a Pi.
Which one is going in the clearance bin first? Playstation Classic or Fallout 76?
Someone should make a Fallout 76 wrap for the Playstation Classic.
Now you're thinking!!!
PS classic for sure
How are these even a fail when they're easily moddable unlike others? The community are finding heaps of ways to make it better.
Plug in a USB keyboard to access the hidden menu and change the 50hz PAL region to 60hz NTSC for a dramatic performance increase. Or plug in a USB drive with Crash Bandicoot and play that instead?
Everyone watched the same youtube reviews trashing it at launch and jumped on the hate bandwagon without ever actually having used the machine themselves. Internet 101
the idiotic angry children raged against always online and all the good features fast forward to today and people are regretting that completely
No? Always on authentication was a bad bet and physical bargains still beat digital almost every time. Internet download speeds still haven't meaningfully improved since 2015. Kinect found almost no consumer adoption. Remember 'cloud will make games look better?' Yeah. Play Anywhere ('buy on Xbox and get it on PC too!') still AWOL except for 'killer' 1P titles like…. Quantum Break (/s).
All those 'angry children' were vindicated by history. The Xbox One launch was a mess, and MS rightfully course-corrected. But sure, everyone 'regretted that completely.'
it was 'connect to the internet at least once a month to authenticate your titles' - if you have no access to internet or mobile phone data for one full month then thats on you not anyone else.
steam is the same. wheres the outcry.
cloud compute is also a real thing, which they had to mostly abandon due to cry babies. digital games would have been cheaper, the only reason they are not right now is because they cannot cannibalise the retail stores or they just simply wont stock the consoles
@i7-2600k: Yep. Such a great selection of Play Anywhere titles! Real system sellers like last-gen franchises Forza/Gears/Halo and exciting new IPs like Blackhole and Slime Rancher (???).
it was 'connect to the internet at least once a month to authenticate your titles' - if you have no access to internet or mobile phone data for one full month then thats on you not anyone else.
Nope. You sure have a short memory. It phoned home every 24 hours, or hourly on multiple consoles. MS only changed that policy after outcry from the 'angry children' you complain about.
steam is the same. wheres the outcry.
PC =/= console. Digital games are much cheaper or even free on PC, and backed by Valve's back-end which is incomparable to Sony and MS's (just compare down speeds on Steam vs PSN and Xbox on same network). Backward compatibility also isn't guaranteed on console, whereas that copy of the Orange Box will always be in your Steam Library, ready to download on your newest machine.
The fact that many PC titles don't even get physical release also has trickle down effects including a non-existent secondary PC market, vs the obvious advantage of trading in or reselling a disk console game, a right that many including parents, still enjoy.
cloud compute is also a real thing, which they had to mostly abandon due to cry babies
Right. 'Your Xbox will get more powerful over time due to the cloud!' wasn't just hot air that everyone with a keen sense of BS smelled out back in 2013. Just look at how well it boosts Crackdown 3. No wait, it was delayed three years to 2019. Woops! But sure, it was due to the same 'crybabies' who dared call them out for an hourly check-in.
digital games would have been cheaper
Would've, could've, should've. Also, no. PC games aren't just cheaper because of Steam Sales, it's also driven by the competition of multiple storefronts like Steam, Origin, Battlenet, and now the Epic Game Store which do not exist on Xbox. But how's your Kinect going?
is it that video with 500k views and all the youtube comments hating on the guy for being annoying?
i'm sure he paid youtube to get into the autplay lists because i use youtube mainly for music and vids in other languages and this guy slipped into my autoplayThe worst part of it all is we're being downvoted for it. I genuinely asked why it's crappy, you answered, a few others answered and then the bandwagon trash come and downvote!
Its mostly because sony used an emulator for this and not even one they created. The poor titles are also a factor. But theres nothing this thing can do that almost everything else cant. You could do this on your pc, on your phone, on your Pi, on your Vita, on your PSTV, on your nvidia shield, and a bunch of others. Theres nothing really special about this one. Also sony selling an emulator they didnt make. Just want to mention that again.
@Clear: I'm not a fan of the downvote thing to be honest. If someone says something that isnt agreed with, reply to them about the reasons. Sometimes its just simple confusion or they've been given wrong information.
people think 'open source software' means $0 - those people are wrong.
@i7-2600k: This is true, but if I'm going to buy a psx mini, I expect sony to make everything themselves with some new features that other emulators etc dont have. Otherwise whats the actual point of it?
I think they just mean "fail" in terms of poor sales numbers, meaning the price is likely to drop further below $90.
then why does everyone say they're garbage?
Because the consumer shouldn't have to fix a product for it to be worth the price. At that point why not emulate on a PC or a Pi?
