Acuvue Moist Vs. EasyVision Daily Disposable Contact Lenses

My prescription changed recently and the optometrist at Specsaver kept pushing me towards buying EasyVision's Linarial line (daily disposables). He said that this line is much better for the eye because of superior technology used in the material of the lens and that the lens moves around quite a bit, making it better for the health of the eye. I've tried the trial lenses and personally don't feel they are all that comfortable. When I raised this at my aftercare appointment, the optometrist again kept saying that this is the best line and to just give it a go because 'my eyes are adjusting' and will get used to the lenses after some time. He actually said that comfort isn't as important because the most comfortable lenses aren't the best lenses because they don't move around in the eye. I was previously using Acuvue Moist and was happy with that.

Does anyone have any experience with these 2 lenses and can comment? Or is this just a marketing ploy from Specsaver because EasyVision is their brand?


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    1. Technically the linarial lenses are superior to 1Day Moist as the linarial lenses are made of silicone hydrogrel lens material which allows better oxygen permeability through the lens (better for eye health), where as J&J 1D Moist is made of a traditional hygrogel material which lets less oxygen through the lens. However, a hygrogel lens may feel more comfortable as silicone hydrogel is a stiffer material.

    2. Specsavers does not manufacture lenses (not yet anyway) any easy vision product is simply a lens from CooperVision or Alcon that has been repackaged into a "specsavers" "easy vision" box. This allows specsavers to promote its brand and as a benefit for the customer they get to save a few bucks *see clinical equivalents on specsavers contact lens page.

    3. The linarial lens is actually a lens called MyDay made by CooperVision it is a newer lens than 1D moist.

    4. Health wise, the lens material matters little when lenses are used correctly in most cases (eg. not sleeping in them or over wearing)

    Hope this helps

    • Thank you, very helpful!

    • Thank you for clarification.🙏
      Was thinking I have antistigmatism or something with all that mumbo jumbo they have.

  • "He actually said that comfort isn't as important because the most comfortable lenses aren't the best lenses because they don't move around in the eye." - what a wank - I would go with whatever is most comfortable, as you're the one that has to live with them so you want the most comfortable ones considering your cleaning/wearing regime.

    • Yeah, I thought it was interesting that he said that comfort isn't as important. The trial lenses definitely haven't been as comfortable but I'm also wondering if it's a case of my eyes getting used to them? One eye is now toric whereas previously they were both normal lenses. I've worn toric lenses in the past (over 10 years ago) so don't really remember what they were like.

      • Slight movement in the lens is important as it facilitates tear exchange between the cornea and the lens. However, excessive movement is indicative of a poorly fitted lens.

        A toric lens will always be less comfortable as the edges are thicker in order to balance the lens.

        If your astigmatism is 0.75 or less you may be better off with two speherical lenses for comfort (and cost)

        • That's what I was doing previously because my astig -0.75, but now I've crept up to -1.00. Optometrist said that I could technically get away with it still but would not recommend it in the long run. So I'm thinking I'll just go with toric for one eye. Other eye's astig is -0.50.

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    Feom my experience, once a lense is unconfortable, its always unconfortable. Better to stick with what works for you as you dont want to damage your eyes.

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    I would just stick with whats comfortable. You tried the other brand and didn't like it. Why live with it if no health benefits fore doing so?
    I use Acuvue Moist too. Good enough for me.

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    I believe I have used and tested most daily lenses brand out there.
    What I can tell you is that everyone’s eyes are different. There is no 1 product that will be comfortable for all.

    People always recommend Acuvue products to me including Moist but it was very uncomfortable for me.
    I found easyvision Linarial by chance because I had to use my annual optical allowance from my health insurance so I picked the most expensive one. Luckily it suits me very well.
    Sometimes I even forgot I had it on me which is worrying.

    The product range of 1 brand won’t always suit you either. My eyes are very comfortable wearing monthly Focus lenses but I hate wearing the daily Focus lenses.

    Trust your gut and wear what you feel comfortable.

  • +2

    Hey Mate, i'm an optometrist and i can tell you certain optoms are given incentive to push certain product- if you are happy with the 1D moist then stick with it- its perfectly fine.

    • Thanks for the honesty :D

    • Quick question I need to decide between Acuvue Vita for Astigmatism or easyvision opteyes toric (both monthly). Which would you recommend? I was on opteyes but the acuvue are very attractive price wise. Cheers.

      • See if you can get a free trial?

  • +1


    Acuvue Moist is my preferred lenses, but I like the Linarial one too, it's slightly more expensive if I remember correctly, but their lenses give me clearer vision.

    I was in the same shoes as you, got prescribed with silicone hydrogel lenses and hated it, I already bought some and ended up returning them. I did some reading about it and decided to give it another go, to my surprise found them really comfortable. I can't remember the name of the line I was originally prescribed with, unfortunately, but I have a feeling they're all quite different from one another and just a matter of finding the ones you feel most comfortable with.

    • I actually still have 2 boxes of my 1D Acuvue ones with my old prescription. Apparently, the opto says that if they're unopened and in good condition, I can call customer service for either a swap or refund. I've yet to try but will give it a go to see if it'll be accepted. I did the OzB thing and bulk bought months ago ;)

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    I liked Acuvue when I wore contacts but my number 1 was always Biofinity monthly (or 2 weekly, I forget which one they were) they also worked out to be cheaper instead of buying disposables.

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    I found the Acuvue Moist aren't great for me. I mean, they are okay for a while then start getting a scratchy earlier. I wear Acuvue TrueEye dailies.

  • Sounds like a typical private sector interaction which is one where the credentialed health professional is offering advice that is worse for the customer in order to enrich themselves.

    But I have no idea about the subject.

  • They probably a higher profit margin on the linareal lenses.

    Would you wear an ill fitting shoe, or a pair of jocks that was way too tight?

    I'd not put up with the issues you'd be bound to have

  • Acuvue moist don't perform well in air conditioned environments. I found I had to take them out after 8 hours.

    I switched to Oasys and that solved the problem. I have no experience with other lenses.

  • I did Acuvue Moist for ages until I tried “Dailies Total 1”. Much better fit and oxygen permeability but this is a very personal thing for each person.

    I wore those for several weeks at a time, always sleeping in them - which is why the optimetrist recommended them. Did this for 3-4 years until I got LASIK in Philippines.

  • I went from Acuvue Moist to Acuvue Oasys, after having eye irritation in my right eye after wearing the Moist for long periods. Havnt had any problems since.

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