A lot of the roms are PAL, so I dont know that thats necessarily going to work. I still think this is an awful, awful piece of kit.
It's already been tried and tested - it works.
IIRC, only Logitech and a couple other brands of keyboard allow access to hidden menu options, so let's not pretend that everyone has access to this hardware, or that it's 'easily moddable.' I'm not too hot on the NIntendo Classics either, but from all the reviews, they at least nailed what they needed to: it emulates those games perfectly. For a A$150 RRP gadget designed purely to emulate PSX titles, it can't even do that well.
They are a fail because Sony isn't going to make as much money on them as they thought they might.
PS1 games are borderline unplayable compared to NES/SNES games. The good/popular ones have been remade or ported so there isn't much use for this except as a collector's item to be displayed or kept in its box.
Because it's not Nintendo so people don't like it.
People generally aren't going to rate a product based on how much they can mod it and add features (or in this case, games, not to mention better performance) that should have been there in the first place. If the SNES Mini had poorly performing titles, not to mention titles that aren't representative of its era (since these are primarily sold on nostalgia), it'd very likely also be seen as a failure, even though that one can also be modded (and there's a decent sized modding community for it).
Decided to Google and turns out only 6 of the games are in PAL anyway but you are right. So it's just very underperforming then?
I honestly think you’re better off getting a PS1 from Cash Converters and buying the good games off eBay. They really chose some really really poor ones for this release.
I believe this comes with some of the good ones. However, a raspberry pi or tinkerboard will play the entire catalogue of games for less than 100 bucks
hell, an optiplex off ebay will do even better upto ps3 games
i prefer not to be spoiled and getting a game every now and then and appreciating that one for a few weeks or months.
that is the best attitude to have. When I was a kid I had to save my pocket money and get a game every month, even if the game was crap i'd play the heck out of it every single day.
now games have absolutely no value and they are unlimited in number, they hold no value to me I end up playing none
and get a game every month
Damn you had it good! I used to stick with the same game for months!
And just to put it out there - Goldeneye for the n64 is one of the greatest games of all time!
@montorola: I spent every sunday playing 4 player golden eye. a real classic. cant imagine ever sinking as much time into something as we all did that back in the day
A 24 year old disk-based console. With moving parts. From Cash Converters. Hey, it's your money?
Too bad it's rubbish and not worth the price 😂
I'm so pissed I bought it. They're complete garbage.
Lol how many times did you play yours
Once, now sitting in a cupboard
What's wrong with it? Genuinely curious.
The games haven't aged well. They're just not nostalgic unlike the Nintendo games.
Hmm, $50-75 is probably my limit given that it's practically manual labour to fix it
so it takes a while huh?
depends if you already have the roms you want ready to go
If Sony limited production, I'd imagine this throwback would provide better resale value.
Can you play all the ps1 games on the snes mini or am i dreaming?
Spend that money on a second hand vita instead before they rocket up in price
Just picked this up at full retail from EB Games! Have reordered from here and will be returning to EB!
full retail from EB Games!
I lol'ed
I'm clearing out my last 2 hacked ones on ebay, once they're hacked they are a 6/10, but a pi still runs rings around it.
i prefer to keep my money in my wallet
I keep mine in high yield investments
N64 mini or it’s nothing
Saturn mini with the ram cart is where it's at.
Though I guess with fightcade it's sort of redundant for the 2d fighters
Saturn version of alpha 3 is still the best version ever released, and that includes modern console and arcade.
Dramatic battle with 2 x computer players is still only on the saturn version…
Ah yes. And the extra characters. I can't do without my fei long
Sega Saturn!! My favourite console of all time. It gets a lot of flack but, and that unfortunate.
I hope a mini console comes to realisation soon! Perhaps even with unreleased gems included, such as the unreleased VF3 and sonic xtreme!!!
A man can wish!!
These are rubbish. Not worth $10
Still too high. $50 and I'll buy
Could anyone explain why anyone would buy this?
no. thats why its heavily discounted. just give it time, it will drop even more.
Let me rephrase- why is this being sold?
What is the purpose of purchasing a 24 year old console?
Are these supposed to be bought for people as joke gifts?
What are they meant to be used for?
Nostalgia mainly
@DGrayson82: everything in life is recycled. old music gets sampled, and becomes new. old movies get remade, or get a part 2, many years down the track
nintendo decided to help drum up interest for its upcoming console, by re-releasing the original nes console. it was such a hit, they kept going (snes, and rumored n64)
retro is making a pretty big comeback this year, even netflix has started including the original police academy series in its lineup
i also believe its in part due to games being primarily about one thing now: graphics. yes there are some games that have excellent gameplay, however with 4k this and blueray that, somepeople overlook the core concept
JB are also selling at this price going by their end of year madness email
These are officially a #FAIL